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AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • Somebody needs to fucking do more than say "hey this should happen! "

  • After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law

    Get off your geriatric ass and do something..

  • After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law
  • Every move like this gets them closer and closer to full on fascism, and gives them more and more power to destroy us and all we can do is hope the idiot democrats put a stop to it, even though all they're doing is sTrOnGlY cOnDeMnInG their actions...

  • ID request (Phoenix area)
  • It might be a brown recluse? I'm not sure...

  • ‘I Know I’m Not a Young Man’: Biden Confronts Doubts During Forceful Rally
  • And replacing the incumbent last minute would also be catastrophic.

  • Green lynx spider in my sunflower
  • Yo he (or she) looks wicked!

  • This happens far more often than I'm willing to admit
  • ...I hate that I relate to this :(

  • North Korea condemns joint military exercise by South Korea, US and Japan
  • North Korea can shut the fuck up and just focus on sending their poop balloons while starving to death in misery. The end.

  • Zoinks!
  • No, not really. It's not that deep:

    Daphne: sees klansmen

    Daphne: knows they're racist, murderous pieces of shit

    Daphne: shoots them dead

    Daphne, tongue in cheek: "oops, it isn't a ghost"


    That's it, that's literally what this is. You're overanalyzing something very obviously intended to be anti kkk.

  • Zoinks!
  • ...I love it

  • We must find it
  • Smash

  • ‘I Know I’m Not a Young Man’: Biden Confronts Doubts During Forceful Rally
  • What Trump brought was an overblown ego and a fountain of lies and vitriol that his idiot followers eat up like candy.

  • ‘I Know I’m Not a Young Man’: Biden Confronts Doubts During Forceful Rally
  • I upvoted you because you got downvoted for some reason even though you are spitting facts.

  • ‘I Know I’m Not a Young Man’: Biden Confronts Doubts During Forceful Rally
  • He's definitely not "toast". One stupid debate will not affect anyone's decision to back him. Obama had a bad first debate as well when he ran in his very first electoral race, and he still won. Twice, to be exact. None of these things you mention are going to be a deal breaker for people who know what's at stake, and each day, that number grows. Joe isn't perfect, but he is light years better than another Trump term.

  • What did people do before smartphones to pass the time when you were bored?
  • I read magazines, played videogames, watched TV, went "out and about", browsed the net, etc.

  • Odd recurring dream that seems to change only slightly each time.

    I keep dreaming of my old house that I used to live in with my parents back in the early to mid 2000's. It's worth noting that I believe in the paranormal and this house gave me many personal experiences. Every time I dream of it now, the house is always in some sort of disrepair: flooded basement, holes in the floor that lead to the basement, overflowing toilets, etc. But the majority of the times that I remember it's always the hole in the floor leading to the basement that pops up (the basement was the source of my paranormal experiences). Every time, the house layout is just slightly different from before, but the vibe is ALWAYS the same: it's eerie, it's empty, it's creepy and is always very nostalgic I guess? Like, for some reason, I'm always longing to return. Also, whenever I dream of a dead relative, it's always somewhere in this "house", I even dream about my dog in it (he was poisoned by the neighbors). But with my dog, a husky, his markings are totally different from his actual body. He's all white, but it's definitely him.

    4 months until spooky season is in full swing!

    Technically, it starts early to mid September, but eh. Anyone else getting hyped all over again?

    Am I being targetted?

    For context: I work security at a Golf/Ski resort. We are told to be "proactive" with noise complaints, and I was trained to give 3 strikes, Strike 1: friendly warning. Strike 2: More serious warning, followed with a noise complaints fee. Strike 3: Escort off the resort.

    Back in February, I received a write-up for a customer complaint claiming I beat on his door, told him he was "being a dick," and that I told him to "Shut the fuck up " and that I told him I'd administer a noise complaints fee if he didn't quiet down after designated quiet hours. Apparently he was "so pissed off" he sat in the lobby for 2 hours to "avoid trouble"(on camera apparantly) and then left early due to my actions, and we had to refund his entire stay.

