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McCarthyism is making a comeback with this New York Times hit-piece

The below is a statement from the Party for Socialism & Liberation, ANSWER Coalition, and other socialist/left-leaning organizations on the increasing rhetoric aimed at destabilizing China and creating a fear-mongering culture around communists & anti-imperialists.


Prominent anti-war organizations and individuals have just released an important sign-on letter to reject the new McCarthyism being used to reinforce the U.S. government’s Cold War agenda against China.

Add your name to the letter here!

We stand together against the rise of a new McCarthyism that is targeting peace activists, critics of US foreign policy, and Chinese Americans. Despite increased intimidation, we remain steadfast in our mission to foster peace and international solidarity, countering the narrative of militarism, hostility, and fear.

As the US government grapples with a major crisis of legitimacy, it has grown fearful of young people becoming conscious and organized to change the world.Influential media outlets like The New York Times have joined right-wing extremists in using intimidation tactics to silence these advocates for change, affecting not only the left but everyone who supports free speech and democratic rights.

The political and media establishments, both liberal and conservative, have initiated McCarthy-like attacks against individuals and organizations criticizing US foreign policy,labeling peace advocates as “Chinese or foreign agents.”This campaign uses innuendo and witch hunts, posing a threat to free speech and the right to dissent. We must oppose this trend.

Scientists, researchers, and service members of Chinese descent have been falsely accused of espionage and unregistered foreign agency, often with cases later collapsing due to insufficient evidence. Similar to the old “Red Scare” and McCarthy periods, when scores of organizations and leaders like W.E.B Du Bois, Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, Paul Robeson and Martin Luther King Jr and others were attacked with fact-less accusations, today, prominent organizations and individuals,including CODEPINK, The People’s Forum, and Tricontinental Institute have been targeted, with smears and accusations propagated by outlets like The New York Times.

Their strategy paints a sinister image of a secret network funding the peace movement. However,there’s nothing illegal or fringe about opposing a New Cold War or a “major power conflict” with China,views shared by hundreds of millions globally. Receiving donations from US citizens who share these views is not illicit.

Media outlets have tried to scandalize funding sources of several organizations that are on the frontlines working with anti-racist, feminist, anti-war, abolitionist, climate justice, and other movements throughout the United States and globally. Meanwhile, when white neoliberal philanthropists flood the non-profit complex with significant funds to support their political agendas this is rarely scrutinized or made accountable to the communities they impact.

From The New York Times to Fox News, there’s a resurgence of the Red Scare that once shattered many lives and threatened movements for change and social justice. This attack isn’t only on the left but against everyone who exercises their free speech and democratic rights.We must firmly resist this racist, anti-communist witch hunt and remain committed to building an international peace movement. In the face of adversity, we say NO to xenophobic witch hunts and YES to peace.

Initial Signers

  • The People’s Forum
  • Tricontinental Institute for Social Research
  • ANSWER Coalition
  • Anticapitalism for Artists
  • Defend Democracy in Brazil
  • Families for Freedom
  • Mulheres de Resistencia do Exterior
  • Nodutdol
  • NYC Jericho Movement
  • NYC Young Communist League
  • Pivot to Peace
  • Radical Elders

Abby Martin • Andy Hsaio • Ben Becker • Ben Norton • Bhaskar Sunkara • Brian Becker • Carl Messineo • Chris Hedges • Claudia de la Cruz • Corinna Mullen • David Harvey • Derek R. Ford • Doug Henwood • Eugene Puryear • Farida Alam • Fergie Chambers • Gail Walker • Geo Maher • Gerald Horne • Gloria La Riva • Hakim Adi • Heidi Boghosian • Immanuel Ness • James Early • Jeremy Kuzmarov • Jill Stein • Jim Garrison • Jodi Dean • Jodie Evans • Johanna Fernandez • Karen Ranucci • Kenneth Hammond • Koohan Paik-Mander • Lee Camp • Lisa Armstrong • Manolo de los Santos • Manu Karuka • Mara Verheyden-Hilliard • Matt Hoh  • Matt Meyer • Matteo Capasso • Max Lesnik • Medea Benjamin • Michael Steven Smith • Nazia H. Kazi • Radhika Desai • Rania Khalek • Richard M Walden • Robin D.G. Kelley • Roger Waters • Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz • Ruth Wilson Gilmore • Salvatore Engel di-Mauro • Sheila Xiao • Stella Schnabel • Vijay Prashad • Vivian Weisman

These Soviet potato toys are 🔥 Soviet kids made toys from POTATOES! (PICS)

An illustration book from the 1930s shows the exact way to create toys from potatoes! They look weird, but oddly awesome!

