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Political Memes r3df0x ✡️✝☪️
"European heritage"

White supremacists celebrate a middle eastern religion that worshiped "Alaha" and culturally enriched Europe by wiping out the indigenous religions and resulted in over a thousand years of women wearing hijabs.

Is it possible that gender dysphoria could be misdiagnosed as autism?

I feel like it's a bit of a long shot. I could see how certain things like being depressed could contribute to being withdrawn and lead to a lack of social skills.

I feel like my sister was misdiagnosed because I tend to be the voice of compassion when we talk about issues related to people with autism.

And of course there's a correlation between having autism and being trans.

Neo-Nazis Are All-In on AI
  • I wouldn't say that Gab used to be an exclusively neo Nazi site, but now that Twitter allows standard conservative discussions, all the normal people probably left Gab for Twitter and now Gab is probably more of a Nazi shithole.

    I have seen openly Jewish people on Gab but you couldn't go 10 posts without finding something blatantly racist.

  • Need noise cancelling headphones recommendations
  • Active hearing protection is better for sudden noises and some of them have connections for aux cables but the speakers are low quality and they're designed only to understand someone talking and that's it.

  • How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside
  • My sister was diagnosed with autism before transitioning but she hasn't "seemed autistic" since transitioning. I don't know if it was a misdiagnosis of gender dysphoria or if it's something that she really has. She is very fixated on trying to force other autistic people into passing so it makes sense that she would learn to hide it.

  • Requiring self improvement goals from an autistic roommate
  • Can you explain this more?

    He is not living a sustainable lifestyle and it's going to catch up with him and he's going to be miserable.

    I see a lot of desire among people on the spectrum to do the easy thing and constant aversion to anything difficult. Living an easy life is going to bring nothing but misery. I have a friend with BPD who is miserable because he never leaves his comfort zone and leaves jobs as soon as they get remotely challenging. Grinding away the days by coming home and watching Netflix until you go to bed and work again is going to create misery.

    If he's so averse to dating that it causes him to pack up and leave, that's better for me because then I don't have to deal with the empathetic baggage of visualizing him growing into an 80 year old virgin and living alone with no friends and having never accomplished anything.

    My sister was diagnosed with autism and she used to be a male incel.

    This western philosophy of "just do whatever feels good" is satanic misguidance. It will lead to nothing but suffering and misery.

  • YouTube videos are skipping to the end for users with adblockers
  • If they push hard enough eventually there will be a replacement.

    Federation could solve this. All you need is one flagship instance that doesn't allow uploads, but it allows users to create accounts and playlists to act as "the" site for the federated network and then content creators can start their own instances.

  • What are the rules for selling pork in your world?

    One of the ideas that I had is that pork in the СШР is offered as a downgrade that costs less. The communist party would then pass laws mandating this since offering pork as a downgrade instead of an alternative as an upgrade would make it easier to get prosecutions for blasphemy and hate crimes if someone put pork into the wrong food.

    20% of the population follows a consistent pork taboo without meaningful exceptions, which is half of the communist party. A third of technocrats believe in Transformatsiya instead of atheism, but it's extremely watered down to the point of being meaningless.

    The pork taboo is not required but it's considered better to follow it. Most people who avoid pork in certain situations don't consume it because the alternatives are usually better.

    Edit: Additional context

    This is the СШР, which is a dyson shell in 50,000. In 48,776, it was populated by technocratic tsarist atheists who believed that the tsar had an innate right to rule because he was the most enlightened of the technocrats. Everyone had pervasive low key depression that never went away, but they were also largely ignorant of it because it was normal to them. Around 48,000, people started to break away and started forming autonomous zones. They developed a belief in a supreme creator and the spiritual being Tanisha Reznova contact them in dreams and psychedelic experiences and revealed previous revelations about God to them. They believe that by living in submission to God, He will remove the fog of spiritual dysphoria and allow them to experience inner peace.

