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Pity, really.
  • You will also know nothing and be happy.

    Ignorance is bliss after all

  • how to move to a new computer?
  • Pretty sure that is possible with Nix and home-manager.

  • Gnome extension on KDE?
  • I don't have anything useful to say but that sounds fixing dystopian.

  • Upgrade to 0.19.4 is cookin'
  • not professionally at all

    Having an announcement in the first place is more professional than what you get from many companies.

    Thanks for your work!

  • Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • I clearly didn’t read it.

    I love the honesty. It's really refreshing to see someone take accountability instead of becoming defensive.

  • How do you contribute to OSS?
  • Looking back on my career, submitting your first merge/pull request can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks (we're talking about 8+ hour work days). And that's at companies that have an onboarding process and coworkers you can ask for help and explanations about the code base, architecture etc.

    Getting into someone else's code (this may include your past self) is almost never easy and often feels convoluted, because it's very difficult to see the context that existed at the time when the code was written. And by context I mean everything that influenced the decision to write lines the way they were written, including undocumented discussions, necessary but non-obvious workarounds, understanding of the problem and solution space by the dev, general state of mind of the person writing the code and more.

    Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't contribute in just a few hours.

    I would first reach out to the devs on IRC/Discord/Matrix and express interest to contribute and see how they react. You don't know if they would even accept your PR, so I wouldn't do too much work upfront.

    Then, when they are open to work with you, find out if they are willing to help you ease into the code. What files should you study to implement the changes that you've discussed earlier, any considerations that are not obvious, is there legacy code that you shouldn't touch etc.

    It's important to keep in mind that (collaborative) software development is more than just being able to write code. And a lot of the surrounding work is not very glamorous or fun.

    I hope that helps and wish you good luck! 🤞

  • Vegan at a hospital: not respected
  • I am sorry to hear that your dietary choices are not being respected by the hospital staff.

    What country are you in? I would have assumed hospitals in most developed countries should be able to cater to different dietary needs. What would they do if someone had a sever allergic reaction to certain ingredients? Tell them to just starve?

    I don't have anything helpful to say. Hope you get better soon.

  • Youtube Rant from a paying customer
  • You are welcome. You can find various lists for your content blocker on (click the (i) button and then subscribe).

  • Youtube Rant from a paying customer
  • Not the person you asked, but you can find ready made block lists for YouTube Shorts. For example:

  • Why don't computers have "computer-numbers" equivalent to phone numbers
  • I don't think that's something that needs to be fixed. Your phone (and probably your computer) can randomize its MAC address every time it connects to a new WiFi to make it harder to track you.

  • How to make aquafaba from home-cooked chickpeas
  • Lovely, thank you! I'm in the same boat, I cook my chickpeas myself and never managed to get the same results as with canned chickpeas.

    Turns out it's a bit more involved than just having the right ratio of water to chickpeas (according to the article).

  • Does talking to a carnist make you feel like you're witnessing a group delusion?
  • I love this. I've never thought about what my trajectory would have looked like, if I had been shamed in person.

    Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure shame is really the emotion that I was feeling before going vegan. I think having to face the reality of my actions probably elicited guilt rather than shame, because there was no social aspect to it (I don't even know who wrote the sentence in the first place).

    I think shame might be more effective for behavior change when it comes from one's social context. There were times when I was younger, I wouldn't mention I was vegan around coworkers, because I was ashamed of what they might have thought (yes, I've eaten vegetarian meals after becoming vegan).

    On that token, I would say shame might only "work" in social settings, where the majority is vegan already. But that would probably not make someone believe in animal rights. Rather it might influence a person's actions while in that setting.

    Thank you for your well thought out reply. You've changed by mind 😄

    Btw, I'm sorry to hear that you experienced a lot of shame in your childhood. I hope your doing better nowadays.

  • river version 0.3.0 released (tiling Wayland compositor)
  • Oh thank you for that link. I knew I've heard him take about his plans in some talk he gave, but didn't know he write them down.

    I am on the same page as you. River works for me well enough, but the vision is what keeps me excited.

    What exactly was the problem with not being able to configure CSD/SSD? I've not run into any issues but that has probably more to do with the applications I run.

  • Does talking to a carnist make you feel like you're witnessing a group delusion?
  • Thank you for the wire up. I couldn't have said it better. The only thing i want to give a different perspective on, is this:

    I also don’t think you can shame people into changing against the grain of what’s easy.

    I think there's countless reasons why people decided to go vegan. And not all of them include understanding and compassion for the carnist's position.

    I've become vegan because reading "vegetarians are murders" made me feel awful (was vegetarian at the time). For me, it was definitely a form of shaming, or at least condemnation of my way of life, that made me change.

    Different strokes for different folks I guess 🤷‍♂️

  • How can i do whatever I want to do ?
  • I'm sorry to hear that you're having a hard time getting the software running. I understand that this can be very frustrating.

    As others have said, making yourself the owner of everything can cause numerous issues in the long run and there's a reason why most distributions DON'T make you root.

    Why are you using Linux in the first place? I think sonarr and jackett both run on Windows as well.

    Don't let the frustration get the best of you. If you really want to run those tools yourself, then dive into it (and all the technical issues that are part of it), but if you only want to have access to the functionality, you might want to look into a service that takes care of all the technical burden.

    Good luck

  • river version 0.3.0 released (tiling Wayland compositor)
  • You're welcome. I've been using it as my daily driver for over a year now and it works for that, but don't expect any bells and whistles.

  • river version 0.3.0 released (tiling Wayland compositor)
  • I think the biggest difference is dynamic (river) vs manual tiling (sway). Other than that, I feel sway is much more mature and there's a proper community surrounding it that had written scripts and tools that work with sway. Many of which you are probably gonna use with river as well (swaylock, swaybg, swayidle).

    One thing that's pretty cool about river (at least in theory) is that the tiling algorithm is not part of the compositor itself. Instead, you can run any river tiling program and have that part be completely custom if you wish. Also configuration is done via commands instead of a config language (you usually run a bash script at start).

    From what I remember, the vision of Isaac Freund (main developer) is, that river will become more of a tiling compositor base, that others can then use to create their own distributions. I heard that in some talk he gave. You should be able to find that on YouTube.

    However, there's still a long way to go.

    In it's current state, river reminds me of spectrwm. Very simple, with some cool, but ultimately non-essential, ideas that you probably won't find anywhere else.

  • river version 0.3.0 released (tiling Wayland compositor) river

    A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor


    After five months since the last patch and almost two years since the 0.2.0 release, version 0.3.0 of the minimalist Wayland tiler river has dropped last week.

    The new version improves rendering performance and damage tracking, adds several quality of life features, such as resizing windows from all sides, extend the rules system, and supports several new Wayland protocols like text-input-v3, input-method-v2, fractional-scale-v1 and more.

    Full change log can be found here.

    Audacity 3.5 Released with Cloud Saving, Beat Detection, Pitch Shifting, and More
  • Ah, I think that isn't possible. You would have to split the track and then use the smart clips feature. Or you use a different tool like someone else mentioned.

  • Do vegan milk products, like oat milk or soy milk contain added calcium in your country?
  • Yes, I remember a lot of organic milks were fortified with some calcium rich algae. Nowadays the only fortified soy milk I can find is Alpro (not organic, with calciumcarbonate).

    It's a real shame because I really liked Provamel and the Alnatura one.

  • pinchcramp pinchcramp
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