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Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education.
  • Doubtful. Putin for example has been in power for decades. Stalin ruled Russia with an iron fist for the rest of his natural life after rising to power. Unless they're overthrown, that's what dictators do. That's the whole point of dictatorships, to make the leaders the new kings.

    There's nothing stopping that dude from suspending elections and just ruling indefinitely.

  • Actual real political cartoon. Just... wtf
  • Okay, let me explain something to your dumb hypocritical ass before you make a fool out of yourself any further:

    You're clearly the only one being an asshole and a bully here.

    You're the one being the -- how did you put it? "authoritarian we should try to avoid", and you're the one being a worthless hypocrite on top of it.

    This is me talking to you via an alt account, an account I have because most people on Lemmy have at least 2 or 3 by virtue of federation.

    You did nothing but take a cheap shot at some innocent dumb fuck who stuck their oar in because you wanted to hurt me and my feelings. And judging from the rest of your account activity, you very blatantly do the exact same thing you accuse me of doing, all the time, non-stop. And you have zero self-awareness at all.

    So why would you even come here all offended at me in the first place, unless you yourself were just @FlyingSquid's dumbass alt? I guess we're all alts here, moron.

    It's okay though. You're acting just like me and I'm here for it. 👏

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • Probably best to not try to scrape the bottom of the barrel when defending authoritarians pushing lies and propaganda. Like, if you're going to go for a red herring, you could at least tone police me; that would at least be more plausible and less petty. Step your game up

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • Clearly I'll have to, and it will be expensive, but we sane folks have no choice. These piece of shit admins on several different instances have shown us that they clearly don't care about their users (this is not the first instance I have seen that's pulled this crap).

    Let me see what I can do

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • That's exactly what they've been doing. Their Tianamen Square propaganda showed up on my All feed which is how I know about it to begin with. We're all being inundated with their garbage and we did not come to this instance to be flooded with propaganda and garbage.

    I'm arguing with their shitty alt accounts here because they tried to mass downvote the thread and astroturf and gang up on me, because they don't want efforts to defederate them to gain traction, but guess what? It didn't work. Because they're little bitches who thought they could scare me away, and it did not work, because I am an asshole. 😉

    You're here blatantly fucking lying to our faces thinking you can discredit me and protect those hopeless retards, proving my point. Tankies don't belong here. If you love them so damn much, go sign up for Lemmygrad.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • I actually haven't really debated them and this isn't the first time I've seen them invade an instance. I want them gone because they are spreading blatant propaganda and that should not be allowed on any instance worth its salt

    Point in fact, I came here to specifically because it was defederated from them, but now I see the past few days that they've been let on again and are now invading threads with pro-CCP astroturfing and inundating the All feed with their propaganda and garbage like they always do. And that shouldn't be allowed.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • How do you foresee tankies poisoning the whole fediverse?

    Because I've been watching what has been going on. Instances, big ones, that were previously hard-nosed about being defederated from them have mysteriously let them on their instances again, including this one. I signed up for this instance specifically BECAUSE it banned them, and then all of a sudden, for the past few days, my All feed is inundated with their crap.

    That is shady, sus, and wrong. A lot of people came here specifically to get away from tankies and their garbage, and now we're expected to put up with it because the admins refuse to act and even let them back on? Explain to me how money, blackmail, intimidation, manipulation or abject retardation isn't involved in that?

    Or how it won't happen to other instances once those cretins get a foothold in a big enough percentage of the fediverse?

    It doesn’t even seem like they are trying to make a case, they are just bluntly stating misinformation. If we are going to remove all misinformation then we are going to need paid admins because even at the current scale its a full time job.

    The admin already accepts donations so he has no excuse.

    I see blatant misinformation everywhere on the fediverse already and only a tiny percentage is tankie related.

    You can thank the alt-right dipshits at .world for that, and that's why I speak out now: unless admins' feet are held to the fire and they're held accountable for not protecting their users, it'll keep getting worse. The admins made an instance they want us to use and accept donations to keep it running. Therefore they have a responsibility toward us they're not meeting, and it results in dangerous shit like propaganda claiming the Tianamen Square massacre did not happen to run freely when it should not. That is crazy and you know it

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • bad economic policies

    Who cares about China anyway?

