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Firefox's profiles implementation sucks
  • It may seem like that at first, but the obvious solution ends up being even more convoluted.

  • Firefox's profiles implementation sucks
  • My solution is to use Firefox dev edition for the second profile.

  • Huge waves to hit California coast for third day, bringing flooding and life-threatening conditions
  • No amount of money can save them from the rising sea levels.

  • stupid smart TVs
  • I actually had the reverse problem: some stupid neighbor kept trying to pair something with my smart TV, to the point where I couldn't watch TV at times, due to this moron's insistence. I looked in the settings and also found I couldn't disable Bluetooth, or blacklist devices, so I thought of a simple solution: changing the TV name to "virus". From that day on, no one tried to pair anything with my TV.

  • Canada's surging cost of living fuels reverse immigration
  • If you're moving to Iceland and working in Iceland, that's fair. Moving to Iceland and working for a US company, earning a US salary, that's not.

  • Canada's surging cost of living fuels reverse immigration
  • Fight to make your country better! Otherwise, you'll just contribute to the creation/enlargement of the same problem in some other place. Natives do not want that and start being very wary of digital nomads because of this.

  • Vida ou não vida
  • Acho que o OP se está a referir à presença de malta PT no lemmy, e não à instância em si.

  • Most school shootings aren’t mass killings, study finds, and they’re often driven by community violence
  • So if it's not a mass shooting, we should be fine with it, that's the angle?

  • These Eerie Photos Are The Only Ones Ever Taken on Venus
  • It's not. The photos with the horizon visible are photos taken during the descent, whereas the photos with only ground visible were taken as landing was imminent (or after landing).

  • which distro and why do you prefer it over others?
  • Fedora, it's bleeding edge, but stable enough for a daily driver. Also, most things work out of the box.

  • Biden Skillfully Handled Xi Jinping’s U.S. Visit in Ways Trump Simply Never Could
  • He could simply deflect and avoid the question, as anyone with half a brain would have done.

  • New Fedora Slimbook 14" joins the Fedora Slimbook 16" - Fedora Magazine
  • Why can't mom and pop store compete with Costco?

    This how you sound.

  • OSS Notetaking App: Notesnook
  • 50 dollars a year for a note taking application? How can anyone think that this is remotely reasonable? Also, can you not shill this so hard? I don't have strong feelings for Joplin, but the way that you're trying to knock it down, it's bordering mental.

  • OSS Notetaking App: Notesnook
  • I use Joplin, my notes are synced across devices, and I pay 0 dollars. I'm using Dropbox to sync, also a free account.

  • [BUG] Auto load next page
  • I'll try to do it soon, thanks for being so on top of this!

  • [BUG] Auto load next page
  • Unfortunately now the app crashes :(

  • eat the rich
  • Still don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, in capitalist free America people are shot for knocking in the neighbour's door, is that better? Lest we talk about the private jail system that demands prisoners, in order to be sustainable.

  • Chinese fighter jet got within 10 feet of US bomber over South China Sea, US military says | CNN Politics
  • A Chinese fighter jet over the south CHINA Sea, who could have figured that?

    Now, is anyone going to ask what was an American jet doing there?

  • [BUG] subreddit links crash app

    Whenever I try to follow a link to a subreddit (and probably to a post in reddit as well), the app crashes.

    [BUG] Auto load next page

    I like to browse lemmy by opening a post and the swiping right for the next post, or left for the previous one. I already browsed reddit with Infinity before, and it worked flawlessly. The thing I noticed in Eternity is that, when I reach the end of the "page" (preloaded posts), I get stuck in a "Loading..." screen, I then have to go back to the feed, scroll down past the last post I was shown, and then it will load the next batch of posts and I can resume swipe browsing again. Can we have the app auto load from the post details, instead of being stuck in that "Loading..." screen?

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