Now you can experience the atmosphere and the workflow of the 1950s Electronic Music Studios: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/507
#music #electronicmusic #musicstudio

Now you can experience the atmosphere and the workflow of the 1950s Electronic Music Studios: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/507
#music #electronicmusic #musicstudio

Now you can experience the atmosphere and the workflow of the 1950s Electronic Music Studios: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/507
#music #electronicmusic #musicstudio

Now you can experience the atmosphere and the workflow of the 1950s Electronic Music Studios: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/507
#music #electronicmusic #musicstudio

Now you can experience the atmosphere and the workflow of the 1950s Electronic Music Studios: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/507
#music #electronicmusic #musicstudio

Now you can experience the atmosphere and the workflow of the 1950s Electronic Music Studios: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/507
#music #electronicmusic #musicstudio

My Musical Dialogue With ChatGPT Does it make a point to discuss with AI about Music? A series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/532 Cheers and peace! Rolf #music #AI #AImusic

My Musical Dialogue With ChatGPT Does it make a point to discuss with AI about Music? A series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/532 Cheers and peace! Rolf #music #AI #AImusic

My Musical Dialogue With ChatGPT Does it make a point to discuss with AI about Music? A series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/532 Cheers and peace! Rolf #music #AI #AImusic

My Musical Dialogue With ChatGPT Does it make a point to discuss with AI about Music? A series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/532 Cheers and peace! Rolf #music #AI #AImusic

Eurorack vs. Semi-Modular Synths – a Comprehensive series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336
An in-depth comparison for the music producer of todays Cheers and peace! Rolf

Eurorack vs. Semi-Modular Synths – a Comprehensive series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336
An in-depth comparison for the music producer of todays Cheers and peace! Rolf

Eurorack vs. Semi-Modular Synths – a Comprehensive series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336
An in-depth comparison for the music producer of todays Cheers and peace! Rolf

Eurorack vs. Semi-Modular Synths – a Comprehensive series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336
An in-depth comparison for the music producer of todays Cheers and peace! Rolf

Eurorack vs. Semi-Modular Synths – a Comprehensive series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336
An in-depth comparison for the music producer of todays Cheers and peace! Rolf

Eurorack vs. Semi-Modular Synths – a Comprehensive series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336
An in-depth comparison for the music producer of todays Cheers and peace! Rolf

Eurorack vs. Semi-Modular Synths – a Comprehensive series of articles: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336
An in-depth comparison for the music producer of todays Cheers and peace! Rolf

A really in-depth comparison meant for the music producers of todays: https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336 Cheers and peace! Rolf

A comprehensive series of articles on https://www.dev.rofilm-media.net/node/336 Cheers and peace! Rolf
Enjoy the book. There´s a volume 2 to come - probably in 2026 - with a lot of practical examples and VST applications. Cheers, Rolf
You´re most welcome! Enjoy the material! Cheers, Rolf

I´m giving away my comprehensive e-book about sonic grains and granular sound processing for free. You can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj3av5q141ln5zi/In%20the%20World%20of%20Grains.pdf?dl=0 Cheers and peace! Rolf
I don´t know if you are interested in using granular techniques, working with sonic grains etc. In case that you are, here is a link to download my comprehensive e-book about granular sound tweaking. I´ll give it away for free: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj3av5q141ln5zi/In the World of Grains.pdf?dl=0 Cheers and peace! Rolf
Hi Sturgist, yes, please pass this on to them. Enjoy the book! Cheers, Rolf
... and a next try to give you this comprehensive work for free: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/nkzlk2vmfop66w8krmyjt/h?rlkey=tg0zkmccil0twpx87z7qn7826&dl=0
Hi SteveCC: So how can I offer the free download?
I´m really deep in VCV Rack . I´ve even written a whole e-book trilogy about making generative music with VCV Rack. I think it´s the most versatile modular synth software out there (perhaps together with Cherry Audio´s Voltage Modular - which is not freeware though). Some modules are a bit poorly documented, but all in all it´s a marvelous way into modular synthesis. I recommend anyone who starts working with VCV Rack to limit oneself to only a few basic modules, doing a long time experimenting with these few modules, and only then step by step expanding the system. There is a big danger to drown oneself in the plethora of available modules without really learning what each of them is able to do. Cheers and peace! Rolf Ah, by the way, there´s free e-book about the matter, which may help quite a lot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/nkzlk2vmfop66w8krmyjt/h?rlkey=tg0zkmccil0twpx87z7qn7826&dl=0
Music Composer and e-book author (music production, sound design, composing etc.) More on https://dev.rofilm-media.net/