I’ve been playing Grim dawn for a while. Just finished getting to lvl 96 on a spellbinder. As much as I’d like to try Diablo 4, $70 is just too steep at the moment. Maybe when it goes on sale
I picked up Hi-Fi Rush on sale about a week ago, blew through it once, and am now working on a second play through/new game plus. Super fun game. After putting it down after playing for a while I still feel like I'm doing things to a beat for a bit.
Tears Of the Kingdom! Fully went in expecting to be disappointed, but it just continues to blow me away the deeper I get into it. Truly incredible what they were able to pull off with such old hardware.
Trying to finish my first full Darkest Dungeon run since starting in 2016. I never started the final DD level but completed everything else, but I feel I can't start Darkest Dungeon II before completing the campaign in the first game.
Someone on one of my discords showed some screenshots from SWTOR, so I plunked down $15 and am playing through some of the storylines I never gave a shot back when it first launched and generally doing my best to ignore the mmo aspects of it. I might give Hi-Fi Rush a shot, as it's seemed interesting and someone else said it's one of the more forgiving rhythm games so I might actually have a shot in it.
Probably more Tears of the Kingdom, maybe with some Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak mixed in. Though I always have a hard time switching back to Sunbreak after a long time, since it always takes a while before I remember all the controls!
I’m enjoying Far Cry 6 atm - I know people have (valid) qualms with the Unsioft copy/paste fetch quest style, but sometimes it’s nice just to switch off and shoot bad guys. And I think the main storyline and voice acting is pretty good tbh.
Picked up Cult of the Lamb yesterday on sale as I've heard nothing but good things and I'm really enjoying it so far. Told myself I'd be a kind and caring cult leader...that didn't last long!
I finally gave death stranding another shot, coming into it with a clean mindset away from all the negativity has allowed me to enjoy the slow and relaxing gameplay a lot more. It's worth a second chance if you were negative towards it originally.
No Man's Sky has kind of been my go-to since it was released. Of course I'll sit down and get into lots of other games, but if I'm playing nothing in particular - NMS.
Tears of the Kingdom. I'm going to be here for awhile, but this game has made me want to play some other Switch games in my collection that I've been putting off, like Xenoblade Chronicles.
TOTK - well and truly hooked. I think the main storyline is much more interesting this time around too so it’s the perfect example of story driven open world. That said running around the plains killing mob kind, gathering supplies and scoping weird stuff on the horizon is just the perfect gameplay loop. Fight me.
Similar - Diablo 4. I did pay the extra to play last weekend too, but I'm still enjoying my first build and working my way up to the highest difficulty.
I finished Atomic Heart last night. Good shooter with some clunky storytelling. I don't know if I'd pay full price for it but if you've got GamePass I'd recommend giving it a go.
Started playing Persona 5 Royal a few days ago. Such a cool game. I played the original Persona as a kid on PlayStation and thought it was cool, although I never finished it because I couldn’t get past a part where my disc was scratched.
Almost done with the latest expedition in No Man's Sky. Next up is grinding up some (in-game) money for the new dlc in GTA Online next week. After that I want to see how much Ark: Survival Evolved I can get through before the next version, Ark: Survival Ascended comes out this summer. So many other games on hold though. I want to finish Jurassic World Evolution before I buy #2, and I haven't even installed the Terminator game or my System Shock bundle yet. Or my Aliens games. Yikes. I could be spending 12 hours a day gaming and it'd be hard to catch up!
Diablo 4! I find it oddly relaxing in my current state of mind. At first I was adamant about listening to the soundtrack and all the voice acting but I've found I enjoy it way more by just reading the story and listening to my own music.
I've got a necromancer and a sorcerer. Necromancer is incredibly easier, to the point I haven't touched the sorcerer since I made it. I will probably make another character soon, not sure what.
I'm picking back up Asterigos. It's a fun rpg in the souls-like category, with enough unique features to set itself apart from the crowd. I picked it up when it first released, but we had a baby and life got busy so I never finished it. Hoping to fix that soon!
Minecraft... Always Minecraft. I just joined a multiplayer server that's starting a new world so hopefully they get to launch this weekend. Really looking forward to it because I've never really been part of a server like that.
Tears of the Kingdom: I seem to take ages to play anything these days (only just got down to Hyrule) but I really like it, seems very chill and that’s just what I want right now.
