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How to make aquafaba from home-cooked chickpeas How to Make Aquafaba from Home-Cooked Chickpeas - Zero-Waste Chef

Transform chickpea broth from cooked-cooked beans into aquafaba. Use it for delicious meringues, macaroons, mayonnaise and more.

How to Make Aquafaba from Home-Cooked Chickpeas - Zero-Waste Chef

I was trying to bake some meringue and playing with aquafaba, but I tend cook chickpeas myself and store them dried otherwise. But aquafaba-based recipes usually assume you buy precooked chickpeas in a glass.

Then I found this article, which explores how to cook chickpeas so the cooking water can be used for aquafaba recipes.


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  • Lovely, thank you! I'm in the same boat, I cook my chickpeas myself and never managed to get the same results as with canned chickpeas.

    Turns out it's a bit more involved than just having the right ratio of water to chickpeas (according to the article).