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Do you ever have a tomato plant that dies for seemingly no reason?
  • Check the roots, you might have pests eating the roots. Could also be too much watering. Hard to say from photos but I definitely think something is wrong below the surface

  • Did Obama Becoming President Make People Hide Their Racism?
  • I think you've got part of it right from my recollection and experiences, but not quite the full thing. I think Obama's success actually lead shitty people to lash out more, which brought trump to power, which emboldened those shitty people to stop hiding it and actually be proud and display it. I think the racism and shittiness was always there but people kept more of a lid on it. We just aren't able to pretend it isn't who we are more broadly anymore.

  • NSFW
    Is it morally wrong for a 18 year-old man to have sex with a 48-year-old woman
  • You might get differing answers due to the payment portion of the scenario, but here's my 2 cents.

    No, there's nothing morally wrong here at any level to me. This is legally ok as far as the ages go, pretty much everywhere.

    As long as there's no power dynamic being abused, and both sides are consenting, go for it.

  • Keep finding these lil guys in my house
  • The comment you replied to is "no record of this comment" for me. What did they say? I was thinking brown recluse because of if the "violin mark" on its back, but I didn't want to duplicate a comment I can't see

  • Boeing's Starliner set to fly astronauts for the first time on May 6
  • Hope they properly bolted in the door plugs

  • I guess I'm done with reddit...?
  • There's an entire instance for such things, though I don't know what more is there beyond mostly porn.

  • What tips do you have for training your dog?
  • Yeah, professional training can be really helpful. Especially if they're interactive with you as well so that you learn how to train while the dog is being trained. Imo a training course is only as good as the owner will be after, if that makes sense.

  • What tips do you have for training your dog?
  • One thing I read once and applied to my last dog and my friend has done with his: use as the hand gesture for sit bringing both your hands up to your chest, like kids do when afraid. Dogs tend to respond to visual commands as much as or more than vocal. This way if someone is scared of the dog and makes that scared gesture, the dog will (in my experience in most cases) sit.

    And in general, consistency is the most important thing. In the end, teach your dog whatever commands you want with whatever cues you want, but consistency is the key across the board. This includes initially how anyone interacts with your dog during the initial training phases, if possible. This helps reinforce the specific training you're doing and that not just you should be able issue commands

  • R.F.K. Jr.’s Environmental Colleagues Urge Him to Drop Presidential Bid
  • Uh, yes? Good, bad, or otherwise, always has been.

  • Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules
  • Oh thank you for this. I've seen the lockdown but I never really looked into what it does. Not that I am one to frequently be in a position where I'm concerned about being forced to thumb my phone, but it's nice to know. Even being a middle aged white dude, one never really knows when you might be perceived as having looked at a jack boot the wrong way.

  • how do you smoke and not get fat
  • I don't have a solution, just know that you're not alone. I had to stop smoking late last year to stop the munchies so I could lose weight and drop my a1c out of diabetic category before I would've been diagnosed. I'd have eaten the fridge door when I was smoking if I hadn't adequately prepared the fridge for those later raiding parties.

  • How did you treat COVID-19?
  • I had a dog when I caught it that first July, so I kept walking her. I obv kept wide of people but still walked my dog and got plenty of sunlight. I don't know what's real and what isn't as far as what's going to help with reducing the intensity of this things but im glad I kept getting exercise and vitamin D, and I'm also glad Paxlovid is out there for people who catch it now. Rest, fluids, the med, and still getting a little sunlight and low intensity exercise would be my 100% non medical professional recommendation.

  • Can we just collectlively boycott Warner Bros. at this point?
  • Browsing all, I came to say something snide about your levels of frustration, then I saw the community name and kind of chuckled. I know I'm not adding any value with my comment here, but just wanted to make a note of my turn around.

  • I miss people looking like humans.
  • Where do you live that this is real?

  • Iran alerted Russia to security threat before Moscow attack
  • I mean, you said it yourself and I went and checked. On March 7, there was a us embassy alert to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. Wouldn't be much to check it out before executing and replan.

  • Do I have Burnout?
  • Edited to add: I Guess I didn't really address the point specifically about not studying and struggling with the tests. That was me the entirety of my education, from the first grades I can remember all the way through my 8.5 years of college with 2 degrees. I just didn't care, especially when the homework itself wasn't graded. I'm not sure how to help on that point specifically, other than to say that you're not alone, and I made it with similar issues.

    It's really difficult to stay motivated for as long as we're in education. Do you know where your current standing is specifically in those two courses? Could you go to those two professors and voice what you're facing and see if there's any recommendations they can provide you?

    It's ok to fail. We don't want that to be our normal state but it's ok. It's ok to be tired and struggling with motivation. A big part of learning is learning how to adapt to new situations and not just learning a particular topic. College is about both and then some.

    What year are you in? Some of those early courses are meant to get you to the next step, and some (it's been a while for me, maybe it isn't this way anymore) seemed like they were intentionally designed to get people to quit. Weed out courses, so to say.

    One of those weed out courses I went through was a huge attendance first level physics course that it seemed like nobody was doing well. About 1/4 dropped it over time to avoid the failing grade.

    In the end, the professor did a flat full 2 grade "curve" for everyone that stuck it out. I don't think his intent was to teach, I think it was to break those who would be willing to drop. I don't like the concept of those courses, and I don't even know if they exist anymore, but that's also something to consider if the ones you're failing in have that kind of feeling to them.

    Keep trying, you're not a failure just because you've failed at something, and sometimes this is part of life. You've got this.

  • How can I start a timer from my home screen by voice without saying "Hey Google"?
  • I forgot I set up tapping the back of the phone to trigger assistant when I found out about this. Obviously it's super instinctual. You can set this in settings -> system -> gestures -> quick tap to start actions

  • How can I start a timer from my home screen by voice without saying "Hey Google"?
  • You don't. In their infinite wisdom they deemed it an unnecessary feature that people like you and I are oddballs for using in that way and removed it for our own betterment.

  • Attention issues
  • No more or less than today really.

    It's very possible it's not sleep apnea, but it isn't something that you necessarily know is impacting you. It's not about hours of sleep, it's about the quality of sleep and blood oxygen levels due to breathing interruptions.

    My sleep study said I had something like 70 "interruptions per hour", which means I'd stop breathing, my body woke me up just enough to breathe, then fell back asleep, only to do it all over again a little more than once every minute.

  • pezmaker pezmaker
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