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Man Behind Project 2025 Just Said the Quiet Part Out Loud
  • There's only one way to stop fascists. History has proven that. Until people are ready to cross that threshold, nothing will happen.

    Non-fascists who learn from history and exercise that knowledge will wait until there's no other choice left, which will of course be too late or damn near it. Then unless it's decisive it's going to drag on for a bit.

    Not to mention that law enforcement, the armed forces, every little dick bitch who votes trump, are all on the side of fascism, are properly armed, and you already know how much the police in the US absolutely hard cock in hand LOVE killing people. They fucking love it. That's just the cops.

    So taking on that lot, for real real, means you better be a right God damn killing machine, a ghost, or possibly rebel scum. Something.

    So everyone will try everything else 1st, one side perverting the law, with endless finances from Businesses and Hyper-Capitalists, loaded courts, all with zero morals, and then the otherside who's toeing the law and trying to do the right thing.

    There's only one way to stop fascists. They absolutely will. not. stop. until they are left with no other choice and are made to.

    Better be ready. Fascism is alive and well in America, and it's getting ready to seize power.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • Paris being an open city to the Nazis was smart, they saved hundreds of years of history to a regime that lasted only 12 years.

    And yes, they absolutely know how to accessorize yellow vests.

  • Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central banks
  • Feed everybody the rich. Problem solved.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • National Strike. I don't understand why we aren't in the streets. I don't understand why we aren't more French.

  • “May have just legalized murder by one individual”: Experts alarmed at “stunning” SCOTUS ruling
  • Just because the chicken runs around after its head is cut off, doesn't mean it's not dead.

  • I was told this belongs here.
  • What the actual god damn fuck ....

  • Ultra-Orthodox Jews block highway to protest Israel’s new mandatory military service ruling
  • Fuck 'em.

    Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities. End of fucking story.

  • Stop use docker
  • BSD Jails have entered the chat ...

  • Google announces surprise Pixel hardware event in August
  • When's the last time anyone under 12 was excited about a new phone?

    I'd rather lose my driver's license and have to go to the DMV all day than have to swap over, and I know what the fuck I'm doing. Can't begin to imagine the PITA for normies.

  • Derisking a project 1 year out
  • I'm so glad I left the industry....

  • Pioneering internet messenger ICQ shuts after 28 years - CNA
  • 4066872, signing off. Thank you and goodbye.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • And the 5v3a (us version) wall plug ....

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • To this day I use a Creative Labs emu 0404 sound card weekly and just purchased a replacement when the present one started having issues every now and then. One of the great underrated pieces of hardware IMO.

    Hi/Lo Z in, digital IO, optical IO, analog IO, USB, 24/192, preamps and one hell of a solid clock and it can be used as a stand alone mixer without a PC.

  • nobleshift Noble Shift

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