The deal, which was for $125 million according to sources close to the matter, is Automattic's second acquisition of a cross-platform messaging solution.
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He helped pioneer a branch of the field that exposed hard-wired mental biases in people’s economic behavior. The work led to a Nobel.
An economics Nobel, Kahneman never took and economics course but pioneered a psychological approach to the field in collaboration with Amos Tversky. In their research, Kahneman and Tversky showed how the Human mind is apt to engage in numerous fallacies and systematic errors we should be aware of to avoid bias and errors.
An intellectual giant, Kahneman is most well known for his 2011 book Thinking Fast and Slow.
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This is a Theranos level of fake it till you make it: lie about where the product is used, who approves it and how well it works and hope the reality catches up quicker than clients.
It's pretty clear the technology is not ready for this, and once again regulators and prosecutors won't move a finger to prevent potential harm.
Reddit still has tons of useful content and I'm expecting to be clicking on it or some sort of archive in the future. I won't be active of the platform in any way but there's still value in the content they're now using as leverage.
I was playing Diablo 4 and saw my SO (who doesn't play a lot) looking at my screen and suddenly recoiling when I opened the Paragon boards.
I thought about it and put together a way to stream my PC to the TV. Result: we've played Minecraft Dungeons local coop for a large part of the weekend and it's been fantastic.
Thanks! It looks more like a Discourse forum than Reddit. I'll reserve judgment for now but after so many companies took their own platform usage we need something like this more than ever.