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What's the best messaging platform?
  • matrix with element as client.

    If you really care about privacy you can hist a matrix server without much resources needed.

  • Not really sure whether S-expressions or Python indentation-based scoping get more hate...
  • S-expressions are a hack because the Lisp devs didn’t know how to make an actual compiler, and instead had the users write the syntax tree for them. (For legal reasons I am being facetious).

    Just for anyone thinking you are serious; I love how S-expression existed.

    McCarthy had planned to develop an automatic Lisp compiler (LISP 2) using M-expressions as the language syntax and S-expressions to describe the compiler's internal processes. Stephen B. Russell read the paper and suggested to him that S-expressions were a more convenient syntax. Although McCarthy disapproved of the idea, Russell and colleague Daniel J. Edwards hand-coded an interpreter program that could execute S-expressions.[2] This program was adopted by McCarthy's research group, establishing S-expressions as the dominant form of Lisp.

  • Anon needs help proving something
  • This article is awesome.

    This put a light on Twin Peaks world and more generally David Lynch work. I think most of these delusions are present in his movies.

  • evil-helix: A super fast modal editor with Vim keybindings
  • I would suggest Helvix or Helvim

  • [Request] Looking for resources on terrible algorithms, architecture, and design
  • Technically, sleep sort is O(n), so faster than the theoretical optimal sorting algorithm O(n.log n) ... not so bad ;)

  • 0
    Should we block
  • Thanks a lot!

    I wasn’t aware I could block an instance via my user’s setting in the web UI. But I don’t see anymore these bot generated communities in the feed now.

    Thanks again!

  • Should we block
  • Thank you! I didn’t realized I could simply block the bot and not every community.

  • Should we block

    First happy new year everyone! Thanks a lot for all the work provided by admins and everyone involved in this lemmy instance.

    Recently I am blocking all communities from instance personally. It just appears to be a ripoff some subreddits.

    As there is no way to block all communities from some instance as a user and as I feel these communities are mostly spam. I wonder if other people share the same feeling and if should block them?

    I hope I am asking via the correct channel. I don’t think this should be reported as I might also be in the minority and other people prefer to keeps these communities copied from reddit.

    Twelve billionaires’ climate emissions outpollute 2.1m homes, analysis finds
  • I think we shouldn’t wait for the billionaires to disappear to make efforts.

    Saying as long as billionaires are polluting I can still pollute as usual is simply dismissing our own responsibility.

    Even though, I agree, billionaires should be the first to make the largest effort.

  • Twelve billionaires’ climate emissions outpollute 2.1m homes, analysis finds
  • I think the message that want to be passed by this article is probably pro-oil industry. It gives a false impression that we could tackle ecology not by changing our habits but just be mad at a few billionaires. And this is factually false.

    Unlike wealth pollution is more equitably shared among people. Here in order to demultiply the calculated pollution of billionaires they introduced thier industry and the pollution of their employees somehow.

    And while it is expected these people pollute more. Getting rid of them will not reduce the pollution as one could expect.

    unfortunately everyone, even not the wealthiest will need to change how they live to have a visible impact on pollution. broadly speeking, not just CO2, as we have a lot more ecological problems than global warming. Note the focus on global warming alone is also a strategy to hide the real changes that need to ne made in order to prevent humanity to hurt itself too much by destroying its own ecosystem.

    Edit: As I am being downvoted it looks people probably misunderstood my message. I would gladly get rid of super rich people. But while this would help, we would all still need to make efforts. Until we accept that we should change our way of life, we will not solve our balance with our ecosystem.

  • Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption?
  • “Hi computer! Write me a program that make money. I must just run it and I become rich.”

  • Framework of Your choice and why
  • I would use reagent and reitit if I had to start a new project. But the best tools are generally not the most popular (unintuitively).

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Can a line be a cat? I love kittens.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • malbolge

    and just after haskell

  • Films and shows which tell the story of how they themselves were produced
  • Or best of all, Troll 2, and its explanation movie « Best Worst Movie ».

  • Films and shows which tell the story of how they themselves were produced
  • Synecdoche, New York

    maybe? A movie about a theatre piece explaining the life of the author making this show.

  • Hear me out: A scripting language that compiles to bash or sh (any suggestions?)
  • I use this nice trick to use Clojure has a bash script. This auto-download clojure so this id quite portable and reproductible.

    Previously I also used Haskell’s turtle lib that could run with a portable shebang and it could even be compiled later if you need more speed.

  • ...
  • I use emacs org-mode and I export to markdown. If I must start from markdown, I use panda to generate an org-mode from it, and export it back once I'm done.

  • Google Launches Project IDX, A web-based IDE
  • I don't see how this could be positive for any Software developer in the long run. I totally see how this could be positive for CEO/CTO, Project Managers, in the long run, and I see a few short term advantages for Software developers.

    Let's be clear, I saw that coming since Microsoft bought Github, and I am scared by the direction this is taking. The end goal is to move more and more control and power to non-software people about Software development.

    By forcing every developer to not use their own tools this will have a lot of advantage for CEO/CTOs but this is terrible for software developers:

    1. telemetry: they will try to find a formula to assess who are the best performer in a team. And as with SEO, any formula could be gamed, the best at this game, will not be the best software developers, but the one that will learn how to cheat.
    2. global team tooling enforcement: vim vs emacs etc... ? Forget about it, the only way to work on a project will be via this unique allowed editor.
    3. assets protection: impossible to download the code on your local computer to use external tools on it. The only way to have analysis tools will be via these "allowed" analysis tools. This will make code analysis and experimentation a lot more difficult.
    4. Locked by promoting vendor-specific applications. As you will focus to make your code/app/product work only for Google Cloud for example, you will naturally use Google-Cloud-only features that will make your code difficult (or impossible) to move to another Cloud provider, or god-forbid, host your product on a non-cloud or private made cloud.

    And I can think of other possible drawbacks but my comment is already long enough.

  • Why do they keep making new languages
    • Real programmers code in C!
    • NO! Real programmers code in Fortran77!
    • NO! Real programmers code in ASM!
    • NO! Real programmers code in binary!
    • NO! Real programmers build their own hardware!
    • NO! Real programmer code using bacteria DNA!
  • yogsototh yogsototh
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