Soviet kids made toys from POTATOES! (PICS)
The International Peoples' Assembly has launched Dilemmas Of Humanity, a process of dialogue, debate, and united action amongst people around the globe to build our future, to build socialism

> From October 14-18, 2023, renowned progressive political leaders, people’s movements, and intellectuals from around the world will converge in Johannesburg, South Africa for the III International Dilemmas of Humanity Conference. > > In the coming months, participating organizations will hold regional conferences in Tunis, Kathmandu, Santiago, Atlanta, & Johannesburg to synthesize the experiences and reflections from each continent to bring to the international conference.

Reddit users having a meltdown over discovering the creators of are comrades
  • I've seen far too many people pasting those raddle links as "proof" that lemmy is bad and to fear the scary tankies, yet they never compare anything to how reddit operates or the fact that lemmy is FOSS.

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • It goes hand-in-hand with a post-revolution socialist society. Proprietary software is essentially private property, which would be eradicated in a worker's state. It would most likely not be a first priority for the new state as there are more pressing matters - for the US for example, the dismantling of the military and the closing down of all international bases - but it would be inevitable with socialism.

  • PSL Statement: The Failed Coup in Russia - Liberation News

    Photo: Vladimir Putin with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin was att

    PSL Statement: The Failed Coup in Russia - Liberation News
    There are now close to 10 iOS / Android apps in development for kbin & lemmy!
  • That a Slide for Lemmy is being worked on is incredible. It's the only Reddit app I've used for years after moving away from Sync for something FOSS; it's honestly perfect. I've been using Infinity for Reddit recently as Slide development halting has made it so it's really starting to feel long in the tooth (although I don't care for new Reddit features that Infinity supports).

  • r/The_Donald now on Lemmy (edit: not anymore)
  • The absolute hypocrisy of banning lemmygrad, a communist instance dedicated to the working people of the world and the antithesis of fascism, yet allowing the potential for fascists to find a community on their server.

  • Is it weird to resent when non-communists do good things?
  • Focusing on it is definitely unhealthy; you let that resentment build and you're down a path of pessimism and a view that the working class cannot be saved. We just have to remember that there are reasons why people flock to things like mutual aid and uphold them as exemplary actions: it's personal, (relatively) easy to accomplish compared to base-building, and given it's limited scope satisfying to see you do something that directly helps a handful of those most stricken by capitalist hegemony.

    Trying to work with them can be frustrating, but unless they're actively hostile towards communists or deviations that counter the true needs of the working class, let them be. Use your energy to do what you know is right: organizing & agitating for socialism in a communist party.

  • beehaw is running their own survey too
  • Plus their sidebar gives away what kind of people they are.

    We currently have a Mastodon account you can follow for major updates: @beehaw at

    From what I've gathered on Mastodon, a lot of instances have blocked for being full of libertarian techbro takes. It's always a waste of time interacting with them. Plus I'd rather not lemmygrad be a shitposters instance, leave that to the chapos on hexbear.

  • What's your favorite IDE?
  • helix is incredible, completely replaced neovim for me. Granted I never used many plugins outside of language servers, so it was fairly easy to not worry about a lack of features.

  • Thanks everyone! (appreciation post)
  • This is really the only general video game community I followed on reddit given how young/toxic a lot of the other subs would be, so I'm glad for the community growing here on lemmy!

  • Raddlers losing their minds over Lemmy
  • Raddle is the distillation of the anarchist into the most concentrated form of brain-wormed online anarkiddie that spews the most toxic, vile, and backwards bullshit seen in any realm of "leftism".

    Thank fuck they're contained in their echo chamber.

  • More hilarity over, I gotta say libs do add a lot of entertainment value to the site
  • And we're the ones who want to exist in self-affirming spaces? Liberals can't see the hypocrisy of decrying the far-right yet acting exactly like them.

  • Kaepernick on joining Marxists to edit new book: Black liberation ‘isn’t possible under capitalism’

    Former NFL quarterback and social activist Colin Kaepernick says he’s working with two Black academics who describe themselves as Marxists to edit a new book because Black liberation “isn’t p…

    Kaepernick on joining Marxists to edit new book: Black liberation ‘isn’t possible under capitalism’
    GenZedong is a disagrace to lemmygrad and the communist community
  • The issue with communist discussion online is that many, more so the very online ones, place themselves in direct opposition of what liberals bring up, which in this case is that Zelensky is some "freedom fighter" while Putin is evil and genocidal. The liberal thinking is clearly wrong as Putin is not either of those, but the internet doesn't always leave space for discussion and education; liberals refuse to see anything else and parrot what the capitalists tell them. Paired with internet culture of dunking on them, it's easy for the very online to counteract it with what you're describing as it's a bigger pushback and more inflammatory.

    The line should not be "critical support of Putin" but of focusing the argument on the point that the US and especially NATO. Debating whether Putin is good or bad isn't a good use of time: he's a product of the material conditions of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union and the continued push by NATO on surrounding Russia in an attempt to choke them politically and economically. Otherwise it's a mud-slinging fight of Zelensky vs Putin.

