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You Know Who’s Available to Replace Joe Biden? Al Franken!
  • #metoo was a needed movement, but in certain cases it definitely went too far. I think the "believe women" rhetoric makes sense in the contact of "sexual assault happens more than you think, we should stop completely ignoring or actively disbelieving women on impulse when they share their stories". But some people just took it as "why would any woman ever lie about this, they must be telling the complete and full truth in all circumstances" which is unfortunately how the Al Franken allegations went.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Yeah I'm not sure how to take this post. The image is clearly both-sides-ism but the text of OPs post on it appears to be calling that bad.

    This posting format makes sense in specific subreddit/communities like /leopardsatemyface or /whitepeopletwitter. But here it just makes it unclear what the intended message is.

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  • White light is the combination of all those wavelengths. It is only the combination that makes it "white" in exactly the same way that a smaller range of wavelengths are "red" or "blue".

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  • I'm one of the "company-provided-phone-only" folks. Thankfully, I work for a pretty decent employer who has never abused that in the nearly 10 years I've worked there. But I realize that's a pretty rare privilege.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Yeah it's not great, but like... coming across as coherent is important no matter the position. Biden kinda failed that basic competency test, probably just due to his age and not like, stupidity or a personal failing of any kind. I'm still voting for Biden, but yeah it's not exactly an enthusiastic vote.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • So, speaking from a purely pragmatic perspective, voting for Biden is better than other US electoral choices for the purpose of trying to help Palestinians.

    I understand your reticence and moral indignation, I largely feel the same.

    But the biggest reason Trump won in 2016 is because voters were not particularly enthused with their choices, and a great many decided not voting at all (or voting for Trump as a protest against the establishment) was preferable to voting for HRC.

    I have to imagine that we both believe that Trump is worse than Biden when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

    Given that we're already in election year, it's down to Biden and Trump. One of them is going to be president come January next year.

    Taking all that together, if we want things to get better for Palestine, we should vote for Biden because the alternatives are much worse.

    Granted there is a lot you can do outside of elections to help, and I wouldn't recommend ignoring those. But given that voting for the US president takes a few hours out of one day every four years, it's not a good idea to ignore that either.

    I hope this helps you understand those of us who don't really like Biden but will vote for him regardless.

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  • Pseudoregalia is a PS1-eta low-poly aesthetic 3D metroidvania with really, really slick movement mechanics. It's the kind of game that really could've existed back then, had developers just known all the little quality of life design choices we have these days.

  • USA | Alito Says SCOTUS Should Push Nation Toward “Godliness” in Secret Recording
  • Except the US constitution does not include that language. The "a wall of separation between church and state" phrase most notably comes from an 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association. Not a legally binding document by any means.

    I imagine you're thinking of the Establishment Clause of the Constitution which forbids the US government restricting the free exercise of religion.

    I believe, iirc, the Supreme Court over several decades has affirmed and reaffirmed the overall position that the US government must remain secular and not favor a particular religion. Which is effectively what you're getting at.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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