Yes. I'm a guy, and I would love to get a girl's take on this.
Do you think Fermi's "Great Filter" is not necessarily that a civilization destroys itself, but that it discovers a way to destroy the Universe?
Like, maybe the fabric of our reality is more fragile than we realize, and the reason we don't see "aliens" is that the universe doesn't get old enough for intelligent life to meet.
Of course, this assumes we are in a statistically "average" Universe, since presumably there could be a Universe in which intelligent life co-evolves within the same solar system.
All my questions can't really be answered by just asking another person. I wanna know what it feels like to have their plumbing. Words aren't enough though. I want to experience it. At least for a day.
Could you imagine being in a relationship with a woman who takes on the “masculine role,” i.e. taking you out, taking initiative, being the breadwinner, protecting you, etc?
Asking because I’ll forever be searching for a man who wants this type of relationship. I don’t know. Reversed roles are sexy, sue me.
Is there any way for a man to compliment a woman in public without it coming across as weird, or an attempt to hit on her?
Or should I just not do that in general?
Why don't some of you high five me when I get drunk? When I'm drunk enough, I highfive EVERYONE on the street! Never been high five rejected by a guy on the bar crawl, and some women are happy to high five.......but some get defensive, and reserved, like they think my hand is poison!
Like, how do you deal with menstruation when it's expected soon.
I mean, do you wear a tampon/pad/cup/whatever else there is in advance, just in case or...
I guess it can't be predicted to the minute.
Ladies, I'm partially physically disabled, stuck laying down 80% of the time, and rarely ever leave a home. Still in my 30's, but actually fit and don't look half bad by most accounts. However, I'll never get better physically. If there is someone out there for everyone, who is out there for me? Can you convince me to believe you, as I'm totally resigned to solitude.
For the menfolks; how would you feel if your SO announced they were trans and began transition? Would you stay together? Or just become friends or something?
As a lady I don't know how I'd feel, I think the sexual part would be a huge loss for me. I likes the G-spot orgasms.
Yeah there's one that I've wondered for a while now. Awhile back, I found out that women don't have prostates but they can still feel pleasure from that hole. How can they feel pleasure from that hole if they don't have a prostate?