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  • I always thought of comedians as degenerates. Like you can't be a good comedian if you never had a serious drug problem before or never fucked a hooker in a bathroom.

  • I will judge, and I will not forget
  • It must be easy for the Dems to blame the voters and call them XYZ because it affords them the opportunity of not having to change. If the voters are the problem then you don't have to do anything different and continue down the same path.

  • Too bad they are missing their Christmas bonuses.
  • Liberals enjoy that schadenfreude a little too much. They're the ones that are first to turn in their minority neighbours to protect their own status in society. They're the Reddit mods of society

  • Tiny pp
  • If they have the wrong attitude, why not criticize that?

    In an ideal world, sure that would be the correct thing to do. But the reality is that, we as human beings, enjoy body shaming people who we disagree with. It's why it's fun to body shame people like Trump or calling people like Ben Shapiro a Manlet midget incel loser with a useless micropenis.

  • Decision Time
  • People have been protesting for a year, but not only have the democrats vilified these protests and not paid them any mind, but things have only gotten worse in Palestine. For over 40+ Israel has been stealing land from the Palestinians . In the last year, there's death marches and mass starvation happening in Gaza, all while the democrats are doing everything in their power to provide cover for the genocide and lie to the people and tell them that they're tirelessly working towards a cease fire. No matter how much you scream, the Dems aren't caring, and with every day that passes even more people are horribly killed and maimed. It makes perfect sense to profit off this genocide. It's not going anywhere. I as a Westerner might as well accept what we're doing and build a house on the burial grounds of the dead. Just like what we did to the native population of the Americas.

  • Decision Time
  • Whoever wins or loses today. I'll still be investing in Israeli property developments in Gaza and the west bank. You'd be a fool not to. It's a guaranteed investment. The Palestinians lost and they're never getting that land back.

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