    You bring this up, but it's clear that many still try to lump Putin into the category of anti-imperialist leaders like Assad (to whom critical support makes more sense on anti-imperialist lines). It just shows how important it is to have professional & organized Marxist-Leninist parties that abide by democratic centralism. You have your party line and all members push and follow it, despite whatever internal discussion may be had.

  • Looking for a ML group in TN
  • PSL has a Nashville branch! You can contact them through the main web form and choose Nashville, or potentially directly through their email

  • a community for anti-authoritarian leftist firearms enthusiasts
  • This is what makes our group different from the white anarchist — besides he views his group as already free. Now he’s striving for freedom of his individual self. This is the big difference. We’re not fighting for freedom of our individual selves, we’re fighting for a group freedom.

    This is the clearest description on the fundamental core of anarchism; Huey put it perfectly. It just shows that anarchists have more in common foundationally with libertarians than actual socialists. Anarchists are individualists, and as such, see any fight towards the collective liberation of society at odds with their line of thinking. It's also why anarchism is predominantly seen as a Western phenomena; individualism is central to capitalism, and especially the US (i.e. "rugged individualists"), so in ther mind they attempt to consolidate the two forms of thinking: they want to keep the benefits of being the privileged of the world in the center of imperialism and keep in line with its alienated and individualist nature, but twist what liberation would mean for the working class into an edgy ideology of "no gods, no masters".

    Anarchism or Socialism really hones in on that point as well.

    The point is that Marxism and anarchism are built up on entirely different principles, in spite of the fact that both come into the arena of the struggle under the flag of socialism. The cornerstone of anarchism is the individual, whose emancipation, according to its tenets, is the principal condition for the emancipation of the masses, the collective body. According to the tenets of anarchism, the emancipation of the masses is impossible until the individual is emancipated. Accordingly, its slogan is: “Everything for the individual.” The cornerstone of Marxism, however, is the masses, whose emancipation, according to its tenets, is the principal condition for the emancipation of the individual. That is to say, according to the tenets of Marxism, the emancipation of the individual is impossible until the masses are emancipated. Accordingly, its slogan is: “Everything for the masses.”

    Clearly, we have here two principles, one negating the other, and not merely disagreements on tactics.

  • What/Who is the most obscure music(ian) you enjoy?
  • I doubt they're considered obscure, just a bunch of indie bands, but some of my top listened to artists of the past few years have been these:

  • Co-creator of "The Matrix", Lilly Wachowski, speaks with the PSL on the writers strike picket line in Chicago (transcribed in body) Login • Instagram

    Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

    > My name's Lilly Wachowski. > > I'm out here on the picket line to support my fellow union, brothers, sisters, and siblings, for better wages, for a better future. > And I'm also here because I think that this is a microcosm of a much larger issue. > > There's a correlation between what's happening here and what's happening in the world in terms of the flow of wealth in the world. > It's like the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. > The middle class is getting squeezed out, and a lot more of them are living on the margins of society than ever before. > > If we can start pushing back on these oligarchs, we can start to rearrange how, not just in this industry, but all industries, are ordered.

    Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • Pure gold, a consolidation of every opinion spouted by online leftists

  • People are literally stealing grass in this neighbourhood
  • No to lawns! Yes to native plants!

  • Typical historymemes L
  • Liberals have gone from romanticizing British colonialism to decrying it, but have moved their affection to other European colonizers

  • /g/ on suicide watch
  • Even more reason to use Linux now 😎

  • Horror Movie Community
  • The only one that I know of so far is !

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    Photo: President of Senegal Macky Sall with former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Sixteen peopl

    Why are protests flaring in Senegal? - Liberation News
    Seize the Means of Computation

    Without the mention of FOSS, these types of pro-market "solutions" will always end up dead in the water.

    > This is not just a matter of competition for its own sake. This is about guaranteeing users the fundamental right to technological self-determination, a right that corporate monopolists will not yield willingly. This is nothing less than empowering users to seize the means of computation.

    Can't have tech self-determination if everything's a black box controlled by corporate entities.

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    It's the title that got me

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    Element (

    cross-posted from:

    > Or is this just your usual tech libertarian bros posting cringe?

    The Economist coming out with 🔥 cover pages

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    But $TECH_COMPANY would never allow this to happen, they care about your privacy, they'd never sell out to the State!

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    Latino America savoy
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    savoy savoy

    communist (PSL ☭) unix nerd who likes to unplug

    fountain pen + traveler's notebook, long hair + hats, photography, and spinning indie records that could be cooler than yours (but probably aren't)

    liverpool fc supporter - you'll never walk alone

    homepage: ~savoy

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