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Ukraine war has cost Germany more than 200 billion euros so far Ukraine-Krieg kostete Deutschland bislang mehr als 200 Milliarden Euro

Der Überfall Russlands auf die Ukraine ist an der deutschen Wirtschaft nicht spurlos vorübergegangen. Experten schätzen den Schaden auf mehr als 200 Milliarden Euro, mindestens.

Ukraine-Krieg kostete Deutschland bislang mehr als 200 Milliarden Euro

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  • How is that fucking possible, also iirc Spiegel is a terrible tabloid

    • Energy prices going up by an order of magnitude would be one obvious reason. Many companies have gone under, a lot of industry moved out, people lost jobs, and so on.

    • Haha you must be confusing it. It used to be excellent: investigative journalism, feminist manifestos, and so on. By now it's mediocre, but it can't be called terrible by a long stretch.