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Regime change
  • Ulululululululululu.

  • Only hot girl in Iowa
  • They have good taste

    Tastes like brass.

  • Anon works in a high end restaurant

  • Irate Escape from Tarkov players nuke community Discord over new PvE mode
  • They are Russian, so it’s probably a mix of vodka and amphetamines.

    Do svidanya. Vodka soda.

  • Wife just gave birth, this is my life now
  • I'm Calgon. I'm a Laundrydragon, ha ha ha.

  • Matrix effect in terminal with FOSS icons
  • Wut tiling manager is that?

  • Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic
  • Yet another post that reads like four shakespeare characters who come out in the middle of the play to talk about something completely unrelated for comic relief

    There's more like this?! Where, pray tell?!

  • What's your favorite profound quote?
  • Dead men are heavier than broken hearts.

    From The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler.

  • Anon is in love
  • it simply traumatises everyone that comes too near.

    Absolute Trauma Field.

  • Astrophysicist believes he's cracked the code for time travel
  • You'll get paid after we get back.
    Must bring your own weapons.
    Safety not guaranteed.
    I have only done this once before.

  • NSFW
    IHOPe to build your confidence
  • I love roast beef, and meatloaf, and Philly cheese-steakes, and tuna noodle casserole. 🥰

    What about blue...berry waffles? 😏

  • How Much Power Is 1.21 Gigawatts, Anyway? The Science Behind Back to the Future
  • 1.21gw == output of 1 nuke plant for 1 day == power single home for 100 years

    avg lightning = 10gw

    Whoa, this is heavy.

  • Mouse Rule
  • DARPA making peripherals now?

  • "a gorilla in hulkbuster armor" - Bing
  • Where's Zarya?

  • Anon tries to figure out his coworker
  • I’m in this story and I don’t care, I’m still getting paid

    I wish I was in this story.

    I'm usually the guy left holding the bag of everyone else's work. What the fuck?

    Even in school. Remember those group projects where the teacher assigned the groups to force kids to mingle or whatever? But one kid just ends up doing all the work anyway because the others didn't give a fuck? That was me—I was the one kid who did all the work.

  • Gaming reflex Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email

    But its prime target was Nintendo, according to a 2020 email leaked during the FTC v Microsoft trial.

    Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email
    Privacy Concerns from Misspelling an Email Address?

    I'm in the process of deGoogling and also shoring up my email privacy, which means I'm hyper aware of mistakes I make, hence the stupid question:

    I was testing something with Proton Mail and misspelled the domain—swapped the "r" with one of the neighboring letters.

    I didn't get an email bounceback, which is fine, because you don't always get a bounceback anyway. But, should I be concerned that I might have just volunteered my email directly to some spam outfit?

    The "wrong" domain is registered. I'm acutely aware that the misspelling being one letter away from "Proton" might be intentional to capture misspellings like the one I made. Also, the wrong domain seems to be associated with and, which are blocked by ublock.

    Is there anything I should do from a privacy perspective? Or is this a non-issue?

    Remember Sniglets? List Of Words That Should Have Been In The Dictionary

    Comedian Rich Hall gave us the sniglet -- defined as (remember?) any word that doesn't appear in the dictionary, but should. Seeking to name the nameless things and behaviors we witness every day . . . .

    0 Airline passenger finds plane floor soaked in blood | CNN

    Habib Battah was flying from Paris to Toronto with Air France plane when he noticed a “manure” smell. Getting on his hands and knees, he discovered the floor was wet with what the airline says was blood and feces from a passenger two flights earlier.

    Airline passenger finds plane floor soaked in blood | CNN

    > > > “I said it smells like merde – s\*\*t. She handed me wet wipes. I started wiping and it was red – blood red. And it kept coming up red. I was like, ‘What the hell is this?’ I just wanted to see what it was. After a while, one of the flight attendants said, ‘You’d better go wash your hands, and here are some gloves.’” > >

    I love how they Uno-Reversoed the passenger into wiping it up.

    reflex reflex

    Ten minutes later I was sorry. But ten minutes later I was somewhere else.

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