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Are you "out" as furry?
  • I don't hide the fact at all. Heck, I openly share the artwork I create with non-furry peers. I've never had a bad reaction so I don't have any reservations regarding it.

  • Closing Registrations. Reflecting on viability of continuation of Yiffit
  • I will also echo others by saying that the instance getting blocked by hasn't had any effect on me. When I originally heard the news, I checked the communities I had subscribed to and barely any of them were for .ml. So I don't think there's any big loss from being blocked by them. I still check Lemmy almost daily through this instance. c:

  • Fake job interviews target developers with new Python backdoor
  • I've gotten offered a job on the first interview and I worked there for a while. Then again, that was not in my field of IT and was a part-time job with a well-known company, alongside studies. So while it can be a red flag, it's not always. Depends on the situation. Just stay vigilant.

  • Japanese police create fake support scam payment cards to warn victims
  • I mean, there are cases of victims being directly told by store employees that they can't sell the cards because it's a scam, and them getting right back on the phone with the scammer and going to another store instead.

  • Kummakivi is a 500.000 kg rock in Finland that has been balancing on another rock for 11.000 years
  • Being in the middle of the large and relatively stable Eurasian plate does help, though. The Mediterranean region, being closer to the edge region, does experience quite a bit more, though, and some strong ones have historically been felt all the way up here, too.

  • Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?
  • I'm setting up some things for myself before I start proper streaming but little test streams I've done have been very successful!

    And I've subbed to the community, so really appreciating the advertising. Cx

  • Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?
  • Owncast is rather interesting to me. Self-hosted streaming platform that can use the ActivityPub to publish streaming notifications, if desired.

  • Kummakivi is a 500.000 kg rock in Finland that has been balancing on another rock for 11.000 years
  • Finland is not close enough to the edges of tectonic plates, so if we get earthquakes here at all, they're barely noticeable.

  • Kristi Noem defends killing her own puppy
  • The puppy was being trained for hunting. Meaning she killed her for doing exactly what she was being trained to do. Of course she wouldn't know there are some animals she shouldn't chase.

    Oh, and this is not a one-off thing from Noem either. She also mentions shooting and killing a male goat for "chasing her kids".

    In any case, I worry when someone's solution to completely fixable issues with other living beings is to just kill them.

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • Carnivores have just as much right to live as their prey, as unfortunate as the cost of life is.

    We, as humans, are in a rather unique position, being omnivores with many of us in the developed world having easy access to food. And those of us can make a choice to not cause the death of other sentient beings in order to have food.

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • You can show a lot of differences, but the end result is always the same: Sentient beings dead way before their natural expiration.

  • Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient
  • Do note that this whole thing is based on the hypothetical of plants being capable of experiencing pain. In reality, they do not possess a nervous system to enable that.

    Of course I'd choose to kill an animal if the alternative was getting injured or killed (or starving in some extreme survival situation), but in day-to-day life, I do not see the need to do that.

  • Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient
  • We, as omnivores, have a choice. The carnivores do not. I'd rather not cause more suffering than I have to (since I have that choice) even if there was the potential that it could possibly decrease overall suffering.

    I will not go into other problems with fish specifically since it's not on-topic.

  • Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient
  • I'd say eating plants would still be the lesser of two evils in that case. Animals we kill for food also eat plants, so from a pure quantity of suffering, it's better to not have the middleman there.

  • The post title is "Best Tablet for Kids 2024"
  • While it still works, you can use to get around those walls.

  • Non-smokers in the 1970s and 1980s, how the hell did you survive the second hand smoke?
  • I was going to say this, too, but I was too lazy to fact check so I left it out. c: In other words, I've heard about this too.

  • Non-smokers in the 1970s and 1980s, how the hell did you survive the second hand smoke?
  • How they are not completely mortified by that, I will never know.

    I once heard a claim that they just can't smell it themselves. I can believe it, because our senses tend to filter out sensations that are continuous.

  • More young people choosing permanent sterilization after abortion restrictions, new research shows
  • From the article:

    They found that there were roughly 58 more tubal ligations per 100,000 outpatient visits after Dobbs and 27 more vasectomies per 100,000 visits.

  • Quite a talent
  • It's a bulum out of the bum.

  • College swimmers, volleyball players sue NCAA over transgender policies
  • Trans athletes have definitely won some competitions. The news were sometimes difficult to miss.

    But that's really the thing. Sometimes it feels like there's no problem before a trans athlete wins. Like how many competitions have transgender athletes taken part in throughout modern history? Thousands? And how many have they won? A handful?

    I mean, almost nobody talked about this before the inevitable happened: A trans person happened to win a competition and it gained media attention. And when we consider that the Olympics has allowed transgender athletes to compete within their gender since 2003...

  • Thanks for approving!

    Thank you for approving me so fast! I saw a distinct lack of furry instances (at least from what I could see) on Lemmy when I first joined on another instance, but I'm glad to see that's not the case anymore. Excited to start sharing my art across the communities. c:
