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How Kid-Friendly should I expect the DC protest on April 5 to be?
  • That's really why I was hoping to hear from someone involved in planning. If this event is permitted, will have infrastructure constructed (ie a stage, gates, etc) and has a public schedule of speakers, etc along the lines of the Women's March in 2017, the March for our Lives in 2018, or the various Marches for Science, then I think it's much less likely to see a violent crackdown by the administration.

    On the other hand, if this is more along the lines of the airport protests against the travel ban in 2017, the anti-Iraq War protests in 2003, or the 2020 uprising protests, which were all MUCH less structured and had a much more confrontational vibe to them, then I think there's a greater likelihood of a violent crackdown.

  • How Kid-Friendly should I expect the DC protest on April 5 to be?
  • My older (5 yo) has already attended a couple of protests at Tesla dealerships over the past couple months. When she was less than 1 year old she went along with my wife and I aas we did mutual aid supply drops at various events during the 2020 uprising.

    The younger (3 yo) hasn't been to a protest yet. This will be her first. Suffice it to say, though, this will not be the last either one attends.

  • How Kid-Friendly should I expect the DC protest on April 5 to be?
  • I'm not worried about them getting lost. I know how to keep track of my kids in a large crowd pretty well. And my wife will be there, too. We'll have child carrying harnesses so the kids can ride strapped onto our back if they don't want to walk anymore. My concern is about the intended atmosphere of the event.

    Also, as someone who never saw my parents engage in politics beyond voting, and barely even ever heard them speak about politics, I think it's important for kids to see their parents engaging in politics, even if they don't really understand what's going on. It shows them that it's not only OK, but encouraged to form and act on their own political ideas. It opens them up to discussing political issues when they get old enough to, and shows them that politics isn't just something for the ruling elite.

  • How Kid-Friendly should I expect the DC protest on April 5 to be?

    I live ~30 minutes outside DC and am planning on attending the protest on April 5. I have a 3yo and 5yo and would like to bring them, but I'm a bit nervous that might be a bad idea.

    Anyone here involved in planning or know more details that can give me some advice on how kid-friendly the event might be?

    For context, I've been attending political protests since my first in 2003 (against the invasion of do I feel old). I've been to some huge, heavily marketed events like the Women's March in 2017 or the various Marches for Science which I felt would be perfectly kid-friendly. I've also been to some heavily marketed events (a lot in 2020) which I absolutely would NOT want to bring a small child to.

    Obviously, if I bring my kids I'm not going to be getting into much more than holding a sign and sticking to the less rowdy parts of the crowd. If things look like it's heating up a bit, my family and I will be out right away. But if this event seems like it might not have a great vibe for kids, I might think about taking them to a smaller event in Frederick or Annapolis instead.

    Another Redditor gives up on Lemmy due to signup issues
  • Nobody is ever claiming that any were ever amazing. I was on facebook when it was still called theFacebook and you needed a college email to sign up and I was on Reddit before Gamergate.

    Opening up facebook to allowing anyone to join isn't what made it shitty. Not by a long stretch. It barely even existed when that happened. It was 2 years after the site launched. Back then there wasn't even a feed. The landing page was your profile with your Wall, and that eventually evolved into the feed. Peak facebook was from ~2006-2012. The thing that drove it to shit was the IPO and the drive for constant increase in quarterly profits that comes with a company being publicly traded.

    GamerGate wasn't massive all over Reddit. It was largely on 8chan and 4chan and a few isolated subreddits, but it didn't even make the front page of Reddit until after mainstream media started reporting on it. Reddit has always had problems, but the thing that's made it really shitty, again, was the IPO.

    Get over your superiority complex. Nobody cares.

  • Another Redditor gives up on Lemmy due to signup issues
  • I found it on Voyager, but had to search for it with the exact correct spelling "" and I only knew about it because I found it referenced in another instance and signed up on my browser on my laptop. I don't think I would have found it on Voyager if I hadn't already known about it.

  • Start a new political party, the 'American Progressive Majority'.
  • If people start campaigning and supporting a third-party right now, there’s actually a shot to win some house seats and local elections next year.

