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What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Tobuscus was goat but then he got accused of something by his ex or whatever, never cared much about it, but he disappeared and now he just writes books or something. He was one of the old school GOATs next to MatPat, Markiplier, ERB. Sadly missed.

  • The most irreplaceable thing
  • I lost brain cells reading this

  • Happens all the time
  • Oh I do it out of rage. When my guns empty and the bug still isn’t dead, it’s gonna contend with these knuckles of freedom 🦅👊.

    Plus it saves bullets that could otherwise be used for more democratic purposes.

  • Happens all the time
  • Girls when I show them my melee kill count at the end of the mission

  • Jokes on you I never update my proxmox

  • Confound you, WSUS!
  • That’s funny

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • No, I’ve saved hundreds of thousands. Between Steam sales and Humble Bundle, always being a patient gamer, I’ve amassed over 300 games id like to play but haven’t spent more than $500 on Steam over my entire life. I’m poor but $500 over a couple years I can do.

    For comparison, at $60 a game, that would buy me 8 console or Nintendo games at full price plus a little DLC.

    It’s the best price, bar none.

  • How do I change the default login screen?
  • I have almost the exact same setup, but just say “meh”, type my password blindly while looking at my main screen and press Enter, and after login it’s arranged as it should be.

    Yeah, it’s an issue, but it’s a non-issue

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • Are you joking? I’ve saved thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, by waiting for Steam Sales and buying games at a reasonable price for me(I’m poor) rather than paying $60 a game. Nobody else does this(When was the last time Nintendo put Mario Kart on sale?)

    The statement “Steam overcharges gamers” is self-defeating and hilarious.

  • Tomater
  • Okay this one made me laugh so you get my updoot

  • Just happy to help
  • I got Servo Assisted so no, they’re going back where they were with a mighty yeet

  • Oh wow another one
  • laughs in Diligence counter sniper imagine missing headshots

  • I’m convinced this is skinwalker training
  • The page smells AI generated to me

  • I’m convinced this is skinwalker training Biomimicry Professional Program - Biomimicry 3.8

    Are you aspiring to become a full-time biomimicry professional and make a lasting positive impact on our world? Our renowned Certified Biomimicry Professional program is your gateway to the most comprehensive biomimicry training available in the world.

    I ran into someone today who unironically had this degree. They were unable to actually explain it to me, and I was unable to verify they were not a skinwalker. The website doesn’t actually say what it is.

    I’m convinced biomimicry professional is skinwalker training

    Can someone take over KBin?
  • I tried hosting kbin on a pretty beefy server for a while and honestly, it’s dogshit to host. You have to clone and compile the entire code yourself. I use Lemmy.

    Call me when there’s a docker pull and docker compose up deployment command.

  • Was not expecting that [spoilers for new mission]
  • I hate Shriekers. Only takes 2-3 hits to kill you with a swarm of 50 on your ass, you can’t really take cover other than dodging, and you can’t dial the extraction without dying if they’re coming for you.

    I also hate that I can’t close a bug breach with a grenade.

    It’s like the devs don’t play their own game.

  • It's been a minute
  • Give me a railgun that doesn’t tickle, and the anti material rifle should be a standard issue weapon

    Signed, the designated marksman of my team

  • 17 May 2024
  • relatable

  • The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars
  • Man, this blows. It used to be I could get a Smart Car, Scion iQ, Mini, Fiat, Subaru hatchback, Ford Focus, the options for small cars were many. Consumer versions of rally cars were amazing. City commuter cars can turn on a dime and park anywhere.

    Now out of the remaining Mini, Fiat, and Smart, they’ve discontinued or are about to discontinue gas vehicles altogether. My speedy turbo Mini will soon be a thing of the past, and that makes me sad.

    Bring back small fun to drive cars!

  • Any recommendations for iPhone screen protectors that do not take away from the display?
  • No screen protector will mirror the quality of Apples ceramic glass, and Apple uses a high quality oleophobic coating besides. Truth be, haven’t needed a screen protector in some years. Phones are remarkably durable now.

  • tekeous tekeous


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