    Here's the thing, though: he lied through his teeth because that never happened (at least the way we interacted. They never showed me this video of the guest in the lobby) .

    Here's what actually transpired: The front desk called me, and said room 1017 was complaining about noise down the hall. As security, it's my job to handle that stuff. I asked his neighbor to quiet down, politely, and received no issues. However, the guest who complained was actually being much louder. I could hear him blaring music, his kids laughing and yelling, and a bunch of banging coming directly from his room. I was told by my boss to be "proactive" about noise complaints to prevent any complaints from happening and that I should get them under control beforehand. I was told that even if there were no complaints, if I heard noise like this, I was to issue a strike. So I did just that. I gently knocked on his door. He asked what the issue was and extended his hand to me (I shook it). I politely informed him of our noise policy; I didn't even issue him a strike. All I said was that it was after quiet hours, and then I kindly asked him to quiet down. I told him I didn't want to ruin his stay, and that while no complaints for him existed, I wanted to avoid any potential issues, and then I politely told him about our 3 strike process, and made it clear that he wasn't getting one, but that I would have to if he got a complaint later. He said, "Ok, ok, sir, I don't want any trouble. I'll make sure to quiet down." I smiled and said it was all good and that I wanted him to enjoy his stay. Then he closed his door, and I left. That was the extent of things.

    So during the write up my boss told me they had no camera footage or witnesses to this event, but he "did some research" and apparently I brag about being aggressive to guests to other employees, and that the guest waiting in the lobby and leaving early was an "extreme reaction". He also told me, "we have NEVER done noise complaint fees."

    He asked if I remembered that night. I crossed my arms and focused on his filing cabinet to think, and apparently, he "felt threatened" (???) by that, which he said was more proof I was lying and that I was "unusually aggressive." It devolved into an argument. I browsed the SoP book (security officer protocols) a few weeks later and it said, right there in the book we are told to follow, that we DO give out noise complaints fees, and I pointed that out to both my bosses and was told they'll "change it". It was, however, never changed and is still there to this day.

    Fast forward, and I go from working 3 shifts a week to 2 to 1 to none for a whole month. I only recently started working again after asking if I was going to be scheduled. Plus, I specifically asked the day of the write-up if I could use my personal car to patrol. I was told yes. I've seen other officers do it, my managers do it, even the owner said it was OK. For 4 months, I was using my car with no issue. It's hard to miss, I'm in uniform, people know it's me driving, yet suddenly, tonight, my boss told me he "had no idea" I was using my car all this time, and that it "wasn't allowed". I told him even the owner said I could, and that all we needed were magnets to slap on our cars, which I called my manager for, and he mysteriously didn't remember the conversation. Am I being singled out here? I'm always the last to know of any changes as well.

    Anyone here play fo76?

    I'm at the final fight for skyline and it's the most garbage fucking cheap ass brain dead unfair piece of shit fight in the entire game. I'm in hellkat armor, and I still die in like 2 minutes from a few tiny hits from this piece of shit and I'm over it. For other players, how the fuck are you supposed to beat this shit?

    Anyone having issues with Greenlight (xbox streaming)?

    I've had nothing but issues with it. I got it to work once, and now it simply refuses to work ever again. It just crashes immediately. What the hell am I doing wrong?

    My work feels very "off"...