    No, there isn't. We're heading into a midterm where a lot of the typically disengaged public will be afraid and in strong opposition to the incumbent party. That's going to draw a lot of people towards the Democrats, and there will be a strong "Blue no matter who" push to convince people to vote strategically. The Democratic establishment will be fighting even harder against any third parties they might see as spoilers than they will be against the GOP.

    You're right that the upcoming midterms present a great opportunity, but it's not in a third party. It's in a primary push. Rather than talking about a 3rd party that has almost no chance at materializing and even less chance at winning, all our effort should be put towards convincing people they need to show up in the primaries and vote for the most anti-establishment, most left-wing Democratic primary candidates they can.

    That's where the real opportunity lies. Primaries get such an incredibly small voter turnout that a relative handful of voters can swing primaries. Then, once a real leftist progressive wins the primary, the whole force of anti-fascist electoral politics will be behind them in the general. It'll be easy to paint any Republican as a fascist, which will make it easy to frame any Democrat as a rational choice, regardless how far left they may be. When that progressive is the ONLY alternative to GOP fascists on the ballot, they'll have a much easier time of winning.

    Get people who don't normally vote and who hate Democratic leadership/establishment to vote in the primaries. Run progressives in the primaries. Take over the party. That's the only way this could work.

  • Start a new political party, the 'American Progressive Majority'.
  • I don't think systems are immutable. That's exactly my point. They are, but you have to have a strategy that can actually accomplish it. Systems aren't changed by people just dreaming of a better one. They're changed by motivated people executing a successful strategy.

  • Start a new political party, the 'American Progressive Majority'.
  • Again, you're missing the point. I'm not debating the overall end goal. I'm talking about the strategy to achieve it.

    Just saying "the Electoral College is bad, so let's get rid of it" is fine, but it's not a strategy to make it happen. That's a goal. What is the strategy to make it happen?

    Likewise, just listing off a set of popular policies and saying "let's make a new party" isn't a strategy to actually achieving those goals. I'm not saying that voting for a 3rd party is bad because it "steals" votes from a major party. I'm saying it's bad because it's an effectual strategy to achieving the goal of enacting the policies in OP's post.

    You're absolutely right that the 2 party system sucks and that the Democrats are awful. But, again, that's not a strategy to achieve your goals. Like it or not, but none of us will ever break the 2-party system by forming a new party or complaining about how bad it is.

    If you compare, say, the Democratic Party of the 1920s to the Democratic Party of the 1960s, they're drastically different, almost diametrically opposed to each other on nearly every policy. Likewise if you compare the GOP of the 1950s to the GOP of the 1980s. Or the Democratic Party of the 1970s to the Democratic Party of the 200s. Or the GOP of the 2000s to the GOP today. How did those changes happen?

    In every single instance it happened not by a new 3rd party forming or outside agitators pushing the parties. It happened because a fringe element of the party enacted an organized push in the primaries to co-opt the party, won a convincing general election victory, then strongarmed the rest of the party into ideological compliance. That's how parties change in the US, not by being supplanted by a new party. You want a real, left-wing progressive party? Get behind a massive push to primary key Democratic leadership (I call them the Vichy caucus), win a general election, then strongarm the party into compliance.

  • Start a new political party, the 'American Progressive Majority'.
  • Which will never happen unless at least 1 of the 2 major parties is co-opted and taken over by people who specifically want to eliminate Citizen's United, put a strong, enforceable cap on private political donations, and block corporations from donating to campaigns.

    A 3rd party is never going to be successful enough to accomplish any, let alone all of that. Republicans will never get money out of politics because it benefits them too much. It hurts the Democratic Party overall, but it directly benefits the Vichy wing of collaborationists leading the party, so they won't back campaign finance reform unless the Democratic Party is wholly overtaken.

  • Start a new political party, the 'American Progressive Majority'.
  • That's just my point. It wasn't a party like OP here is calling for. It was a movement within the Republican Party.

    What OP is calling for here is kinda the exact opposite. The Tea Party movement successfully got a bunch of people who typically don't engage in politics to join and vote for Republicans. The never had a problem of ballot access or competing with an ideologically similar opponent in general elections because they weren't a different party. OP here is calling for people to vote for a new third party. That's a completely different thing.

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