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Positively bizarre to praise racist far-right theocrats
  • True, but the auth-left is really rabid for authority. Sometimes it's not even very left but it's some "trusted institution" and it's "unamerican" to question it. I say question all power structures. Because if you can't even question them you are in a bad place culturally.

  • Positively bizarre to praise racist far-right theocrats
  • When are people on both the right and left going to learn. There is no one in the middle east who's values actually align with yours. So stop supporting a side and lets get our selves completely out of not our business.

    Though genocide is our business so that's the one time we should take a side.

    But in everything else where we've taken a side it has been a mistake. Folk on all sides of the middle east project to the west an image they hope will garner sympathy in hopes we will fight wars for them and they can avoid fighting their own wars. "Genuineness" is a uniquely western thing to see as a positive value. Absolutely no culture in the middle east values presenting an honest image of themselves to us. The idea of that being socially positive or necessary for their own sense of ethics is literally foreign to them. I'm not trying to single out Muslim countries or Israel. What I'm saying is we in the west do in fact have values that are particular to us, and we need to stop imagining those values on others. That's why the whole of the middle east is like that. Because they aren't us.

    Then the other thing we should understand is that all sides employ what are basically professional communicators who study our culture and use what they understand of it to manipulate us. So we get dragged into problems that aren't ours and expose ourselves to actual security threats as a result.

  • Spectrum rule
  • I think that could be possible. If sexuality were multi-dimensional and "gayness" was just a 1-D collapse of a higher dimensional space then you could pick a vector in the higher dimensional space to represent gayness, such that a few points at the extreme happen to have the same dot-product with that vector.

    But then you would be defining gayness around the gymnastics of setting that up instead of something you are actually trying to estimate about people on that spectrum.

  • Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay $120000 within 24h
  • Right. And if you depend on them for your logic with cloudflare functions you will never be able to migrate to another CDN.

    Never let a vender do anything for you beyond standardized features. That's why a "selling point" if we go with this guy we can do this... never makes sense. Because if option B can't do it also you wouldn't want to do "this", and you should probably implement it in a more old-school way.

  • Polls for Saturday Movie Night

    Help us narrow down what we should watch

    Upvote Downvote

    The Overton Window seems to be shifting
  • At least the state of Israel is more readily available to criticize, which as an ancap, I hate it when any government is worshiped. It's weirder when it's not your own. One's own nationalism is a strange phenomenon but at least I understand how it develops.

  • Saturday Movie Night - 7:30pm Eastern CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    We are doing another movie night. We are going to select what we watch as we go but we are basically taking the top six from these polls.

    Upvote Downvote

    We'll probably watch two movies in total.

    Television x0x7
    TV Night Tonight CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    I've been hosting movie nights every Saturday and they have been fun. Some of the group decided that doing TV nights would be fun too so we are giving it a go.

    We decided to make tonight pretty British. We are doing a mix of Red Dwarf and Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.

    7:30 Eastern, here:

    Feel free to hang out watch and share clips early if you like.

    Also feedback on how to make these better is always appreciated.

    Using Google whilst Duck Duck Go is down. How long has Google been this bad?
  • You have infinitely other options., yandex, bing. And probably a lot of cool ones I don't know about.

    All of them search more accurately your directly requested phrase instead of a blurry interpretation of your sentiment.

  • The future is here
  • It's the rule of modern engineering. You will always be served the worst possible product that can claim to have some utility. If it's not on the edge of being useful someone didn't engineer hard enough.

  • Movie Night tonight, Saturday 7:30pm Eastern CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    Feel free to show up early if you want to hang out and share clips. People do that earliest about an hour before the movie starts on a good day.

    We are watching here:

    We’ll probably watch 2-3 movies and vote on what to watch as we go, but you can help me whittle down the selection here

    I’ve been doing these every Saturday.

    Movie Night tonight, Saturday 7:30pm Eastern CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    Feel free to show up early if you want to hang out and share clips. People do that earliest about an hour before the movie starts on a good day.

    We are watching here:

    We'll probably watch 2-3 movies and vote on what to watch as we go, but you can help me whittle down the selection here

    I've been doing these every Saturday. I posted it last week on and someone said I should also post here because you all would be interested.