I wanna say I'm gonna be fiddling with TotK or a replay of Oblivion...
But I'm probably gonna wind up just playing 20 Minutes 'til Dawn all weekend trying to beat max darkness with the new weapons that released two days ago. 😅
I'm gearing up for some hard lessons in street fighter 6. Still rocking that 0 win streak at the battle hub; going to work on it and get back to basics and see if things work.
My brother bought me A Plague Tale: Requiem for my birthday, but I have only just now gotten a chance to play it now that I graduated and have some free time.
I absolutely love this game. I loved the first one too. I could just wander around medieval France for hours without even playing the campaign. The setting is so well-crafted.
And I just learned that the developers, Asobo Studio, also were the ones behind Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Absolute studs.
Besides some Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, I'm mainly playing Ironsworn: Starforged. I recently got the book and I am appreciating what Shawn Tomkin did here.
I may play a bit of Spirit Island later if I have enough time to spend focusing on it.
I've been bouncing around through various games I've already bought directly or ended up owning due to buying bundles. Just finished Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and am trying to decide on what to get into next.
Wrapping up Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (3DS); surprisingly lengthy and enjoyable! I'm also planning to play both Partners in Time & Bowser's Inside Story at some point.
Then I have Amnesia: The Bunker in by library. Taunting me.
Diablo 4 on PC and the campaign in Modern Warfare II on Xbox, pretty different games but they suit different moods quite well.
Haven't gotten too far in D4 yet, around 23 or so but it seems pretty nice so far. I was starting to get a bit bored but I think it was just my rogue feeling weak before getting some decent abilities. Things are slowluy looking better now.
AC Odyssey, many people have negative opinions of this game as an AC game. I think if you like the time period and are not an original trilogy diehard fan, you can find it interesting.
Started playing warframe as destiny 2 doesn't work on Linux and bungie deleted users paid content. Its OK, lots to learn. Not sure if I'll stick with it long term . I think the characters look stupid, like give me a normal looking human / robot.
Tears of the kingdom. I still get to climb mountains, so just climbing mountains. Then I realized that if I was going to climb mountains I might as well clean everything up, so I'm doing the main quest to clean the world up so I can climb prettier mountains.
Tears of the Kingdom. Absolutely loving it, but there’s so much to do I’m a bit lost. I’m going to focus on the main story and explore the depths a bit more. Once I’ve finished the main story I’m going to finally get around to playing Red Dead Redemption!
Amnesia: The Bunker, very refreshing departure from the standard formula of the series that doesn't forsake the identity forged from the earlier entries. Ending is kind of rough and feels unfinished, however. Worth checking out though.
Same thing we do every night, Pinky; try to take over the world make the factory grow. And maybe some Diablo IV, if I can get the new smelting annex finished early. Edit: oh shit, Mask of the Rose is out. Man, June is packed for gaming.
I'm studying for the bar exam right now and really wanted an MMO to play when I'm done studying for the day but didn't want to go back to what I usually play, so I downloaded GuildWars 2. It's a blast so far, and I don't know why I waited so long to play it.
Just Cause 3 of all things, not sure why I went back to it but it kinda rekindled my love of gaming on my desktop. I need to get back to Diablo 4 as well, and stop being such a coward about Amnesia: The Bunker lol
The original Etrian Odyssey on DS! The modern remakes just came out, but I don't agree with the price tag. I'm almost through the 3rd stratum and I'm having a blast.
Got back into Prison Architect this weekend after a really long break.
Built my absolute best prison ever. If anyone here wants to check it out I think sharing the prisons is pretty easy
I told myself I wasn't going to let myself get sucked into to another Gacha game, but Honkai: Star Rail has been so much fun. I haven't spent any money on it, thankfully, but just playing through the story has been a good time. Other than that, I will play a little bit of Final Fantasy XIV and then hopefully finish Chaos;Child.
I was playing Diablo 4 and saw my SO (who doesn't play a lot) looking at my screen and suddenly recoiling when I opened the Paragon boards.
I thought about it and put together a way to stream my PC to the TV. Result: we've played Minecraft Dungeons local coop for a large part of the weekend and it's been fantastic.
Tears of the Kingdom, and I might find some time to make progress in Disco Elysium. But Zelda is just so addicting. I keep thinking it's time to finish the game, then spot something interesting in the distance and 3 hours later I'm still farming mini bosses in some dark chasm and looking for that last piece of an armor set.