    Yea the person claiming Biden has bad economic policies wants to ignore the second largest economy in the world… 😂

    Well lookie motherfucking loo here boys, the proof is in the pudding.

    You all are really butthurt that no one else wants you around that you gang up on anyone who complains, resorting to cheap personal attacks and tone policing, thinking you're going to pretend to be an onlooker when in reality you're just some dipshit tankie acting in bad faith hoping to astroturf.

    THIS is why you scumbags don't belong here. THIS is why the admins need to take responsibility and defederate from your asses, so we can have meaningful conversations in good faith without them being inundated by your ilk so you can feel like you're in control of something.

    Tankies DO NOT belong here and they need to be defederated from this instance before they do worse.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • I shouldn't have to as that costs money. It's the admin's job to fix his server, not mine.

    If he's a tankie or a supporter of them, he has a responsibility to us to be honest about that fact instead of allowing them to run roughshod and inundate the instance with propaganda. He KNOWS they don't belong here but he's ignoring the problem. That means he either is one of them, supports them or is being taken in by them. And that's a serious problem that will affect the whole federation, not just this one instance.

    If tankies get away with doing that here, they'll do it to other admins, and poison the whole federation. It'll be impossible for new instances to flourish without kowtowing to them, and so it has to be stopped here and now with the bigger instances.

    EDIT: Welp, clearly I’ll have to, and it will be expensive, but we sane folks have no choice. These piece of shit admins on several different instances have shown us that they clearly don’t care about their users (this is not the first instance I have seen that’s pulled this crap).

    Let me see what I can do

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • And here's a .worlder all butthurt because he remembers the time I called out his shitty instance on doing the exact same thing, and as history repeats himself, he feels embarrassed

    Do you feel like you should have to go through the gargantuan effort of blocking every single tankie sub on every single server you go to? Or do you think you can garner the stones to get at least one admin somewhere to do his damn job?

    Is that asking too much? Or would you rather hide behind me to justify defending scumbags literally spreading propaganda claiming the Tianamen Square massacre didn't happen because you don't like me and want to play tone police to express it?

    Because if me being angry about this is more of a serious problem to you than that, then there's a good reason why we label .worlders as alt-right dipshits and don't listen to you.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • Apparently yes, because you're here defending them in a meta thread for my instance written specifically to address this issue, an instance you're not even a part of, so what reasonable conclusion can we make except you're here to defend them and keep them around when you know instance natives do not want them?

    See, this shit is why the tankies need to leave. They're astroturfing and getting their buddies/alt accounts to stick up for them and this is like the third that has cropped up in the thread so far. How can meaningful engagement happen if they are going to be allowed to just gang up on anyone who complains or disagrees with them? That's not a fun instance and the admins of have no business allowing it.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general

    TO THE ADMINS: Read this thread and give me one good reason why federating with toxic, propaganda spreading tankie loons is a good idea.

    No one wants those fucks, or the alt right dipshits for that matter, around, and they're spreading blatant lies, yet I see they are here. Does only care about boosting its numbers and is willing to sink to new lows to do it, I wonder? 🤔

    news pinkdrunkenelephants
    At least 55 people died on Maui. Residents had little warning before wildfires overtook a town New fire prompts evacuation as survivors of Maui's wildfires return after death toll rises to 67

    Police say a new fire burning on the Hawaii island of Maui on Friday night has triggered evacuations of a community to the northeast of the area that burned earlier this week.

    New fire prompts evacuation as survivors of Maui's wildfires return after death toll rises to 67
    news pinkdrunkenelephants US suicides hit an all-time high last year

    About 49,500 people took their own lives last year in the U.S., the highest number ever. That's according to new government data posted Thursday.

