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In an alternate universe...
  • I can half believe that George intended for Jar Jar to be the villain in TPM, but changed his mind by AotC. With RotS as it is, there's no indication that Jar Jar is the villain. Which is kind of a shame really. Such a twist could have "redeemed" the character in a way, and made up for all those awful Jar Jar scenes in TPM.

  • China working on standard for brain-computer interfaces • The Register
  • Eh, I think the Neuralink electrode retraction issue was a bit overblown. It sounds as though they were able to restore functionality to the shifted electrodes via a software update:

    In the weeks following the surgery, a number of threads retracted from the brain, resulting in a net decrease in the number of effective electrodes. This led to a reduction in BPS (Fig 04). In response to this change, we modified the recording algorithm to be more sensitive to neural population signals, improved the techniques to translate these signals into cursor movements, and enhanced the user interface. These refinements produced a rapid and sustained improvement in BPS, that has now superseded Noland’s initial performance.

    I think I'd still be more inclined to trust a device approved by the U.S. FDA over China's NMPA.

  • How are finances doing?

    I just realized that I can't find a "donate" link in the sidebar. Who is currently funding us? Is it still just TheDude?

    I've been here for a year now, and feel like I should chip in a few bucks, if possible.

    Where are drafts saved?

    If I start writing a comment, but decide "nah, not right now" and back out, my partially written comment is "saved as draft".

    If I go back to the comment, the partially written comment is "restored from draft".

    • Are drafts stored indefinitely?
    • Is there a way to see all my current drafts?
    • If I keep creating new drafts without ever finishing them, will my storage get full?
    • Is there any way to delete drafts?
    Starship Development Thread #56
  • Starbase activities (2024-07-01):


  • Firefly Aerospace "Noise of Summer" Launch Thread
  • Abort at T-8 seconds!

    Edit: They are safeing the vehicle. Strongback is returning to upright position.

    Edit2: They have a 30 minute window, and the launch hasn't been scrubbed yet. They may try and target the end of the window.

    Edit3: Abort was due to helium issue with ground support equipment. Exact cause uncertain, but they are targeting the end of the launch window, in case they can troubleshoot the helium issue in time.

  • FreeCAD gets a logo upgrade
  • Can’t say I have.

    However, I originally made this community back in the day when was basically the only instance, and have since then moved my account to another instance (2 years ago) specifically for those same reasons of being… hmm… politically charged

    Yeah, there have been some... issues lately.

    At most I could sticky a link to another community, or delete this one (which would be overkill imo)

    Instead of deleting it, you could lock the community so only moderators could post, and have a stickied post directing people to the new community on a different instance. I think that has had some success with this approach in the past.

    Not sure what the best instance would be though... maybe

  • Cortex #156: Average Content - Relay FM

    Grey and Myke discuss some of the features from WWDC that excited them, and consider the impact of Apple integrating AI tools directly into iOS. Myke also provides an update on his email and notification experiments.

    Cortex #156: Average Content - Relay FM
    Firefly Aerospace "Noise of Summer" Launch Thread

    Noise of Summer

    After six months, it's time for another Firefly Alpha launch!

    | Scheduled for UTC | 2024-07-02 04:33 | | --- | --- | | Scheduled for (local) | 2023-07-01 21:33 (PDT) | | Launch site | SLC-2W, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA | | Launch provider | Firefly Aerospace | | Launch vehicle | Alpha | | Customer | Multiple | | Payload | Multiple | | Mission success criteria | Successful deployment of payload into Sun Synchronous Orbit |


    | Stream | Link | | --- | --- | | Firefly Aerospace | | | NASASpaceflight | |

    Payload info (NextSpaceflight):


    CatSat is a 6U CubeSat being built and tested by University of Arizona students, faculty, and staff.

    The satellite will launch atop a Firefly Alpha rocket into a nearly sun-synchronous orbit around the Earth. Thanks to some trickery on behalf of orbital mechanics, this peculiar orbit ensures that the satellite will constantly remain in daylight, maximizing the capabilities of the mission.

    During the mission’s six-month expected lifetime, CatSat will detect high-frequency signals from HAM radio operators all around the globe with its WSPR antenna, demonstrate an inflatable antenna for high bandwidth transmission, and provide high-resolution imaging of the Earth. The data this satellite provides will give insights into the variation of the ionosphere and the technical capabilities of the new systems being tested.