Right now, Ascension (deck building game) with a friend – we started off playing Shards of Infinity in tabletop simulator but I finally wanted to play Ascension enough I bought a copy for each of us. Having fun trying all the expansions!
Probably some TotK later; I’m working on collecting all the shrines right now, which also means running around in the depths finding light roots.
I’m seeing lots of demos being added to Steam in advance of the official start of Steam Next Fest on the 19th, so I want to run through the list and download a couple that sounded interesting from the Guerilla and Day of the Devs showcases.
Right now I'm playing to Blasphemous and I'm finding a really good game. After some hour for getting in the mood I'm finding a game that reminds me a lot the metroid saga.
I've been playing a mix of Halo Infinite with a few friends lately, and then trying to beat Ascension 20 in Slay the Spire - it's tough, but I love the game!
I'll do what I always do, play Overwatch 2, get annoyed at the state the game is in, try and play anything else, go back to playing Overwatch 2 because as frustrating as it is I still can't find anything like it. Now if you'll excuse me I need to play Overwatch 2 again.
Currently back into wargaming so should be playing a round of One Page Rules' Warfleets today. For a game that's so simple to play it's been surprisingly deep in tactical options. Feels a bit like chess in space sometimes.
I've been playing highfleet. It's like moonlander but with dogfights, and an interesting hunt and be hunted overworld. very high octane gameplay. I'm finding it crushing hard, I think I'm missing some scaling because I will kill the first 10 or so battles without getting a scratch and then suddenly I can barely survive any fight. I've gotten to the main objective once and immediately crushed in the end game.
Diablo 4, haven’t been able to crack out like my friends but I’m really enjoying this game. There are a lot of systems, just hit 50 and didn’t even know what paragon was.
Had the urge to play Doom (2016), installed it and booted it up. Started a new campaign and quickly rembered why I've not beaten it on nightmare yet...Imps... psychic sharpshooter imps.
I just started Yakuza Like a Dragon. Holy crapballs, this game is good! I’m only 4 hours into it but damn, the story, dialog; it’s great. I’m on steam deck. It’s verified on deck and runs like a champ.
Got Baldurs Gate 2 on a steam sale and played a few hours. I haven't played much in the last year or so (aside from a brief obsession with Hades and Inscryption), and it was pretty nice to sink a few hours into it.
Been playing heaps of Honkai Star Rail, Jedi Survivor and Ghost Wire Tokyo.
Can't wait for Pikmin 4. That will be all I play for a bit when it comes out!
I hosted a Barotrauma event with my inclusive Linux gaming community. We had 5 people playing through a campaign that we started early this year, and we ended up playing for a long time.
Not PLAYING, but I went to the big Xbox show in person. There was some interesting things shown and the 45 minute Starfield presentation was very impressive, though it makes me scared it may be too ambitious a project.
Think "No Man's Sky" + a full trading/construction/1st-3rd person travel/combat system.
I'm currently playing GTA San Andreas! It's insane the amount of content that is available in the game. It feels so much more alive than GTA 4 or 5. I went back to the game thinking it was not going to be nearly as good as I remember, but nah it has nothing to do with rose tented goggles, It's just such an amazing game.
I'm still finishing up all of the past game stuff on Jedi survivor while i wait for final fantasy XVI. Outside of that Im playing snk vs capcom cardfighters 2 on the neogeo pocket color.
Well the weekend is over but I will be continuing to play 2v2 in Mechabellum with a friend of mine. Has been fun even though we get crushed all the time.
I was about halfway through Tears of the Kingdom, but then the Miyoo Minu Plus I had ordered a month ago was delivered and I spent the rest of the weekend playing Wario Land 2 and Super Mario Land 2. Nice blasts from the past and I really love the miyoo hardware.
Finally finished base Monster Hunter Rise and starting to work my way through Sunbreak.
It's... fine. If you like Rise, you'll probably like Sunbreak too. If you prefer the older style of Monster Hunter games, it's probably scratch your itch just enough to leave you feeling uncomfortable.
I was playing Diablo 4 this weekend, paired with an occasional Trails to Azure and Final Fantasy XiV trip. My RPG group meets in 30 minutes, so maybe I will play a bit D4 afterwards. Or Trails. Or FF.