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  • Don't worry, she'll wake up at 4AM as usual

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • 1000002112

    Just kinda silly

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • well that's a domain

  • rule
  • thank you bowlcat

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Its all fun and games until a frog starts asking about your views on Ronald Reagan

  • NO-SHA rule
  • Rock and stone! Yeahh

  • Coomitter be like

  • oh god, it's me

  • Of out hot eat the rule
  • I mean he's not wrong tho

  • Finger licking rule
  • almost heaven,
    pan virginia

  • what's your favorite kanban board?
  • We've been internally using the stock Forgejo (Gitea) one for about a year now, previous Nexcloud Deck, but it was a bit too buggy, and we didn't really need NC in the first place anyways.

  • Seems like I wont be able to even own tbe content I create
  • Don't mind my tipsy Friday rambling, but this is actually an interesting thing to think about. Kinda wonder how that would work, if it were to be real. Maybe there'd be a single centralized data broker, or we could choose from a list of vendors, like how sharing cookies works.
    Would it be per a specific amount of data, identifiable data, what if we just dumped 10 years of chats into it.

  • Testing please ignore
  • Oh I didn't even know these could be animated. Is it like a rewrapped apng or something?
    EDIT: also i wont ignore it, bweeeeh

  • Rammenstein rule
  • und ich hab nichts gesagt 🤘🏻

  • Small rule
  • ah, viel dank!

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Thanks for the correction, appreciate it. Not sure it changes much though.

  • snugglebutt zoey

    Hey, I'm a 3D artist, bass player, and a bad programmer. I'm self-hosting everything I can, and have been using Linux since Ubuntu 14.04. (Arch btw exclusively since 2019) My first account on here was over at .ml about a year before the whole Reddit shtstorm. (@princesszelda, yoink)

    Posts 3
    Comments 84