    If successful, KUbeSat1 will be the first satellite put into orbit by a major University in the State of Kansas. It is a 3U satellite that carries three main payloads: a Primary Cosmic Ray Detector (PCRD) to measure primary cosmic rays hitting the Earth, a High-Altitude Calibration instrument for KUbeSat (HiCalK) used for measuring very high frequency (VHF) from cosmic ray interactions with the atmosphere, and a camera to capture images of both Earth and space


    Maine's first small satellite, MESAT carries three payloads designed by students in Falmouth High school, Fryeburg Academy, and Saco Middle School. UMaine and USM engineering teams are collaborating on building the satellite and getting it ready for launch in collaboration with AMSAT and NERRS. The CubeSat's launch is funded by the NASA CSLI program and its design and development are sponsored by NASA, MSGC, and UMaine.


    R5 S2 and R5 S4 are 6U CubeSat technology demonstration missions by NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, intended to assess the suitability of commercial off-the-shelf components for free-flying extravehicular inspection capabilities including cameras, computers, and algorithms.

    These two 6U CubeSats are the first in the R5 series to include cold gas nitrogen RCS propulsion systems. Both are scheduled to launch to space in late 2022 for testing of both hardware and software systems needed for robust and low-cost in-space inspection.


    R5 S2 and R5 S4 are 6U CubeSat technology demonstration missions by NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, intended to assess the suitability of commercial off-the-shelf components for free-flying extravehicular inspection capabilities including cameras, computers, and algorithms.

    These two 6U CubeSats are the first in the R5 series to include cold gas nitrogen RCS propulsion systems. Both are scheduled to launch to space in late 2022 for testing of both hardware and software systems needed for robust and low-cost in-space inspection.


    SOC-i (Satellite for Optimal Control and Imaging) is a technology demonstration that will demonstrate an experimental attitude control scheme on orbit and provide educational opportunities to students at the University of Washington, Seattle.

    SOC-i uses an in-house developed and built 2U CubeSat satellite bus.

    The experimental GNC system is capable of reorienting the spacecraft while guaranteeing hard pointing constraints and minimizing the power drawn by the set of four reaction wheels. To orient the SOC-i spacecraft, the GNC system uses the 4RW0 reaction wheels from NanoAvionics as the primary actuators for the attitude control system. Five magnetorquers complement these wheels and are built into the solar panels on each face except on the bottom, where the camera is located. For attitude estimation, the GNC system uses a single digital sun sensor custom-built into the solar panels, three 3-axis magnetometers, and three 3-axis gyroscopes.

    The imaging system serves as one of two payloads for the SOC-i mission. A single uCam-III from 4D Systems was selected as the onboard camera and is mounted on the bottom end of the 2U chassis.

    It was selected in 2020 by NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) program by the CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) to be launched as part of the ELaNa program.

    TechEdSat 11

    The TechEdSat 11 (TES 11) is a 6U (2×3U) CubeSat that will function as a high-temperature, accurate deorbit reentry nanosatellite.

    TechEdSat-10 contains 150 watt-hours of power storage, eight radios, nine processors, and a graphics processing unit. Additionally, the small satellite carries four cameras, including a stereoscopic virtual reality camera experiment.

    Like several TechEdSat missions before it, this mission is demonstrating the exo-brake technology in its largest iteration to date. The exo-brake is designed to deploy an umbrella-like "brake" to increase drag and take a small satellite out of orbit. In this mission, the exo-brake can be controlled or modulated by commands from the ground in order to target a re-entry point. In the future, this could enable sample return missions from orbit and future planetary missions.

    Additionally, it hosted the DCS Use Concept Validation project to determine if satellites, primarily small satellites in low earth orbit, can successfully interface with the data collection system (DCS) receivers and thus provide low-rate data (100, 300, or greater bps) service to satellite users; primarily to assist in launch, early orbit, and anomaly (LEO&A) operations or low data required observations.

    It was selected by NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) to be launched as part of the ELaNa program.


    Serenity, developed by Teachers in Space (TIS), is 3U CubeSat that will provide low-cost opportunities to test educational experiments in space.

    Teachers in Space has previously guided high schools and other academic institutions in developing and flying experiments suborbitally with high-altitude balloons, stratospheric gliders, and rockets. This will be the first orbital satellite mission for TIS.