    I work in security at a northern michigan ski/golf resort. The resort spans 2 properties and has a combined total of roughly 3000 acres. As you might expect, it can be a tough job at times, with drunks, noise complaints, safety issues, etc but wtf do you do when your job is mostly just tough for simply feeling "creepy"? There's a chunk of buildings on the main property that have wigged me out since day one of my employment. The buildings in question are the restaurants (3 in one building) at the top of one of our ski hills, the daycare (located at the top of another one of our ski hills), both our ski services and ski rental buildings (both buildings are located at the bottom of one of our ski hills), the cafe, and our convention center, along with our shop on the north property (also creeps me out), which sits amidst 4 massive golf courses. It started with me hearing a mans voice in the convention center that sounded nothing like any of my coworkers there with me, then a few weeks later a loud BANG I heard when patrolling the convention center one night alone. At first, I thought nothing of it until one slow night when I decided to do some digging into the resorts past. It turns out that at the time, there were 4 deaths on or associated with the resort that i could find either through google or word of mouth. The original owner was dead and apparantly "shows up" in the convention center, rarily. One skier died on the bottom of one of our ski hills (the one located by the daycare), one death was an employee who worked ski patrol (they have an office in the cafe that rests between our ski hills) that was off site, and one was a guest who died on one of our courses over on the second property due to hundreds of bee stings after hitting a ball into a thicket of trees. These areas creeped me out already, but now they're even creepier. Then, a weird stretch of deaths started occurring, starting last September 20th, in the restaurant building, which I was part of. A guest choked to death, and we couldn't save him. Then, a dishwasher died in the breakroom of the building, another employee died off property who worked in the spa of our main hotel, and then another employee, who was a cook in the restaurant building, suddenly died off property. Each death occurred almost once every month. Is this place cursed? Haunted? Both? I don't know, to be honest. The entire place just creeps me out now. I don't know where else to put this on Lemmy, so here I am. Is this shit weird, or am I overthinking it?

    Something about my work...just feels "off"?

    I work in security at a northern michigan ski/golf resort. The resort spans 2 properties and has a combined total of roughly 3000 acres. As you might expect, it can be a tough job at times, with drunks, noise complaints, safety issues, etc but wtf do you do when your job is mostly just tough for simply feeling "creepy"? There's a chunk of buildings on the main property that have wigged me out since day one of my employment. The buildings in question are the restaurants (3 in one building) at the top of one of our ski hills, the daycare (located at the top of another one of our ski hills), both our ski services and ski rental buildings (both buildings are located at the bottom of one of our ski hills), the cafe, and our convention center, along with our shop on the north property (also creeps me out), which sits amidst 4 massive golf courses. It started with me hearing a mans voice in the convention center that sounded nothing like any of my coworkers there with me, then a few weeks later a loud BANG I heard when patrolling the convention center one night alone. At first, I thought nothing of it until one slow night when I decided to do some digging into the resorts past. It turns out that at the time, there were 4 deaths on or associated with the resort that i could find either through google or word of mouth. The original owner was dead and apparantly "shows up" in the convention center, rarily. One skier died on the bottom of one of our ski hills (the one located by the daycare), one death was an employee who worked ski patrol (they have an office in the cafe that rests between our ski hills) that was off site, and one was a guest who died on one of our courses over on the second property due to hundreds of bee stings after hitting a ball into a thicket of trees. These areas creeped me out already, but now they're even creepier. Then, a weird stretch of deaths started occurring, starting last September 20th, in the restaurant building, which I was part of. A guest choked to death, and we couldn't save him. Then, a dishwasher died in the breakroom of the building, another employee died off property who worked in the spa of our main hotel, and then another employee, who was a cook in the restaurant building, suddenly died off property. Each death occurred almost once every month. Is this place cursed? Haunted? Both? I don't know, to be honest. The entire place just creeps me out now. I don't know where else to put this on Lemmy, so here I am. Is this shit weird, or am I overthinking it?


    FINALLY! I'm super fucking stoked but I'm also super fucking overwhelmed. There's so much more to this game than I thought, and I have no idea how things work but God DAMN do I love it!

    I don't know of its a placebo, but I swear, after launching cp2077 under proton 9.0, it feels like my games performance shot through the roof and just feels better and faster overall .

