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Adobe Announces That They Can Use Your Content for AI
  • We’ll probably all be converted into Soylent green 20 years from now.

  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  • Anything that contradicts the party’s mantra Winston.

  • Former NSA worker pleads guilty to trying to sell U.S. secrets to Russia
  • I didn’t think that was illegal in this country. The orange gibbon hands it out like cheap candy.

  • Those damn liberules
  • I wOrShIP a pAciFist !!!

  • Judge warns Trump not to threaten witnesses in 2020 election subversion case
  • Why does the law treat this guy like he’s special? He has 78 felony charges and he’s still walking around on the street spewing bullshit and inciting violence. I’m skeptical that he will be held accountable if he puts witnesses in danger with inflammatory public statements.

  • How many of you are actually chatbots?
  • You should consult with a medical professional in your area.

  • 🙃😵💀
  • nO bOdY iS bUyInG aNytHinG!!!!

  • AI-Generated: Community Fridge - open to all
  • I’d rather I didn’t.

  • Texas man who threatened poll workers and Arizona officials is sentenced to 3 1/2 years
  • It’s un-American to stand up for free and fair elections.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • exactly... i've trained myself to study the title carefully before clicking every NSFW post, and even then I still get greeted by someone's hairy choad.

  • One of Louisiana's only pediatric heart transplant doctors is moving because of anti-LGBTQ laws
  • Everyone knows the only one that can heal your heart is Jesus.

  • Threads Has Lost More Than 80% of Its Daily Active Users
  • It’s why this place is a boiling trash heap.

  • The corruption of Lindsey Graham
  • I’m not kidding when I say I watched some cspan hearing where Lindsay angrily grilled some government agent on whether Russia had dirt on any politicians. Lindsay looked panicked and agitated.

  • Pornhub goes dark in Arkansas after age verification law kicks in
  • Well if you live in Arkansas it wasn’t your neighbor watching porn.

  • firefox showing blank custom image shortcuts

    I am not satisfied with just the letter generated image for custom pinned sites... So when you add custom image urls for your pinned websites.. why are they always blank? Is there some requirement I am missing? !

