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A tale of sovereign citizen woe.
  • I think he's talking about that specific account in the group, I think. I've also noticed several other posts with that profile picture of the black guy with a hat and sunglasses sitting in his car.

  • Starting from zero
  • This is important. I dunno about scale, but backups. I started out hosting a chat room on a raspberry pi. It was a fun side project. But then, that became where my friends all hung out. That was the place, so it became important to me. And then the SD card got corrupted. I then moved on to a consumer laptop. It was way more stable, much faster. But if I messed up anything about the installation, I was hosed.

    I very highly suggest using Proxmox, like you say, and setting up automatic backups. And occasionally transfer them to a hard drive. It doesn't matter what kind of virtual CPUs or services you install,, as long as you have a plan for when something you host becomes important to you and you lose it.

  • MercuryAlloy - Automated Build Service for the Mercury Browser GitHub - wagesj45/MercuryAlloy: MercuryAlloy automates the build process for the Mercury browser, harnessing advanced compiler optimizations to deliver a faster, more efficient web experience.

    MercuryAlloy automates the build process for the Mercury browser, harnessing advanced compiler optimizations to deliver a faster, more efficient web experience. - wagesj45/MercuryAlloy

    GitHub - wagesj45/MercuryAlloy: MercuryAlloy automates the build process for the Mercury browser, harnessing advanced compiler optimizations to deliver a faster, more efficient web experience.

    MercuryAlloy automates the build process for the Mercury browser.

    I really like the Mercury browser, but I worried about the browser getting out of date, since releases of the browser seem to be build and released manually. So I threw together a set of scripts and overrides that will allow the build process to run without user interaction and on a schedule. You can modify the subscripts to move your compiled executable anywhere you want (like a web server), as well as send a custom alert upon successful build (like sending the link out via email).

    This is a more technical project, but it has been a fun learning experience.

    The Chlorophyll Queen
  • The Chlorophyll Queen, hero pose, perfect skin, dramatic lighting, colorful rainbow spectrum cinematography, grand epic, fantastical vista, (Movie Still) (Film Still) (Cinematic) (Cinematic Shot) (Cinematic Lighting)

  • Reddit Signs AI Content Licensing Deal Ahead of IPO
  • What makes you think that?

  • Reddit Signs AI Content Licensing Deal Ahead of IPO
  • Fair. The rest of the site is a lot more normal. More being a relative term, of course.

  • I Still Like
  • the mbin team says some things that I find concerning about kbin

    What are they saying?

  • Any other greens feel under attack recently from democrats in the United States?
  • Unfortunately the US is just... very right wing. Even the democrats are right of center on most things. This is just a conservative country. The democrats are about as left as you get in this country with any mainstream support, no matter how much we wish it weren't so.

    And I know man, I hate it, and I'm not going to lecture anyone that votes their conscious. If you don't want to vote for democrats, and Biden specifically, I can't blame you. It bewilders me that the most we can get from him over a goddamn genocide is "that's a little much, Jack." If you can't vote for that I get it.

    Just don't fall into the trap of thinking that the US is more left leaning than it is. We might win on issue-to-issue polls, but when it comes down to it we're a selfish nation that has bought into the temporarily embarrassed millionaire meme. And I don't think that's just the pessimism talking. We have generations worth of work ahead of us.

  • Junior Dev VS Machine Learning
  • And hundreds of thousands of years of evolution pre-training the base model that their experience was layered on top of.

  • Mercury - a Firefox fork with compiler optimizations
  • Any reasons why you can't recommend it?

  • Mercury - a Firefox fork with compiler optimizations
  • Interesting, because I saw a 20 point increase between vanilla Firefox and Mercury when testing last night.

  • Self hosted web app to track and rate your watched movies
  • That's not a bad idea. Surely it could be automated within the image. If my ADHD allows me I might take a look at it later. :D

  • [Community challenge 22] Busy Bees: Animals with Jobs
  • Makeup Artist

    Prompt: anthropomorphized bee working as a (makeup artist:1.2), illustrStyle
    Negative Prompt: ac_neg1 ac_neg2 negativeXL_D unaestheticXL_Sky3.1

  • Self hosted web app to track and rate your watched movies
  • Looking at the installation instructions, it requires you to run database migrations manually with every image docker image update. Does this mean that running watchtower is going to bork this thing?

  • Stable Video Diffusion img2vid XT 1.1 Released
  • I'm not entirely sure how this would help with that, though. Is the model watermarked with your info or something? If you post the result anonymously, I don't know how you'd track it back to someone that submitted their info here.

  • Which OS do you use for your homeserver?
  • Proxmox on physical servers hosting a variety of vanilla Debian installations. I have a physical router running pfsense as well as two HP miniservers running OpenMediaVault.

  • UPDATE: Suspect In Custody After Beheading UPDATE: Suspect In Custody After Beheading -

    Middletown Township Chief of Police Joseph Bartorilla confirmed the suspect in the death was arrested just after 9 p.m. Tuesday.

    UPDATE: Suspect In Custody After Beheading -
    Frog with Eyes (NOT) Closed

    I tried to get SD-XL to generate an image of a frog with its eyes closed. It refused. I even cranked up the attention on closed to an absurd level, and it seemed to get sassy with me.

    /kbin meta wagesj45
    Blocking and Downvote Stalking

    Should blocking a user still allow them to vote on your posts? I'd rather have nothing to do with particular users, and it seems that they continue to show up in the activity for every single post I make around kbin.

    Ham Solo

    Stable Diffusion XL

    Prompt: Ham Solo from Star Wars!

    0 Retouching Skin in GIMP

    Learn how to easily remove blemishes on skin for free using the GIMP photo editor.

    Retouching Skin in GIMP

    When editing photos, one of the first things you'll want to do is "fix" the skin of your subjects. I've fumbled around with this for years. I use almost exclusively open source tools like GIMP for my work, which while extremely powerful, often lack most of those automatic tools and niceties present in paid products like Photoshop. So I'll share my method, which I adopted from this YouTube video.

    Selfhosting wagesj45
    Share your network naming conventions!

    Depending on how much you self host, you may find it hard to keep track of your devices' host names. So what are your naming conventions to keep track everything? Some people stick to descriptive names, others pick themes, like Greek mythology.

    Personally, I use Japanese emperors. I've made it all the way to Seinei. Luckily I still have some breathing room to add more services and servers. Much to my wife's chagrin. :)

    Selfhosting wagesj45
    Advice Wanted - Homelab with Industrial GPUs

    I just bought a "new" homelab server and am considering adding in some used/refurbished NVIDIA Tesla K80s. They have 24 GB of VRAM and tons of compute power for very cheap if you get them used.

    The issue is that these cards run super hot and require extra cooling set ups. I was able to find this fan adapter kit on eBay. But I still worry that if I pop one or two of these bad boys in my server that the fan won't be enough to overcome the raw heat put off by the K80.

    Have any of you run this kind of card in a home lab setting? What kind of temps do you get when running models? Would a fan like this actually be enough to cool the thing? I appreciate any insight you guys might have!

    Advice Wanted - Self Hosting Industrial GPUs

    I just bought a "new" homelab server and am considering adding in some used/refurbished NVIDIA Tesla K80s. They have 24 GB of VRAM and tons of compute power for very cheap if you get them used.

    The issue is that these cards run super hot and require extra cooling set ups. I was able to find this fan adapter kit on eBay. But I still worry that if I pop one or two of these bad boys in my server that the fan won't be enough to overcome the raw heat put off by the K80.

    Have any of you run this kind of card in a home lab setting? What kind of temps do you get when running models? Would a fan like this actually be enough to cool the thing? I appreciate any insight you guys might have!

    Gaming wagesj45 OverClocked ReMix: Video Game Music Community

    OverClocked ReMix is a video game music community with tons of fan-made ReMixes and information on video game music.

    OverClocked ReMix is a video game music community with tons of fan-made ReMixes and information on video game music.


    I figured since we're currently in a reawakening to decentralized and special purpose forums and websites, now might be a good time to remind people of OCRemix. Or help someone discover it for the first time.

    Selfhosting wagesj45 Amazon shuts down customer’s smart home devices after delivery driver’s false racism claim

    Amazon shut off a man’s smart home devices for a week after a delivery driver falsely accused the customer of hurling a racist slur via a doorbell intercom, the tech giant confirmed Thursday.

    Amazon shuts down customer’s smart home devices after delivery driver’s false racism claim

    > > > Amazon shut off a man’s smart home devices for a week after a delivery driver falsely accused the customer of hurling a racist slur via a doorbell intercom, the tech giant confirmed Thursday. > >


    Seems like a good reason to get a doorbell that you can control yourself.

    wagesj45 wagesj45

    Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.

    XMPP: Mastodon: Blog:

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