    US suicides hit an all-time high last year
    nottheonion pinkdrunkenelephants
    Fuck The Police pinkdrunkenelephants After Bodycam Footage Undoes Its Narrative, NYPD Agrees To Pay $13 Million To Anti-Police Violence Protesters

    Cops really hate policing protests that target police. But that has been the reality since Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin ripped the bandage off an unhealed wound by placing his knee on t…

    After Bodycam Footage Undoes Its Narrative, NYPD Agrees To Pay $13 Million To Anti-Police Violence Protesters

    Archived version:

    Archived version:

    All cops are bad pinkdrunkenelephants
    Kids say the darndest things
    Fuck The Police pinkdrunkenelephants
    Kids say the darndest things
    Fuck The Police pinkdrunkenelephants
    Fuck The Police pinkdrunkenelephants Former Warner Robins police chief faces child sexual abuse charges - 41NBC News | WMGT-DT

    Former Warner Robins police chief faces child sexual abuse charges from 41NBC News | WMGT-DT

    Former Warner Robins police chief faces child sexual abuse charges - 41NBC News | WMGT-DT

    WARNER ROBINS, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – A former Warner Robins Police Chief is facing child sexual abuse charges in Houston County. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrested 79-year-old George Johnson, of Warner Robins on Thursday. On Wednesday, July 26th, GBI agents secured arrest warrants for Johnson for the following offenses:

    - Sodomy - Sexual Exploitation of a Child

    Monday, July 17, 2023, the Houston County Sheriff’s Office requested the GBI’s assistance following a complaint filed with the Houston County Sheriff’s Office. The complaint involved allegations that Johnson abused a teenage female victim. A preliminary investigation indicates the incidents happened in Houston County and Pulaski County since 2022. Both Houston Sheriff Cullen Talton and Pulaski County Sheriff Danny Brannen requested the GBI conduct the investigation since the incidents involved two different judicial circuits.

    Fuck The Police pinkdrunkenelephants
    Woman claims she was 'stripped, drugged and sexually assaulted in custody by Greater Manchester Police officers' as three hours of footage from arrest 'goes missing'
    Fuck The Police pinkdrunkenelephants Nazi symbolism and child pornography found in German police chats | Voice of Europe

    Share this:FacebookXEmailGoogle+LinkedIn Read more: Greta Thunberg retracts ‘Free Palestine’ post after unintended symbolism backlash The head of the Mexican megachurch La Luz del Mundo is accused of child pornography possession...

    Nazi symbolism and child pornography found in German police chats | Voice of Europe

    The German prosecutor’s office found messages of illegal content, including Nazi symbolism, in chats involving five officers from three different police districts. These violations were uncovered during investigations in the North Rhine-Westphalia region.

    According to Annet Milk, the lead prosecutor in the investigation, these five individuals, aged 22 and 25, are suspected of exchanging Nazi symbolism in chats and possessing child pornography during their training. Three of the accused belong to the police department in Recklinghausen and one each to the police departments in Kleve and Borken.

    Milk stated that the chats were discovered during an investigation involving a sixth suspect. The prosecutor’s office has charged a former police officer with exchanging far-right extremist symbolism in chats and with possession and distribution of child pornography. He had worked at the police headquarters for some time after completing his training.

    Searches were conducted at the homes of three police officers last week.

    Sounds About White pinkdrunkenelephants Outrage after DeSantis says he’d ‘start slitting throats’ if elected president

    National Treasury Employees Union president calls Republican’s remark on federal jobs ‘repulsive and unworthy’ of campaign trail

    Outrage after DeSantis says he’d ‘start slitting throats’ if elected president
    space pinkdrunkenelephants NASA hears signal from Voyager 2 spacecraft after mistakenly cutting contact

    Flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong command nearly two weeks ago that tilted the spacecraft's antenna away from Earth and severed contact.

    NASA hears signal from Voyager 2 spacecraft after mistakenly cutting contact

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — After days of silence, NASA has heard from Voyager 2 in interstellar space billions of miles away.

    Flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong command nearly two weeks ago that tilted the spacecraft’s antenna away from Earth and severed contact.

    NASA’s Deep Space Network, giant radio antennas across the globe, picked up a “heartbeat signal,” meaning the 46-year-old craft is alive and operating, project manager Suzanne Dodd said in an email Tuesday.

    The news “buoyed our spirits,” Dodd said. Flight controllers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California will now try to turn Voyager 2’s antenna back toward Earth.

    If the command doesn’t work — and controllers doubt it will — they’ll have to wait until October for an automatic spacecraft reset. The antenna is only 2% off-kilter.

    “That is a long time to wait, so we’ll try sending up commands several times” before then, Dodd said.

    Voyager 2 rocketed into space in 1977, along with its identical twin Voyager 1, on a quest to explore the outer planets.

