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  • Idk, I got like all the jiggy’s before beating gruntilda

  • Zelda II Has Been Ported To The SNES | Time Extension
  • Time extension sucks ass. It’s a usability nightmare. Wish I could block all links to it in my feed.

  • 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games | Time Extension
  • They might be able to do what Taki did and source the components they’re looking for directly from the manufacturer rather than using existing boards.

    I do think this is a big stretch, but things in this market are starting to change.

  • 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games | Time Extension
  • I doubt this, but the Mars FPGA project supposedly will have a Dreamcast core and it’s being supported by respectable people in the community. The mister cores for everything else could be ported, though without the support of the original developers that might be a bit sketch.

    I still doubt it, but I don’t think it’s impossible

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Except the comic doesn’t show them discussing or showing a naked body, it’s a weirdo pointing out the genitals to another person in a very public place. If it was toes, it’d be fine. If it was just a naked body it’d be whatever, mostly. But they’re specifically pointing out genitals, that implies sexual focus. It’s only “cute” and “funny” for the old women here because eventually it’ll be an organ used for sex…

  • Touch Friendly Distro Recommendations
  • I don’t want to type a LOT, just enough to make a quick search or rename a file occasionally. Setting up with a keyboard and then relying on the touch screen after would be fine.

  • Touch Friendly Distro Recommendations
  • I’ve considered it, I just don’t want to have to turn on or pull up/out another computer to remote into it if it would be easier to walk up to the screen in the corner to just download something real quick.

  • Touch Friendly Distro Recommendations

    Hey all!

    I currently utilize Debian and used KDE Plasma on my old computer as a Plex server, RetroNAS, and also run protonVPN when i need to use it for downloading files for Plex to server on my network devices. The only problem is, I have to leave a keyboard and mouse plugged in for when i need to use it, but don’t have much space in the corner it stays in.

    I happen to work for a touch screen company and have a glut of touch screens laying around my home office and I’ve got a VESA mount in the corner this PC lives in, and one of my spare touch monitors can go there. Unfortunately I’ve had trouble with touch friendliness with Linux distros. I’d love to find one that can support my usage needs with just the touch screen. So an on screen keyboard, and support for scrolling web pages (Wayland?) and other scrollable areas would be stellar.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on a distro that would be great at this kind of thing? My PC uses an intel chipset with integrated graphics, if that matters.

    People will find anything to be upset about
  • Humans are bipedal for a reason, it’s one of the most versatile and efficient forms of mobility. Plus the world is designed for humans, making an humanoid robot allows them to interact with things made for humans more easily.

    And humans can grow an attachment to and anthropomorphize plenty of non-humanoid objects. So I think it’s fine that it’s human shaped.

  • United Airlines passengers to see targeted ads on seat-back screens
  • I highly doubt that, the compute on these tablets is straight trash.

  • United Airlines passengers to see targeted ads on seat-back screens
  • i read the article and it didn't seem to state. how will they target me? using the personal info I'm required to give them to book my flight? the origin and destinations and seat location? these are entirely different kinds of metrics. one is far more invasive. and is it tying into larger models they've purchased from like google or something? this is stupid and i hate it.

  • The only time it's ok to snitch...
  • “You’re a crook Captain Hook Judge won’t you throw the book At the PIRAAAATE…”

  • Greater Idaho movement: 13 counties in eastern Oregon have voted to secede and join Idaho
  • It’s actually dumber than you describe. Everywhere west of the cascades is like 99% federal land

  • Every damn day
  • I'm a remote worker, and work on a pretty free and respected team. I found out the hard way that our PTO accrual expires at the end of the calendar year and starts from 0 on Jan 1. I haven't submitted leave requests this year. but i have taken time off that i've run by my team.

  • This is a robbery
  • I hate that i recognize that this quote is actually a screen shot from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

  • California says restaurants must bake all of their add-on fees into menu prices
  • I’m aware of tithing. I’m saying that 10% of your income in a tithe is not even remotely the same thing as 18% tip for a single purchase. It’s more comparable to a sales tax than a tithe. One is percentage of a total income, the other is a percentage of a purchase.

  • California says restaurants must bake all of their add-on fees into menu prices
  • Holy shit. They give god 10% of their income. This server is “asking” for 18% of the price of their bill. They’re not even remotely the same thing.

    I’m generally against tipping, but still do it. I’m way against illogical comparisons like this though.

  • Serial Killers Have Rapidly Declined Since The 1980s
  • lot of comments in here talking about how they're just doing their kills some other way: cops, mass shootings, not getting caught (this one is the most braindead). But everyone is ignoring how we've largely eliminated regular lead exposure that used to be the norm. that shit makes you go fucking insane.

  • Review of Aftermarket VMU for Sega Dreamcast - VM2 by Dreamware Enterprises

    A review of the VM2 aftermarket VMU for the Sega Dreamcast from Dreamware Enterprises. VM2 Indiegogo campaign:

    Review of Aftermarket VMU for Sega Dreamcast - VM2 by Dreamware Enterprises

    I made this video review of a new aftermarket VMU for the Dreamcast. Infinite virtual VMUs!

    Best Desktop Distro for Gaming?

    I currently run windows 10 on my main desktop PC, and also have a steam deck that I sometimes use in desktop mode instead of my desktop. With the way Windows is going, and the way Linux Gaming is dramatically improving, I might consider ditching Windows, at least for the most part, on my next PC build. What would be the best distro to use for gaming, with casual use as well? Any suggestions?

    Has anyone bought one of these New CRTs from alibaba? Source 21 CRT XFLAT High repurchase rate of 21 Inch CRT TV with remote control high quality on

    21 CRT XFLAT High repurchase rate of 21 Inch CRT TV with remote control high quality, You can get more details about from mobile site on

    Heard about these on the CRT Podcast by RetroTech and ZezRetro. Seems insane, I’m really curious about them.

    Edit: changed link, hopefully it works now?

    Great Video Showing How CRT’s Draw Their Images Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    I love this video and how it reveals how displays work, it’s really enlightening if you’re interested in understand a bit of why CRTs look great for old games!

    Sim City on a Sony Trinitron PVM 8045Q via Analogue Super Nt

    Love this little guy! Clear picture, very little CRT whine, super adjustable, and excellent scanlines. Just an adorable and beautiful little PVM.

    Love to catch up on retro games YouTube shows in the most fashionable way

    My wife got me this silly little plastics phone holder thing because it looks like an old CRT and she thinks it’s silly that I love them so much.

    Kbin Magazine for CRTs Cathode Ray Tubes -

    A place to discuss Cathode Ray Tube displays, especially with respect to retro (and modern) gaming. Upscalers, cabling, homebrew software, and related analog technology discussions are also encouraged!

    Cathode Ray Tubes -

    I figured folks who are exploring both Kbin and Lemmy might enjoy subbing to both to get a mix of fediverse CRT love!

    Close up of some scanlines!

    Gotta love a nice macro shot of some scanlines.

    First post! Thought I’d share a photo of my main CRT Setup

    This 32” beast of a trinitron has been RGB modded and accepts composite, S-video, and of course RGB. Geometry isn’t perfect, but it’s close enough to sit back and enjoy!

    wavebeam wavebeam
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