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Bon anniversaire! 🎉
  • Je suis pas toujours dans le coin, mais bravo les gars.

  • Help needed choosing a good pair of noise cancelling earphones
  • They're underwhelming especially for the price. You trade performance for sustainability and repairability... But they do work.

  • Un jeu pour ZX Spectrum diffusĂ© sur une radio FM
  • Hey je doute que la qualitĂ© de la transmission aurait permis de rĂ©cupĂ©rer le programme intact a l'arrivĂ©e, mais je peux me tromper...

  • The Adversary
  • -associated +controlled but that can do

  • The Adversary
  • Ah yes because as the first step isn't all the way to the goal, we shouldn't have taken it.

  • An AI company has been generating porn with gamers' idle GPU time in exchange for Fortnite skins and Roblox gift cards
  • I kinda fail to see the problem. The GPU owner doesn't see what workload they are processing. The pr0n company is willing to pay for GPU power. The GPU owner wants to earn money with his hardware. There's a demand, there's an offer, nobody is getting hurt (ai pr0n is not illegal, at least for now) so let people what they want to do

  • I'm a self made man
  • I have rich parents and am still a failure, don't you deny me this !

  • I gotta say

    Finally we took the creek, but tibit was forgotten in the process. Let us never fail again, tibit !

    What's your favorite community on Lemmy that has no equivalent elsewhere?
  • Huh didn't expect a community I (used to be) am active on.

  • Enlisted: Reinforced on Steam will be released with a native Linux port!!!
  • Gaijing is Linux friendly overall. War thunder has a native linux port.

  • The future is now
  • Hey that's what locally run LLMs are for

  • Ukraine war has cost Germany more than 200 billion euros so far
  • Ah then if I'm wrong I'm sorry about it

  • Innovation : la Bretagne, berceau des communautĂ©s Low-tech Lab
  • Oh le vitrocĂ©ramique c'est pas bien cher. Pour l'induction c'est beaucoup plus valide comme remarque

  • Innovation : la Bretagne, berceau des communautĂ©s Low-tech Lab
  • J'aime bien l'idĂ©e de se dire qu'on a pas besoin de gadgets super chiadĂ©s pour vivre mais dans leur habitat de dĂ©mo (en photo sur l'article) on y voit une cuisiniĂšre a gaz.

    C'est sûrement plus lowtech que de l'induction ou du céramique mais c'est beaucoup plus émetteur de gaz a effet de serre que ces deux la...

    C'est aussi pour ça que je me méfie de tout ceux qui rejettent "les trucs modernes". J'entends bien que beaucoup de choses qu'on nous rabùche a la gueule sont pourris, mais y a des trucs qui sont cool la dedans. Surtout les améliorations en efficience sur le chauffage (pompes a chaleur, radiateurs rayonnants....)

    M'enfin je suis probablement hors sujet

  • Ukraine war has cost Germany more than 200 billion euros so far
  • How is that fucking possible, also iirc Spiegel is a terrible tabloid

  • Dissolutions : le gouvernement en roue libre - Contre Attaque
  • Tu fais un lĂ©ger raccourci en disant que la dĂ©mocratie est religiophobe alors que c'est plutĂŽt la religion qui est democratophobe (mot qui ne semble pas exister) mais je suis d'accord.

  • "Open Source Windows" ReactOS just got better GUI install setup, no GPT yet
  • Last time I checked, it could run the latest Firefox, but it might have been the ESR. It's using a lot of the WINE stack so it should be more potent than windows xp. The main issue is drivers, not really application support

  • Why people gave up using linux?
  • Weird edge cases. You would think that edge cases are a minority, but a setup without any edge case is the real minority.

    From screens that decide to not power up (Nvidia !!!) to programs not wanting to start (Minecraft flatpak who doesn't run from desktop but okay from command line), sometimes when you want it to just work it's exhausting.

    On my side I've totally given up on windows and happily run a full AMD household, it's fine, but still.