    We are doing a movie night tonight 7:30 Eastern CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    We're just going to hang out at cytube and watch a few movies, share videos. We are doing it here:

    We're going to vote on movies as we go. We're doing: Wild Wild West, Total Recall, The Fifth Element, The Mummy, Legend, Fruits of Passion

    Sort of a near 90s theme tonight. Also we'll be hanging out and share clips before that.

    Be sure to sign in or pick a guest name so you can chat.

    Seen this countless times
  • Because debian is a vanilla distro that does as little as possible, so it isn't extra work to use it. Do you know what other distro tries to be as vanilla as possible. Arch. So if you just use the install wizard Debian and Arch are equal difficulty. AKA the easiest. Don't buy the Ubuntu marketing hype. Just because someone labels themselves the easiest doesn't mean it's true. Just because another distro is labeled hard doesn't mean it's true.

  • Seen this countless times
  • Arch is not hard... at all. Everyone says it is hard but no one can cite why. There is always the option of using a traditional linux installer wizard and it installs just as easy as any other distro. Then the only difference is you have a different command for your package manager. It runs the same software. I'm tired of hearing that there are meaningful differences between these distros when the only major difference is "command install packagename" vs "different_command install packagename". Woah there. I think this is going to be too complicated for new users.

    The only other major difference is arch ships the configs that the developers recommend as a default while ubuntu tries to be as aggressive with some of the software as they can be. My experience is sometimes this breaks thing (at least did back in the day) depending on updates and your hardware. This leaves you trouble shooting the most low level stuff. I've had to do more high level tech support for myself every year I've run Ubuntu than I have in 6 years of running Arch.

    Maybe Arch users shout Arch because we know it's the easiest distro we've used and we want to save new users the headache that comes from accepting the BS marketing on Ubuntu as real. The more a distro tries to accomplish the more they are going to fail the more it is you who will hold the bag for fixing it. So the distro that does the least is actually the easiest one. If you pick manjaro or artix you get the install wizard and its as easy to install as Ubuntu but with less broken stuff once it is running.

    Next time something breaks in your ubuntu just know that if you were running arch it would have never happened.

  • Endless torment
  • So do they just maintain their initial velocity or would we have a chance to discover the static reference velocity of the universe?

    Also they would still be affected by gravity if they still exist in space. Gravity is not a force that pulls objects together. It is merely the act of going straight in curved space. Either they are in that space and they are going to move along it within the shape of that space or they are not in that space. Though really if they just moved in a straight line with no external forces they are going to be subterranean because a real straight line in our space is down.

  • Another Saturday Movie Night CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    We've got another movie night for you guys. We'll start movies around 8:30 Eastern. But the cool folks come early and share clips and hang out.

    Here is what we are voting on for movies:

    But yeah, come and hang out any time till then.

    Come join us for Movie Night tonight: 8:30pm Eastern

    We are doing it every Saturday here:

    Vote on what we watch:

    8:30pm Eastern, so in a little less than an hour. Come early to hang out and share vids.

    We're doing a movie night. Saturday 8:30pm Eastern

    I plan to do them pretty much every Saturday.

    8:30pm Eastern is movie start time. Come early to share memes and clips any time till then.

    Vote on what we watch: <- Upvote <- Downvote

    Hope to see you all there

    You guys should check out the reddit clone I've been working on

    It's sort of a different concept. Posts and users also have position in addition to age and score. The sorting algorithm gives you complete control over how much to weight each one. It's like if new and hot existed on a continuous spectrum. It's sort of like what Aaron Swartz initially wanted to do with Reddit where what you like would be able to inform what you might like in the future. But in this case you get complete control over how much that matters.

    I'm adding bits and knobs here and there every day. Yesterday I added the ability to have posts that are hidden from the front page. It's probably not a feature people will use every day but it's there if someone wants it and it's things like that I'm working on every day. In a little bit I'm going to add a "post whenever" feature in case someone wants to post a ton of content and have it actually post over time.

    I'd say all and all the project has been a success for what I wanted to do with it and I'm happy with what I've built. The other side of it is trying to build community on the site. For example we do a movie night once a week on Saturdays.

    Oh. Another thing that is different to most reddit clones is that every community exists. Like you don't have to create a community to post to it. Just post to it. Different capitalization maps to the same community.

    You guys should check it out. It would be super awesome if anynone wants to help fill in the more obscure topics.

    How the Fed keeps you poor
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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