    My game is modded to hell, I have a lot of them. Naturally, due to all the extra scripts and stuff, it played fine, but it had points where things would lag slightly. Plus, using a mod for punching, I would sometimes hit npcs so hard that their bodies would stretch, skew and deform to such extremes it would absolutely tank my fps and crash the entire deck. However, using 9.0, I've noticed the lag is gone, the game feels smoother, and the punching issue seems to have gone away, because it happened a few times on 9.0 but the game still ran fine. I will add, that before using 9.0 I verified the game files. So, my question is, is it the verification or the new proton that has possibly improved the game? I'm still learning as I go with this thing, so I'd appreciate it if you could help me expand my knowledge on Linux and the deck.

    Concerning issue with my deck and cp2077

    Sometimes I hit an npc so hard with the gorilla arms their body deforms, and the game slows to a crawl. When this happens, I have to exit the game completely. When I get to the main menu of my deck it runs fine but putting it to sleep doesn't work, it just black screens, like its struggling to get caught up from the frame drop in the game. Any idea what's happening?

    I'm back with another lore question. What's up with the "dark energies" from beyond the blackwall?

    What's the lore here? Erebus and Canto basically trap the souls of the dead they kill and banish the "soulkilled" to beyond the black wall right? How are these rogue AIs using "dark energy"?

    I discovered the beauty of AI music today. Check it out.

    I wrote the lyrics, but the music was the AI.

    I did it. I finally did it. After all these years, all the time I spent searching, I found the last known fully offline build for Graal classic.

    Back in the day, as a kid, there was a free shareware game that I played an obnoxious amount of times: Graal. Not the shitty "Graal classic" we have today, (it's a shell of its former self), but the original Graal 1.4.0; I searched EVERYWHERE and I couldn't even get a blip more than old forums about the game reminiscing about the "good old days". It's widely believed that Stefan wiped the OG versions of Graal from the map, but he didn't. But not only have I found it, I've found nearly all the player made creations for it:

    The site is long since abandoned it seems, but it has EVERYTHING for the classic graal, from clients to server backups to player made levels, etc, and what's more I actually got the 1.4.0 client running nearly perfect on my steam deck. This, for me at least, is my holy grail. I have a lot of nostalgia for this old game from before it got destroyed for the shitty "new" version we have today, and with it a lot of memories flooding back to me. Probably doesn't seem like much because hardly anyone knows or cares about the original Graal, but for me, it's huge, and I just wanted to share I guess.

    How the hell do mantis blades work lorewise?

    What's the lore? What the hell allows the blades to fit neatly back in the arms?

    Has anyone else seen this before? Because I never have.

    When drinking coffee in Vs Glen apartment, I had a gold, blank dialogue option that only appeared when I was doing the animation. I selected it, and V went "Hehe." Then, nothing, and it won't appear again.

    What the hell is wrong with Appearance Mod Menu?

    Things immediately come back even after despawning them, and the arcade machine keeps defaulting to the roach race arcade when I'm trying to just get trauma drama. I'll spawn it in as trauma drama, save it, then save the preset, then when I reload the preset, it's fucking roach race again. Am I doing something wrong or is this mod just broken code cobbled together with string and scotch tape?

    Two of my children were FINALLY diagnosed, after a long fight.

    It took three years but I finally got them their diagnosis and now I don't know what to do next. Their school always gave us issues when we held them to the expectation that my kids would get the help they needed from their school. They refused to let my youngest stay a full day last year for his first year of school, and now CMH (community mental health of Northern michigan) is trying to say he no longer needs their services and should stay in his normal classroom, like they're trying to get rid of him. And with my daughter, they refused to get her onto an IEP before we forced them to. Now that I have the diagnosis, what are my options to ensure my children get the help they need?

    VTMB on steam deck

    I keep reading how hard it is to get this game running. I'm still quite new to Linux. Whats the easiest way to get this game working?

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge p5yk0t1km1r4ge

    I make music. I play videogames. Nothing else to it.

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