  • Nappes d'eau souterraine au 1er janvier 2024 | BRGM
  • C'est quand mĂȘme sacrĂ©ment le foutoir. Ici dans la Manche, les terrains sont gorgĂ©s d'eau toute l'eau souterraine est a fleur de terrain et les cours d'eau sont a des niveaux super Ă©levĂ©s. Et il continue de pleuvoir... Et 50km plus loin c'est plus sec que ça le devrait.

  • YouTube
  • Then give us a fair price. YouTube is not making any content, so I just wish to pay for the hosting privileges. That shouldn't cost me 15€/month. Give me simple prenium that removes ads for 6-7€, and I will jump in. It's all about what I feel I'm getting.

    For instance, I fucking bought a 1300€ pixel 8 pro ROFL.

  • I finally destroyed space trader.

    This save has been started nearly 10 years ago. I love palm os and even used this very palm treo 650 to replace a broken galaxy note 2.

    I continued this save like a week ago (a gnat a 20k credits) and proceeded to do every mission that I know of.

    Traded a bunch, even used the termite to haul narcotics and flee police. Finally bought a wasp. Luckied out on the space warp event (a black hole saved my bacon) and got the singularity drive. Used it to Speedrun the Gemulon alien invasion. Installed the compactor on my wasp. Killed the dragonfly and installed its shield on my wasp. Finally found effin professor Berger after encountering about 200 mantis. Got the computer from the diplomat. Visited every system. Did the medicine run to Japori. Killed the space monster of Acamar in two runs. Got to buy the Utopia moon.

    Killed about 50 pirates with the fully kitted wasp (and targeting computer) got competent rating, couldn't be arsed to farm pirates at the risk of losing the best Wasp you could get, so I found the Utopia moon event, bought it and streamlined there. I just never went criminal, and avoided the merchant prince event. Also never encountered the scarab quest, but I wonder if the normal difficulty is to blame.

    No deaths, no cheats, and sub 300 days (which surprised me)

    Memorable moment : 45 narcotics run at +1800cr each, to a militarist system. Was a ride.

    Nobody cares about a 20 years old game on a 15 years old dead platform, but here we are.

    [Community Challenge #10] “Sustainable Ecumenopolis”

    So apparently my asterix won last challenge and now i gotta make one of my own. Damn

    Formatting is shamelessly stolen from, thank you for your hard work :)


    This week’s theme is “Sustainable Ecumenopolis”. I wanted to have something original, that i never seen before. Also ecological Trantor would be based AF.


    1. Follow the community’s rules above all else

    2. One comment and image per user

    3. Embed image directly in the post (no external link)

    4. Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we're all here for fun)

    5. At the end of the week each post will be scored according to the following grid

      | Prize | Points | | --- | --- | | Most upvoted | +3 points | | Second most upvoted | +1 point | | Theme is clear | +1 point | | OP’s favorite (me, this week) | +1 point | | Most original | +1 point | | Last entry (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point | | Prompt and workflow included | +1 point |

    6. Posts that are ex aequo will both get the points

    7. Winner gets to pick next theme! Good luck everyone and have fun!

    Past entries

    1. Dieselpunk
    2. Goosebump Book
    3. Deep Space Wonders
    4. Fairy Tales
    5. A New Sport
    6. Monsters are Back to School
    7. War and Peace
    8. Distant lands
    9. Unreal Cartoons

    Here's my generation info : A planet city with buildings entirely made of tree buildings,green high rise, very high density Negative prompt: concrete,BadDream, bulidng blocks,forest Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Heun Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 210053647, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 3c8530cb22, Model: cyberrealistic_v33, VAE hash: c6a580b13a, VAE: vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt, RNG: CPU, TI hashes: "BadDream: 758aac443515"

    Good luck and have fun !


    Already bought the adfree version. Rmmayo, welcome back !

    Un petit merci a Camus !

    Ça casse pas trois pattes a un canard boiteux, mais sans toi cette communautĂ© serait bien plus vide. On essaie tous d'oublier notre logique de rodeurs ((ndla : Aja aussi que lurk se traduit par se cacher/roder )) mais ça prendra du temps avant qu'on soit nombreux a poster. Du coup merci Camus (et en plus ton Hobbes est facile a repĂ©rer)

    pokexpert30 pokexpert30

    Reddit is dead, long live reddit.

    Posts 6
    Comments 239