    Religion also leads the Transformniks to communism because they believe that capitalism is associates partners with God where corporations become idols. Tanisha mentioned a nation called Merika was founded through divine providence to be a shining beacon on a hill. Merika eventually fell into decline in the 21st century because Tanisha said they allowed themselves to become separated from God by corporations. Eventually people of the three main religions united and fought in the Red Army against the corporations and secular technocrats of the White Army. The Red Army and the White Army are the factions referenced in the first war against slavery under Abraham.

    Fallout trans and religious allegory

    It feels like it was intended to be a religious allegory considering the other symbolism in the game.

    What are methods of spiritual redemption in your world?

    Transformniks don't believe in universalism because they believe that Satan and probably others will never repent and accept God. They also don't believe that permanent separation from God is never justified. There are Transformnik mystics share the belief from Christian and Muslim mystics that Heaven and Hell are states of being that people create based on how they lived. The default state of Hell is permanent and it's only through reform and purging of certain sins that certain people and spirits can be released from Hell.

    The most severe sins as described in the Tome (the holy book) are polytheism and idolatry, atheism and social dysfunction and those who lead people to these sins. These sinners are punished the most severely and are usually considered beyond any salvation.

    This is not an official part of Transformatsiya but is something that mystics have theorized. There are two possible methods of redemption for severe sinners. One is to appear in the dreams of a large number of people who would be damned and push them towards salvation. The other is reliving a recreation of one's life repeatedly with no prior memories while in the recreation. They continue reliving their life on repeat with the same initial conditions until they get it right. Usually it requires some major black swan event of free will. Each time they come out of the recreation, they have all of their prior memories returned, including memories of previous lives in the recreation.

    What is the position of the religions of your world on mysticism?

    There are Christians and Muslims who denounce mysticism as being dangerous while there have also been Christian and Muslim mystics. Transformatsiya is a fictional religion created from the influence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and was formed through mysticism and contact with the spiritual being Tanisha who revealed previous religious teachings to the early followers. Part of the religious teachings include how to safely understand the influence of the spirit world.

    Under the religious Zakon Law, mysticism and occult rituals are restricted to sanctioned mystics because ignorant exploration of the spirit world is incredibly dangerous and is likely to lead to demonic possession or influence.

    Unsanctioned mysticism is punished by mandatory intervention from social workers of the PKVD, court order to see a psychiatrist who is a sanctioned mystic, or in extreme cases confinement to a mental hospital where they would receive spiritual guidance.

    All the prophets up to Tanisha (who is a spirit) are considered mystics who received divine revelations from God or his messengers through the spirit world.

    Are there any large countries in your world that don't have a military?

    The СШР is the largest civilization in the galaxy by population, but they don't have a regular military. The NKRB (Homeland Security) has planetary defense forces but the Red Army is not part of the military or the government except under exceptional circumstances.

    Under most circumstances, it's forbidden for followers of the Transformatsiya religion to serve in the military, because it's considered participation in violence on behalf of the state.

    All of the gun stores are owned by the communist party because it's illegal for arms dealers to be capitalist businesses because it leads to capitalists profiting from violence. The economy of the СШР is market socialism.

    Describe a major election in your world

    The 2060 presidential election has a reemergence of the Radical Republicans. Joe Sullivan becomes the first market socialist president and the abolition of AI slavery was announced as one of his positions. The Democrats viewed this as an existential threat because they relied on android and AI slaves for the masses as the foundation of their policy because they wanted to make sure that cis humans never needed to work themselves. They take a high school statement about the war in Ukraine out of context to try to claim that Joe Sullivan supports Bolshevism. The real context was he wanted to negotiate an end to the war.

    After the inauguration at the beginning of 2061, all of the west coast states succeed. Later that year in June, they begin an invasion of the Union that lasts until 2065 when the capital of Los Angeles falls and AI slavery is abolished.

    What is creationism like in the religions of your world?

    In Transformatsiya, they believe that God created the universe in six days 60,000 years ago at the beginning of the Holocene. Everyone was created with memories of existing before the moment of creation.

    They don't believe that evidence of an older universe is "fake." Instead they believe that it's "in context" and scientists should study the universe as it appears and any evidence of existence before creation is simply part of God's work.

