I'm just now at stormblood lol. Have to redo all my hotbars (twice if I want my crafter/gathering on my steam deck.) since I didn't remember to carry over that file when installing Linux.
My fc went hard on Endwalker so I'm glad most of them will be coming back for Dawntrail.
Not looking forward to the long duty times since both new classes are DPS, though I main SMN for a reason so I guess I'll just be a scholar for a bit for that bonus 😁
Variant dungeons are great! I'm happy they are continuing to make more in Dawntrail, I was afraid that they would stop due to the low popularity of the harder versions.
I've been working a bit on Bozja since I had gotten stuck at CLL. That's now done as is DRN, and I've unlocked Zadnor. Just need to do some farming to work my way through the rest of it now.
I want to get through Eureka but haven't done much about it yet. Really all I've been doing lately other than sending out subs and retainers is trial roulette. Been fun doing fights I haven't done in a while.
I'm not even worried about the weapons at the moment, it's more about doing the rest of the story. Outside of the fanfiction of the Wandering Minstrel (aka, the EX, Savage and Ultimate fights), I think Bozja and Eureka are the last two bits of story I haven't done. I managed to complete every side quest currently available towards the end of last year, so behind that it's mainly doing stuff like maxing shared FATEs and that kind of thing - I know that's not story, just unlock stuff, but still something I need to get around to.
My TOP group is almost done with reclears. In the meantime, I've been catching up my alt on jobs I've picked up in the last year since I plan on doing W1 Savage with splits.
I'm also doing one Frontlines roulette a day on my main to work towards the fancy armor. That's been on my mind for a while but I'm really bad about consistently doing it daily. The Moogle Tomestone event coming back next month will help since I will feel more motivated to grind out the last stretch.
I did that for Picto (which to be fair didn't take long, I already have a level 90 caster so was just reacquiring a set of 80 poetic gear), and I've got the level 80 gear for Viper but I'm gonna wait until DT launch and get the 90 gear with Poetics. It's been refreshing to be able to take a step back from the weekly tomestone grind.
I got all the EW relics fully upgraded for all classes, and finally got all the first rank of tank mounts for all tanks. There's still the cooler mounts for tanks but, not sure I want to keep that grind going
@lorty I'm trying to clear Eureka Orthos (which would be my first Deep Dungeon clear) for glam. Apart from that I'd like to finish the raid tier as well, I've only cleared P8S :/