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Ah shit
  • I'm speaking in general terms because I'm not familiar with French politics, I just live in a neighboring country. But are we really surprised that it's moving in that direction? In a general sense, the right will always blossom in climates like these, migrants pouring in from decades of war, prices skyrocketing, the Russia affair further polarizing and instilling fear, a general lack of progress. But more importantly, while the right does its best to cultivate the most basic of emotional responses, the left seems unable to come up with anything attractive let alone exciting. And we can argue that progress and good choices can be utterly dull and unappealing, at some point we will have to realize that good ideas still need to be marketed to the people and that it's not enough to equate anything right-wing with fascism and hope that it will do the heavy lifting. We have become preoccupied with complaining about the right in such a way that we can no longer allow critique of what the left is failing to do. If they can do no good then we can do no wrong.

  • Why do they never think people can stack rocks?
  • That picture illustrates my point though. It's just a wall with stacked stone, something very common to see, especially as a European. The difference with OP's pictures is immense, and given the difference in age only makes it more puzzling.

  • Why do they never think people can stack rocks?
  • Would you be able to show a picture of what you're talking about? Not because I doubt your story or their abilities, but I'm convinced that the difference in precision would be immediately apparent. If it weren't, we would not be scratching our heads about how these structures were built thousands of years ago.

    Some people in this thread seem unaware that there really is no explanation about how these stones were so precisely cut. So when someone starts arguing about how it's "just stacking rocks" or coming up with anecdotes to insinuate the feasibility with just some skill and persistence, it displays a lack of understanding of the issue in my opinion.

    Nobody is arguing that it's hard to stack rocks, but we are dabbling in quantum mechanics yet we have no explanation for the precision achieved in these structures. Just because it isn't likely to be aliens or ancient wisdom from Atlantis doesn't mean that dismissive oversimplified explanations are justified.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • If you can't even admit that woke culture tries to clean everything up and has exacerbated the issues then you're simply in denial. It's all around you, it's on TV, it's in comedy clubs, it's in movies, it's in universities. If you can't even acknowledge that, it suggests to me that you can't really argue with it, but rather need to act that it doesn't exist.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • You've gone from name just one to it's happening all the time pretty quick. Of course it's something that's always been around, but we tend to have the ability to gauge the gravity of a situation and react accordingly to address them. Of course that assumes you're able to admit there's an issue in the first place.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • That wasn't my comment, and it obviously was just an arbitrary example.

    but that doesn’t mean an old comedy show couldn’t be made today because of some sort of political correctness directive, it means modern audiences find new things funny because the comedy landscape changes.

    If the issue were simply a different taste in comedy, people wouldn't be up in arms about it, it would just be ignored, like many things that aren't popular. If you want to deny that there is a tendency to comb through everything just to find something offensive to rage against, then the discussion is pointless.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • because otherwise they wouldn’t need to complain about struggling with the expectations and culture of today

    You only make this ridiculous notion because you happen to agree with the side being argued against. "Don't complain, everything changes" is something you utter until it is something that *you *disagree with, unless you're suggesting that you'd be making the same statements about rampant racism and bigotry. It's OK Russia, go ahead and ban homosexuality, it's just the expectations and culture of our times!

    Comedy has always been about issues in society, and it has long been a platform for free speech with very little boundaries, and it is exactly for that reason that many comedians and people in the media in general highlight the fact that the attempt to make their profession offence-free is problematic.

    Comedians have the same situation, if the minority aren’t their customers, they have no reason to care, but they do because it is their customers.

    You're contradicting yourself. On one hand you're arguing that it's the current expectations and culture, but at the same time you're saying it is the minority. The problem is that this vocal minority has such an effect because everyone with an internet connection these days has the ability to ruin someone's career because they feel offended over a joke, so rather than take a stance for free speech (and comedy) they appease those who make a lot of noise, just to avoid a negative backlash. I think it is a bit easy to dismiss everyone who calls this into question as merely thinking about their own bread and butter. This guy in particular is almost a billionaire, perhaps there's more to it, but that of course would make it harder to argue against.

    I am saying through the fact that they complain about culture, shows that they don’t understand their job

    No it shows that you don't understand comedy, which has always complained about culture. And if there is one thing that woke idealism can't stand is criticism about itself. Which is exceptionally ironic, because it complains about everything in the name of progress, and in turn is the biggest promotor of cultural regression.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • Why does that matter? Is he wrong? Maybe your insinuation that this is about him is incorrect and he just sees it as a blemish on comedy as a whole? Could it be that he just cares about the profession?

    It's so peculiar that people would rather argue something irrelevant rather than admit that they agree with someone they don't like.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • That's always the last bastion of people arguing against it happening. Throwing up their hands and saying "things change".

    Wow, what an insightful addition to the discussion you absolute dingus. Nobody is denying that things change, what is argued is that the overly woke mindset has a negative effect on said evolution. Maybe next year when your favourite orange man gets back in the office, we'll just throw up our hands and say that things change without asking the question why we got there, sound like a plan to you? Or do you think that sometimes it might be a good idea to reflect on why we end up where we do?

    A dislike for conservatism does not mean that every change is progress, you know.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • That's quite the hollow argument. To first deny that comedy changed and then state that it's just moved on to something they don't like and then insult them for it. I think you're really undermining your own argument by conflating the evolution of comedy with the tendency to clean it up because we are no longer supposed to offend anyone while handing out participation trophies.

    You're free to deny this is happening, but maybe you're just too young to notice it, kiddo.

  • Seinfeld says that far left woke mobs have killed comedy. He also dated a 17-year-old.
  • The irony here is that your comment seems to suggest that you don't understand comedy. Comedy is not about "saying funny stuff", it's the ability to say anything and make it funny, it takes skill, and above all, it especially requires them to "understand expectations and culture".

    Why do people always find it necessary to undermine the success of someone just because you don't like something they did? It's perfectly possible, even likely, that these people who are good at something also have flaws. Are you so surprised by that that you suddenly feel the need to question everything they've ever done?

    Seinfeld became successful because he was good at comedy, Seinfeld is right that a small vocal woke minority has a negative impact on the profession, and yes a 40 year old dating a 17 year old is questionable. These things can all coexist without coming up with some outlandish theory just to convince yourself that the world is not a complex environment that you can't wrap your head around.

  • Tennessee Senate passes bill banning chemtrails
  • It all depends on how you define the word chemtrails. It's easy to jump to the most ridiculous version of the theory and reject it, but that is somewhat akin to a straw man. In light of what I just showed you, it's also incredibly contradictory.

    No offense, but if you oversimplify the situation to "it's just contrails that linger and people not understanding this" I think you're not doing yourself any justice. Not everyone who questions these things is a fool who can't reason or apply logic.

  • Muted ads playing sound

    Not sure if this is a (very annoying) feature or a bug that popped up recently, but when scrolling posts and encountering an ad, it will start playing with sound even though it shows the muted icon, unmuting and muting again has no effect. Sometimes this also happens when there's no ad in sight, like while reading or replying to a thread, which leaves you with no option than to endure the ad.

    This is on v24.03.04-23:28 with Android 13 (T1SSMS33.1-121-4-8). Not sure what other info I can provide to help with the issue.

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