    Serenity will be carrying a suite of data sensors and a camera that will be sending data back to Earth through the use of HAM radio signals. There will be several ground stations connecting with the satellite during its orbital period. These ground stations will be collecting data and pictures sent back down to Earth.

    The satellite was one of the passengers on the maiden launch of the Firefly-Alpha rocket but was lost in the launch failure. A reflight was on the second Firefly-Alpha rocket and reached orbit, although lower than planned.


    • This will be the 1st launch of Firefly Alpha this year.
    • This will be the 5th launch of Firefly Alpha overall.

    Please post small launch updates, discussions, and questions here! Also feel free to leave feedback or suggestions for the mod team. We’re still a relatively small sub, so feedback from the community is very valuable!

    Script to semi-automatically bookmark YouTube preroll ads

    The goal

    Bookmark a YouTube preroll ad with as few mouseclicks and keystrokes as possible.

    But why?

    I like to have the option of rewatching or referencing an interesting or funny ad at a later date. Most ads are unlisted videos, which makes them nigh impossible to look up.

    My previous workflow (12 steps):

    1. Right-click on the video player, select "Copy debug info"
    2. Alt+Tab to a text editor
    3. Ctrl+V the debug info into text editor
    4. Ctrl+F for "addocid"
    5. Ctrl+C the advertisement video id
    6. Alt+Tab back to browser
    7. Ctrl+N to open new browser window
    8. Type ""
    9. Ctrl+V the video id
    10. Wait a fraction of a second for the URL to redirect from[video_id] to[video_id]& to[video_id]
    11. Ctrl+D to bookmark the video
    12. Ctrl+W to close the browser window

    My new workflow (4 steps):

    1. Right-click on the video player, select "Copy debug info"
    2. Press F9 to run the script
    3. Check that the bookmark is saved to the correct folder
    4. Ctrl+W to close the browser tab

    The AHK script:

    ``` #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

    F9:: ; Press F9, then a thing happens { ActiveHwnd := WinExist("A") ; Save active window ID to variable Haystack := A_Clipboard ; Save clipboard to variable NeedleRegEx := 's)."addocid": "(.?)",.*' ; Regex witchcraft

    ; Regex breakdown: ; Example line: "addocid": "kU5Y-LRSteA", ; We need to use "s)" otherwise it will treat each line in the clipboard as a separate string. ; We need to flank the line we're searching for with ".", otherwise it will search each line ; We need to use the non-greedy "?" option when capturing the video ID "(.?)" otherwise it will capture the rest of the file

    VidID := RegExReplace(Haystack, NeedleRegEx, "$1") ; Do the actual regex replacement URL := "" . VidID ; Concatenate the video ID with the rest of a YouTube URL

    Run URL ; Open the video in the new tab Sleep 1000 ; Wait for the tab to open WinActivate ActiveHwnd ; Reactivate the window Sleep 1000 ; Wait again? Send "^d" ; Open bookmark dialogue and create bookmark } ```

    Potential improvements

    1. Automate clicking on "Copy debug info": I figured out how to use AHK to open the right-click menu in the YouTube player, but I can't figure out a reliable way to locate and click on "Copy debug info". It seems like it is in a different place depending on whether it is the 1st or 2nd preroll ad.
    2. Save bookmark in specific folder, rather than just the default bookmark dialogue box. No idea how to do this elegantly.

    This is my first AHK project, so I've probably done several things incorrectly or inefficiently. Any feedback would be welcome :)

    I'm so happy to have found an AHK community on Lemmy, however small!

    Radioactive threelonmusketeers
    [NurdRage] Extracting Radioactive Salt from Chornobyl Blueberries

    One of the OG YouTube chemists dabbles in some radiochemistry and spectroscopy.

    🇯🇵 [JAXA / MHI] H3 ALOS-4 launch thread!

    First operational mission H3!

    | Scheduled for (UTC) | 2024-07-01 03:06 | | --- | --- | | Scheduled for (local) | 2024-07-01 12:06 (JST) | | Launch site | LA-Y2, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. | | Launch vehicle | H3-22S | | Launch provider | Mitsubushi Heavy Industries / JAXA | | Mission success criteria | Successful launch and deployment of ALOS-4 into Sun-Synchronous Orbit |


    | Stream | Link | | --- | --- | | JAXA webcast (English) | | | JAXA webcast (Japanese) | |


    ☑️ 2nd launch from LA-Y2 this year

    ☑️ 3rd launch out of Japan this year

    ☑️ 2nd H3 launch this year, 3rd overall

    Payload info (NextSpaceflight)