    Still communicating and working fine, Voyager 1 is now 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) from Earth, making it the most distant spacecraft.

    Voyager 2 trails its twin in interstellar space at more than 12 billion miles (19 billion kilometers) from Earth. At that distance, it takes more than 18 hours for a signal to travel one way.

    0 NASA hears signal from Voyager 2 spacecraft after mistakenly cutting contact

    Flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong command nearly two weeks ago that tilted the spacecraft's antenna away from Earth and severed contact.

    NASA hears signal from Voyager 2 spacecraft after mistakenly cutting contact

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — After days of silence, NASA has heard from Voyager 2 in interstellar space billions of miles away.

    Flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong command nearly two weeks ago that tilted the spacecraft’s antenna away from Earth and severed contact.

    NASA’s Deep Space Network, giant radio antennas across the globe, picked up a “heartbeat signal,” meaning the 46-year-old craft is alive and operating, project manager Suzanne Dodd said in an email Tuesday.

    The news “buoyed our spirits,” Dodd said. Flight controllers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California will now try to turn Voyager 2’s antenna back toward Earth.

    If the command doesn’t work — and controllers doubt it will — they’ll have to wait until October for an automatic spacecraft reset. The antenna is only 2% off-kilter.

    “That is a long time to wait, so we’ll try sending up commands several times” before then, Dodd said.

    Voyager 2 rocketed into space in 1977, along with its identical twin Voyager 1, on a quest to explore the outer planets.

    Still communicating and working fine, Voyager 1 is now 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) from Earth, making it the most distant spacecraft.

    Voyager 2 trails its twin in interstellar space at more than 12 billion miles (19 billion kilometers) from Earth. At that distance, it takes more than 18 hours for a signal to travel one way.

    7 ‘Shameful loss’: wolves declared extinct in Andalucía

    Naturalists decry extinction of species as loss of habitat, poaching and illegal hunting take toll

    ‘Shameful loss’: wolves declared extinct in Andalucía

    For centuries, wolves have roamed the mountain ranges of Andalucía in southern Spain, but after years of decline the creature has been officially declared extinct in the region.

    Since 2003, the regional government has carried out a census of the wolf (Canis lupus signatus) population in an effort to monitor the species and reduce conflict with the local population, farmers in particular.

    However, in a report, the Andalucian government’s environment department says that “since 2020 there has been no sign of the wolf being present in Andalucía”, in spite of it being a protected species.

    Up until at least 2010 it was estimated there were six to eight wolfpacks in the region, mostly in the Sierra Morena, comprising up to 56 individuals.

    Despite the wolf being declared extinct only now, experts say there has not been any evidence of wolves in Andalucía since 2013, and probably no reproductive group since 2003.

    “This is bad news and it confirms the negative trend for the few existing wolfpacks in southern Spain, which are threatened through being physically and genetically isolated from wolves in the rest of Spain, by loss of habitat, poaching and illegal hunting,” said Luis Suárez, the conservation coordinator for the World Wildlife Fund in Spain.

    2 ‘Shameful loss’: wolves declared extinct in Andalucía

    Naturalists decry extinction of species as loss of habitat, poaching and illegal hunting take toll

    ‘Shameful loss’: wolves declared extinct in Andalucía

    For centuries, wolves have roamed the mountain ranges of Andalucía in southern Spain, but after years of decline the creature has been officially declared extinct in the region.

    Since 2003, the regional government has carried out a census of the wolf (Canis lupus signatus) population in an effort to monitor the species and reduce conflict with the local population, farmers in particular.

    However, in a report, the Andalucian government’s environment department says that “since 2020 there has been no sign of the wolf being present in Andalucía”, in spite of it being a protected species.

    Up until at least 2010 it was estimated there were six to eight wolfpacks in the region, mostly in the Sierra Morena, comprising up to 56 individuals.

    Despite the wolf being declared extinct only now, experts say there has not been any evidence of wolves in Andalucía since 2013, and probably no reproductive group since 2003.

    “This is bad news and it confirms the negative trend for the few existing wolfpacks in southern Spain, which are threatened through being physically and genetically isolated from wolves in the rest of Spain, by loss of habitat, poaching and illegal hunting,” said Luis Suárez, the conservation coordinator for the World Wildlife Fund in Spain.
