That ken the cowboy fellow explicitly refused to discuss the MIRI split in his dump too. Very interesting!
They still do nuclear war climate modelling. Its still bad.
thats just me trying to use an unfamiliar meme (and just trying to narrate what I'm seeing on twitter that maybe isn't worth a link). she was actually complaining that people had gone to Ngo.
Looks like Ziz remains on the lam again.
I was kinda picking up on that ugh.
Ngo is going on Newsmax tonight to do his thing in front of the masses.
I’m not going to link Andy Ngo but random rationalist transwomen are being accused of terror sympathy…and Aella is doing this ‘leopards ate my face’ dance.
edit: it was @jessi_cata who tipped Ngo off of all people.
That was my conclusion as well.
Also Andy Ngo has now picked this up and its being spun as a purely trans terror cell thing.
Either Baader-Meinhoff or Manson family, not sure which.
Its really about the ultimate white flight.
Whats your fav saturn game?
I don’t know if I could do it.
Sometimes I forget these things.
Same thing with trucks I imagine.
I don’t even have an optical drive anymore jesus.
Encarta 96 btw
Had not considered the meth angle. Would explain a lot.
Wasn’t much ammo either.
More details. The feds were watching them.
Estonia has an immigration thing for tech workers I believe!
Xcancel is giving me issues so gimme a sec. That said: another killing.
Is uh, anyone else watching? This dude (chaos) was/is friends with Brent Dill.
Blood Music was way cooler then this just saying.
“ We have unusually strong marketing connections; Vitalik approves of us; Aella is a marketing advisor on this project; SlateStarCodex is well aware of us. We are quite networked in the Effective Altruism space. We could plausibly get an Elon tweet. ”
From the short investor spiel document. Also they want to just bypass the FDA?
On March 3rd, 2021, tumblr user "donttrythisathome" wrote a callout post naming John David Pressman, (aka JD Pressman, David Pressman, namespace, Ahimsa, JDP#4006, GabrilovichRatio#1509,) a serial se…
I don’t think I posted this before, but if I did lemme know.
Caught the bit on lesswrong and figured you guys might like.
This is what happens when you spend two years unmasking a well-funded Silicon Valley “apocalypse cult.”
Douglas Self, audio design, Subjectivism, Combat Cutlery, Compressed-Air Amplifiers, ElectroMechanical Amplifiers, optical telegraphs, Auxetophone, heliographs, voicepipes, Monowheels, Diwheels, Schilovski Gyrocar, Gyrocars, Brennan Gyro-Monorail, Steam-Powered Bicycles, Rocket-Powered Bicycles, Unu...
Its like tvtropes but for exotic IC engines.