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  • 3-I think Native Americans should be allowed to return to their ancestral lands, and be given more rights.

    I bet they dont think HK should be returned though

    For Hong Kong, liberating it from Chinese control.

    lol, I guess its only ok to hand it back when they dont manage to genocide them; when they can still pay rent to western buisnessmen then they should be free to live in conditions like this;

    most expensive rent in the entire world btw, this is what it gets you

  • Why against multipolarity
  • if you want any indication of this, most third world country communist parties support russias actions and china; the anti-china bias only manifests in western european orientated communist parties and the reason why is obvious to me; they drank the cool aid.

  • [LGBTphobic nonsense attributed to Revolutionary Figures] I had the misfortune to stare at this. Can someone please refute this for me?
  • re: marx

    cant seem to find anything with marx saying that, would be interested if it is actually sourced; from what I can tell its reffering to marx literally talking about a gay pedophile when saying who 'they' are, which makes the point even more ridiculous.

    mao; never persecuted anyone for being gay, at most made some offhand comments about how the ruling monarch class at the time where 'sissies'; but was likely an expression of his machoism (he did view himself as 'manly');

    Castro/guevera are already apologised for, I know nothing about Alende so wont comment.

    Moral relativism should be considered, we know better now and as marxists we adapt positons based on material science; and gender/queer theory is pretty uniamnous on it; you can see this in how Castro changed his position over time, something that you wouldnt see in less prinacabled non-marxist leaders.

  • something something Civilized Western DemocraciesTM
  • The NHS system isnt really all its cracked up to be, our average wages are like 20k-30k and that doesnt cover private + you really do get given 2 years waiting for stuff you arent about to die over, and then if you are dying you will be waiting for 8 hours in the ambulance que.

    I get muricas shit too but at least there they treat you then give you a bill lol

  • Homophobia in Russia
  • fun fact; homosexuality was completely normal in russia up until the monarchs the tsar was founded and they tried to westernize the country and introduced anti-homosexuality laws to try to appeal to the west more (they wanted to be more christian)

    it worked and because of that the church in russia got really fucking rich and infulential, to the point that the ussr could not get rid of it and why it is still a prevelant force in maintaining russias stance on homophobia.

    The Austrian royal councilor Sigismund von Herberstein described in his report Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii (Notes on Muscovite Affairs) his observations during his travels in Moscow in 1517 and 1526. He stated that homosexuality was prevalent among all social classes.[5][6] The English poet George Turberville who visited Moscow in 1568 when Ivan IV ruled Russia during a bloody phase, was not shocked by the carnage, but about the open homosexuality of the Russian peasants.[7] Adam Olearius also reported that homosexuality among men existed on all levels of society and was not treated as a crime.[8] There are also reports of homosexual relationships between women.

    given that homophobia is newer than 'lgbt ideology' which seems to just have been a naturally occuring thing till christians pissed on everyones morality it does make russias stance on this cringe, because it is a christian take for the most part and christianty is cringe as hell.

    christ = the west so at the end of the day it is the enternal anglos fault

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