    >The Advanced Land Observing Satellite-4 (ALOS-4) is a satellite to observe the Earth's surface using its onboard phased array type L-band synthetic aperture radar (PALSAR-3). The L-band radar technology has continuously been developed in Japan. With further improved observation performance compared to the predecessor PALSAR-2 aboard the DAICHI-2 (ALOS-2), JAXA and its prime contractor, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, are developing the satellite aiming at achieving both high resolution and a broader observation swath. > >Unlike observations by an optical sensor, radar images can be acquired day and night as it does not require sunlight. Moreover, since radio waves can penetrate clouds, the images can be obtained regardless of weather conditions. The ALOS-4 will leverage these merits for observing and monitoring disaster-hit areas, forests, and sea ice. In addition, it will also challenge new areas such as monitoring infrastructure displacement. > >The ALOS-4 will be equipped with the Automatic Identification System for ships (AIS) receiver, as was DAICHI-2, so that the satellite will also monitor oceans by receiving AIS signals from vessels as well as by acquiring the PALSAR-3 images. The SPace based AIS Experiment (SPAISE3) is a high-performance satellite AIS. Effective countermeasures against radio wave interference regions are taken for the SPAISE3 with multiple antennas and ground-based data processing; therefore, the detection success rate of a ship in the heavy marine traffic areas will be improved compared to DAICHI-2. SPAISE3 development is JAXA's ongoing project in cooperation with NEC Corporation.

    NROL-186 Launch Thread!

    Launch info

    | Scheduled for (UTC) | 2024-06-29, 03:14 | | --- | --- | | Scheduled for (local) | 2024-09-28, 20:14 (PDT) | | Launch site | SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California | | Payload | NROL-186 | | Booster | 1081-8 | | Landing site | Of Course I Still Love You | | Customer | National Reconnaissance Office | | Mission success criteria | Successful delivery of payload to desired orbit |


    | Stream | Link | | --- | --- | | Space Affairs | | | Spaceflight Now | | | NASASpaceflight | | | The Launch Pad | | | SpaceX | | | The Space Devs | |


    Sourced from NextSpaceflight and r/SpaceX:

    ☑️ 22nd launch from SLC-4E this year

    ☑️ 4 days, 23:27:00 turnaround for this pad

    ☑️ 31 day booster turnaround

    ☑️ 66th Falcon 9 launch this year, 352nd overall

    ☑️ 67th SpaceX mission this year, 367th overall (excluding Starship hops)

    ☑️ 69th SpaceX launch this year (nice!), 380th overall (including Starship hops)

    ☑️ 95th landing on OCISLY

    ☑️ 282nd consecutive successful Falcon 9 launch (excluding Amos-6) (if successful)

    ☑️ 327th Falcon Family Booster landing, 337th Falcon recovery attempt

    Mission and payload info

    >Second batch of satellites for a reconnaissance satellite constellation built by SpaceX and Northrop Grumman for the National Reconnaissance Office to provide imaging and other reconnaissance capabilities.

    Starlink 10-3 launch bulletin (B1062-22 flight leader!)

    B1062 will be the first booster to fly for the 22nd time!

    Starlink Group 10-3 launch out of SLC-40 in Florida currently scheduled for 2024-06-27 11:14 UTC, or 2024-06-27 07:14 local time (EDT). Booster 1062-22 to land on Just Read the Instructions.


    • Space Affairs:
    • Spaceflight Now:
    • NASASpaceflight:
    • The Launch Pad:
    • SpaceX:
    • The Space Devs:

    I've been dabbling in mental divisibility rules over the past few months, but hadn't previously come across these diagrams to track the remainder. Neat trick, and kind of artistic too.

    [Falcon Heavy] GOES-U Launch Discussion and Updates Thread!