    They believe in evolution since the moment of creation. Saying things like "Dinosaurs didn't exist" is breaking the fourth wall.

    Describe an archetype in your world

    The Reflection

    Communists of the Transformatsiya religion believe in the reflection archetype, which is a mirrored version of themselves and a manifestation of that which they repressed.

    The spiritual entity Tanisha is a manifestation of the collective reflection of the pre-historic Merikans. This is why she contains seemingly contradictory qualities. She exists in the image of a trans lesbian Red Army girl, because these were both repressed by different groups of Merikans. She was created in 2004, and the Red Army was of interest and relevance to the Merikans at that time through multiple works of historical fiction.

    There is also a mythological origin of Tanisha, which is not "real" in context, but is simply a story and is interpreted as such by the followers of her religion. The KGB agent Masha Zakayeva was impregnated by the CIA agent Lucas Walker. She gave birth to Tanisha who was given the birth name Sam Walker. Sam had to be hidden from the Merikan shadow government, so he was secretly adopted by the Kyle family. Eventually Sam transitioned to Elisa, then Tanisha split off as her reflection with the intent of protecting her. Elisa lived an ordinary life as a middle class liberal and had a girlfriend. Tanisha began collaborating with radical Merikan communists. Eventually Elisa discovered Tanisha and was angry and distraught and had no idea how she could become such a person. Her girlfriend ends up leaving her. Eventually Elisa ends up embracing the radical nature of Tanisha rather then the ordinary life of mediocrity that had been planned for her.

    Building a fictional religion for the technological era {general discussion]

    This takes place in the far future after there have been multiple cycles of hedonistic societal collapses.

    The main reason why the spiritual entity Tanisha takes on the role of a prophet to create an entirely new religion rather then simply reveal one or more prior religions is because none of them existed in a technologically advanced time and so lack the teachings necessary to instruct people how to live in an advanced society.

    Transformatisya is heavily influenced by Christianity and Islam with convergent evolution on the Baha'i Faith, but without the non Abrahamic elements because they are considered redundant and unnecessary. The main story of Jesus follows Christianity, although he is considered separate from God. Tanisha was created in the minds of the pre-historic Americans, so included elements of American history in the mythology.

    Idolatry remains the most severe sin, but the second most severe sin is anything that leads to or is a product of social isolation. Tanisha was formed in 2004 with memories of being born in 1984 and watched what happens when a technological society isolates itself and can only interact electronically.

    I could see this resulting in a very "tough love" approach to manifestations of social anxiety where sufferers are seen as "a danger to themselves" and their own development into the world. Socially isolating interests and behaviors would be viewed as morally evil\* and viewed in a self destructive way as something like drug addiction or the socially alienating behaviors of severe mental disorders.

    *I want to be clear that this would not be some "chad" or "jock" dystopia. Traditionally "nerd" interests would still be pursued, but the "nerd" aspects would be strong discouraged.

    I want to present an "over correction" that prevents this faction from being "unambiguously good" and gives other characters within the same faction something to struggle for reform against where they advocate for people who have been persecuted by this approach.

    Tanisha also presents a lot of stories in the form of myths and allegories that are related to 21st century isolation.

    How do the religions and secular philosophies of your world deal with problems such as this that only exist in technologically advanced societies?


    Bonus points if anyone remembers the game this is from.

    Egg is a meme for a trans person who hasn't realized it yet.

    Context: In that level you play as a female character. It will be 20 years old in November.

    Political Memes r3df0x ✡️✝☪️
    Capitalism is idolatry


    Political Memes r3df0x ✡️✝☪️
    Conservatives if the internet existed during the American Revolution


    This can be deleted. I made a new post to replace it. СШР - Farewell to Slavianka | Pre-revolution dream visions | Year 48,770 [Sci-fi]

    Context and lore in the descriptionCredits belowDisclaimer: This work is about a fictional setting and all statements regarding this content are in a fiction...

    СШР - Farewell to Slavianka | Pre-revolution dream visions | Year 48,770 [Sci-fi]
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    r3df0x ✡️✝☪️
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