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ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • Just imagine if one of these 'guided by God' people ever managed to attain the Prime Ministership. Then we'd be in real trouble.

  • How do you guys feel about Session?
  • It's not an option. It doesn't work on all our phones.

  • How do you guys feel about Session?
  • I use it for our family chat. It's okay. The biggest issue is sometimes messages are delayed (up to half-an-hour at times). Other than that, it's fine. It meets our needs.

  • Python beginner
  • CS50P

  • Former SAS soldier, reality TV contestant pulls out of running for Liberals in WA

    Mark Wales says a close family member has suffered a "serious medical episode" and was in intensive care.

    Former SAS soldier, reality TV contestant pulls out of running for Liberals in WA
    2 Head of nursing body sacked following financial investigation

    Senior executives at Australia's peak body for nurses have been sacked after an investigation found alleged "financial irregularities".

    Head of nursing body sacked following financial investigation
    David Gerrold's amazing two-part interview covering Roddenberry, Fontana, TOS, TAS & TNG:
  • Wasn't it supposed to be released in 2015? People complain about Martin, but he's got nothing on the Dave. 31 years and counting since the last book.

  • YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!)
  • I'm expecting YT to be spun off/sold within a year or so.

  • YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!)
  • That's going into Google's pocket, not the creators'.

  • 'Not the end of the road': PM accepts referendum result, maps path forward for Indigenous recognition
  • Political parties will wear a $10k fine. A good lie is worth millions to them especially if they win govt.

    Political speech is way too nuanced to be restricted by legislation of this kind. Was The Voice proposal racist? It depends. Yes says no. No says yes. Both sides can be right and wrong. Is TUSotH one page or eighteen? Were we voting on just the Voice or Voice, Truth, and Treaty? Depending on who/where you ask you'll get different answers. There are very few absolute right and absolute wrongs in politics. Even the 'fact checkers' got it wrong on occasion during the campaign. The referendum would be an even bigger shitshow, with finger pointing and accusations flying, if political speech was deemed wrong and penalised.

    I live in a country where similar laws already exist and the govt uses it to shut down speech it finds (rightly or wrongly) objectionable. It often does this by finding a minutia of perceived incorrectness and forcing the publishers to retract and apologise under the penalty of fines and publishing bans. It's chilling.

  • 'Not the end of the road': PM accepts referendum result, maps path forward for Indigenous recognition
  • How do you enforce that? At best you have an inquiry that reports days/weeks/months later and the damage has been done and is considered old news. In any case, you'll have the pollies inserting a grain of truth into their lies and rules lawyering the rest. It may harm truth-telling because a government/political party has a lot more means to shut down a conversation that an individual or even a community group.

    A better solution would be more transparent political finance reporting laws, but even that is likely to be a temporary measure. Political parties will always find the loopholes. To misquote Keating, never get between a politician and a bag of money. It's still worth pursuing.

  • Prime Minister calls for 'respectful' debate after protesters target No campaign event
  • Do we really want the opposing sides protesting the other side's events? Tensions are high enough now. Wait until a bunch of idiots start throwing punches.

  • High Court finds Qantas acted illegally when sacking 1,700 ground crew during pandemic

    Qantas took a long-running battle with the Transport Workers' Union over sacked staff to the High Court, where the airline today lost its appeal.

    High Court finds Qantas acted illegally when sacking 1,700 ground crew during pandemic
    Even Tucker Carlson thinks Trump is too old to be president again
  • I've been saying this for the last year.

  • McDonald's worker makes desperate plea to Aussie customers
  • Some of us can't read the menu board from within the queue. Tiny fonts and rapidly changing screens. I prefer to order using the kiosks.

  • What do you think about $380m for noping out of the Commonwealth Games
  • The people complaining are the same ones that would be angry if the games went ahead and cost $7 billion.

  • Burger King says tomatoes on 'vacation' as India battles food inflation
  • . o O ( Delicious, delicious soylent green )

  • Opinion: Why it’s time to raise the speed limit in Australia to 130km/h
  • They couldn't possibly do that in WA. There's about a six month wait now to book a driving test. That's just for new drivers.

  • Opinion: Why it’s time to raise the speed limit in Australia to 130km/h
  • Agree. We don't even teach them to drive at night.

  • Mark Latham dumped by Pauline Hanson as One Nation's NSW leader

    One Nation MP Mark Latham says he was removed from the party "without consultation or due process".

    Mark Latham dumped by Pauline Hanson as One Nation's NSW leader
    5 Barnaby Joyce admits watching wrong Matildas game after pub showed July friendly

    Former deputy prime minister says ‘such is life’ after pub showed Australian team’s July friendly rather than thrilling Women’s World Cup quarter-final win over France

    Barnaby Joyce admits watching wrong Matildas game after pub showed July friendly
    So tired of Adobe. They're part of the problem.
  • Chargeback time.

  • I'm a firm believer that editors should write.
  • Sadly, that isn't a universal truth. I wish it was.

  • Judge dismisses major arguments in Google antitrust case
  • Last time I checked the documentation (more than a year ago) the '-' flag was supposed to work, but in practice the results can be unpredictable. Google honours the flag, but DDG is a bit of a mixed bag.

  • I'm a firm believer that editors should write.
  • To an extent. Understanding the writing process is vital for any editor. The reverse is also true. However, the last thing any writer needs is an editor who secretly wants to be a writer. That's painful for all concerned.

  • skribe skribe

    Aussie in Leopolis.

    Writer. One of my novels: Coils of the Serpent. Read it for free.

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