    Welcome to the GOES-U Launch Discussion and Updates Thread! First Falcon Heavy launch of the year!

    | Scheduled for (UTC) | 2024-06-25 21:26 | | --- | --- | | Scheduled for (local) | 2024-06-25 17:26 (EDT) | | Launch site | LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida. | | Launch vehicle | Falcon Heavy | | Center | 1087-1 (expended) | | Booster | 1072-1 (RTLS, LZ1) | | Booster | 1086-1 (RTLS, LZ2) | | Customer | NASA / NOAA | | Payload | GOES-U | | Mission success criteria | Successful deployment of payload into Geostationary Transfer Orbit |


    | Stream | Link | | --- | --- | | NASA | | | Space Affairs | | | Spaceflight Now | | | NASASpaceflight | | | The Launch Pad | | | Everyday Astronaut | | | SpaceX | | | The Space Devs | |


    Sourced from NextSpaceflight and r/SpaceX:

    ☑️ 1st Falcon Heavy launch this year, 10th overall

    ☑️ 13th launch from LC-39A this year

    ☑️ 32 days, 18:31:00 turnaround for this pad

    ☑️ 65th SpaceX launch this year, 365th overall (excluding Starship tests)

    ☑️ 67th SpaceX launch this year, 378th overall (including Starship tests)

    ☑️ 280th consecutive successful Falcon 9 / FH launch (excluding Amos-6) (if successful)

    ☑️ 325th & 326th Falcon Family Booster landings, 334th and 335th Falcon recovery attempt

    Payload info: GOES-U


    >GOES-U will provide advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s weather, oceans, and environment, as well as real-time mapping of total lightning activity and improved monitoring of solar activity and space weather.

    Resources and articles:

    Please post small launch updates, discussions, and questions here! Also feel free to leave feedback or suggestions for the mod team. We’re still a relatively small sub, so feedback from the community is very valuable!"

    [SciShow] Why City Birds Love Cigarettes

    TL;DW: Some songbirds incorporate cigarette butts into their nests as pest control.


    I must admit that the details of how the fields are coupled went over my head, but I found the rest of the video quite accessible. Professor Copeland is a joy to listen to, and Brady asks great questions as usual.

    I also learned that "inflation" and "the big bang" are not synonymous, and inflation occurred first.

    [NurdRage] Make sulfuric acid from oxalic acid with the sun

    Not very practical, but the chemistry is interesting. Producing a strong acid from a weak acid by using precipitation as the driving force is something I don't see very often.

    Starlink 9-2 launch bulletin

    Starlink Group 9-2 launch out of SLC-4E in California currently scheduled for 2024-06-24 03:47 UTC, or 2024-06-23 20:47 local time (PDT). Booster 1075-11 to land on Of Course I Still Love You.


    • Space Affairs:
    • Spaceflight Now:
    • NASASpaceflight:
    • The Launch Pad:
    • SpaceX:
    • The Space Devs:
    Starlink 10-2 launch bulletin (take 2)

    Starlink Group 10-2 launch out of SLC-40 in Florida currently scheduled for 2024-06-23 17:15 UTC, or 2024-06-23 13:15 local time (EDT). Booster 1078-11 to land on A Shortfall of Gravitas.

    This mission was previously slated to fly on booster 1073-16, but the launch attempt on June 14th was aborted at T-0 due to a hardware issue upon engine startup.


    • Space Affairs:
    • Spaceflight Now:
    • NASASpaceflight:
    • The Launch Pad:
    • SpaceX:
    • The Space Devs:
    Rocket Lab "No Time Toulouse" Launch Thread!

    No Time Toulouse

    | Scheduled for (UTC) | 2024-06-20 18:13 | | --- | --- | | Scheduled for (NZST) | 2024-06-21 06:13 | | Launch site | Rocket Lab LC-1B, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand | | Booster recovery | No | | Launch vehicle | Electron + Curie | | Customers | Kinéis | | Payloads | Kinéis 1-5 | | Mission success criteria | Successful deployment of spacecraft into Low Earth Orbit |


    | Stream | Link | | --- | --- | | Rocket Lab (official) | | Everyday Astronaut | | Space Affairs | | The Launch Pad |


    • This will be the 8th launch for Rocket Lab this year.
    • This will be the 🎉 50th 🎉 overall launch for Rocket Lab.

    Payload info:

    Rocket Lab mission page


    >First batch of five satellites for the French Kinéis IoT constellation designed to operate with 25 nanosatellites of 30 kg each. The constellation will enable Kinéis, a company backed by private and public investors including the French government’s space agency CNES (Centre National d'Études Spatiales) and CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) an international space-based solutions provider, to improve its global IoT connectivity.

    Previous mission (PREFIRE And Ice) | Next mission ()

    Please post small launch updates, discussions, and questions here! Also feel free to leave feedback or suggestions for the mod team. We’re a relatively new community, so feedback is very valuable!
