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The current TPOT implosion

Is uh, anyone else watching? This dude (chaos) was/is friends with Brent Dill.

Aella and company want to put GM bacteria in your mouth

“ We have unusually strong marketing connections; Vitalik approves of us; Aella is a marketing advisor on this project; SlateStarCodex is well aware of us. We are quite networked in the Effective Altruism space. We could plausibly get an Elon tweet. ”

From the short investor spiel document. Also they want to just bypass the FDA?

Another twist in the Ziz saga (cw death/shooting) Slimepriestess (Hivewired) Confessed to being a Co-Conspirator with John David Pressman

On March 3rd, 2021, tumblr user "donttrythisathome" wrote a callout post naming John David Pressman, (aka JD Pressman, David Pressman, namespace, Ahimsa, JDP#4006, GabrilovichRatio#1509,) a serial se…

I don’t think I posted this before, but if I did lemme know.

The rise of the new tech right

Caught the bit on lesswrong and figured you guys might like.

‘Before its too late buddy’: A Code Red Warning about TESCREALism A Code Red Warning about TESCREALism

This is what happens when you spend two years unmasking a well-funded Silicon Valley “apocalypse cult.”

A Code Red Warning about TESCREALism
The Museum of Retro Technology The Museum of RetroTechnology

Douglas Self, audio design, Subjectivism, Combat Cutlery, Compressed-Air Amplifiers, ElectroMechanical Amplifiers, optical telegraphs, Auxetophone, heliographs, voicepipes, Monowheels, Diwheels, Schilovski Gyrocar, Gyrocars, Brennan Gyro-Monorail, Steam-Powered Bicycles, Rocket-Powered Bicycles, Unu...

Its like tvtropes but for exotic IC engines.

InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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