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And this is why I fear Cthulhu
  • If I had a quarter for each time someone has explained eldritch/other-worldly concepts to me via an analogy using ants I'd have a dollar, which isn't a lot but it's strange that it's happened 4 times

  • Rule

    Alt text: a text post that reads: Work in retail long enough, and you'll eventually realize the rules for dealing with Customers are exactly the same as dealing with the Fae:

    • Avoid eye contact.
    • Never reveal your full name.
    • Accept nothing They offer you.
    • Never verbally agree or disagree with anything They might happen to say.
    • To apologize is to acknowledge a debt owed.
    • Under no circumstances are you ever to thank Them.
    • Remember that They are incapable of reading signs in human languages.
    sorry mods for this r(ule)atio
  • I saw that thread, there were some extremely weird and gross responses, one person wrote like 6 paragraphs on how they couldn't stop using it, with one of the reasons being they "liked the mouth feel"??? It's baffling the lengths people will go to to justify saying a slur.

  • Rule

    Alt text: screenshot of a weapon in elden ring with the name "Great Épée", an arrow connects the name to a picture of a sleeping kitten

    They removed it! The bastards removed it!
  • Star forts existing despite their expensive construction because they are superior to other fort designs in the age of gunpowder due to their overlapping zones of fire and safe zones for defenders? No! Clearly its because we have aquatic ancestors with melon glands and long skulls that bread us into slaves by removing said melon glands! And we hid their skulls there! In some of the most interesting and eye catching structures to see! You know, to not draw attention to them!


    /s just in case it wasn't obvious

    I legitimately do not get the logic here.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • Food deserts aren't just places where there aren't grocery stores, they also include places where there are abundant stores but fruits, veggies, and other vegan or healthy options cost drastically more, for example, there are parts of New York City considered to be food deserts because all the healthy options are too expensive for someone on a low income to reliably afford, forcing them to go for unhealthy, but cheaper options. This is something that, to the credit of whoever is in charge of the NYC health department, the city has been working on solving, doing things such as incentivizing "Green Carts", food carts with affordable healthy options like vegetables and fruits.

    Also consider, you don't know too much about that person's life, maybe they live in a non-food desert location but have to travel frequently via car through food deserts, maybe they have to move a food desert in the future, maybe they have a dietary restriction preventing them from accessing several of those healthy vegan options, so they have to supplement their diet by using animal products.

    Also, in my experience, most 'anti-vegans' tend to have no idea what a food desert is, the normal excuse is nutrients or iron intake, most of the non-vegans I've talked to that even know about food deserts have either tried to go vegan and found it too hard to do while also keeping up with their health and finances or work in an industry directly combating food deserts, just something to consider.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • There's also the privilege of living in a location where vegan alternatives are readily and frequently available, vast swaths of the US are in what's known as "food deserts", locations where "residents’ access to affordable, healthy food options (especially fresh fruits and vegetables) is restricted or nonexistent due to the absence of grocery stores within convenient traveling distance" ( these locations also tend to have high obesity or diabetes rates due to the fact that the only food easily and cheaply available is high in sugar. Add in things like the increased price for even simple vegan foods (like rice and beans) and you might be starting to see the picture, as much as some people would LIKE to be vegan it is literally not possible for them without either taking on substantial additional costs or completely upending their life.

    A lot of the reason people who are otherwise pro-vegan (like myself) tend to dislike online vegans is that they will, consistently and smugly, while in a location and economic position where its easier to get vegan options, berate people for eating animal products without ever considering the possibility that its MUCH harder to get non-animal product based foods in certain areas

  • Decoding the Kensington Runestone
  • Not sure why this showed up in my "new" tab for lemmy when its 2 days old, but thank you for sharing, as someone who was very interested in Viking era Scandinavians in North America, its endlessly infuriating to STILL have people claim that there's "recent and clear evidence of Viking inhabitation of the area now known as the USA" and then just... link to this, something that was debunked practically the second it was discovered

  • gotta do it
  • Have you taken a reading compression class? The "but under Trump the existing issue will continue and also " is implied, it's really telling that you don't read "I don't like either dictator but I'd prefer the minimum amount of people die" and but somehow read "I will pick this genocide over the other"

    You also haven't addressed any of my other comments pointing this out. Instead, you have been constantly and intentionally dense. Your argument is literally "nuh uh!!" And calling me a lib, instead you are constantly projecting a version of me up that is much more negative than the text I've written.

    Now, I have been in a doom spiral before and this sounds like how I would act in one, constantly assuming the worst of any message. They can be rough and only get worse with isolation, I admit I have insulted you in the heat of the moment, however, if you are currently experiencing a doom spiral, message me to vent and I will not judge you, and I will do my best to calm you down, otherwise, please stop trying to convince me you know better than I do about my own thoughts, thanks

  • gotta do it
  • Uh huh, and where was that exactly? Point it out lib, go on, if it's the "holy fuck some of my friends might die" that wasnt me expressing disinterest or apathy in Palestinians, that was me sick of you lazy idiots who have, time and time again, never attended an actual protest or done anything of use to help marginalized groups telling me that the only way to truly be helpful and save people is to let the worse dictator get power, even if he explicitly states he intends to wipe out marginalized groups.

    No, what you did was a parapraxis, you read what you wanted to read, and you wanted to read that people can't really care about 2 problems at the same time.

    The response to an impending genocide isn't to go "ah well we'll solve the other genocide first" it's to work at preventing both genocides simultaneously, I understand if the concept of doing more than one thing at a time is confusing to you but you really should reevaluate your priorities and internal biases

  • gotta do it
  • Clearly one person can't care about strangers who are being genocided and also their friends who are at risk of being killed at the same time, after all, the human brain can only handle concern for 1 group of people at the same time!

    Trump has repeatedly said he is on the side of Israel, if you think him getting into power will somehow stop the genocide, you need to get your head examined, and you seem to be the one with the liberal attitude of "id rather minorities die so I can get a symbolic victory!" Quit your moralizing and log off, lib.

  • gotta do it
  • Oh fuck off with that, I've attended physical protests calling to end the genocide of Palestinians, can you say the same? Or did you simply sit behind your keyboard and go "not voting is the only real way to protest guys totally"

  • gotta do it
  • This is so much more than just a race issue, its also an LGBTQ and neurodivergence issue, while I may not like Biden, Trump and his crew have both said things and acted in ways that attack basically anyone that isn't in the in group they deem as worthwhile, republicans have also been pushing forward increasingly hostile anti-trans, anti-abortion laws, and Trump as president would bolster their ability to harm vulnerable groups even more

    I really hate Biden's unquestioning support of Israel but holy fuck under Trump some of my friends might actually die, and others will lose their rights to be themselves!

    Lets also not forget Trump and his fans pushing for things that could very well spell the actual end of democracy in the US.

    Edit: I didn't mean to subtract from the race issue, that's also a big part of it, I simply mean to say that Trump is a massive broad spectrum threat to multiple vulnerable groups across the US

    Also edited because apparently this isn't readily apparent to some people: under Trump, the genocide of Palestinians will continue, I am very very much against this, the "holy fuck" line is not expressing that I think the genocide of Palestinians is secondary, but is expressing exasperation at the people who constantly insist that the only way to protest is to not vote not seeing the problem with Trump getting into power

    While I'm at it, pretty much whatever the results of the election are, shit will probably hit the fan, I urge everyone to learn first aid, a good start is

  • So, realistically, what's the chance we ever get a conclusion to Republic Commando's cliff hanger ending?
  • Personally, I'd say yes, it hasn't aged well on PC (your cursor will move at Mach 2 in menus even on the lowest possible sensitivity for example) and the graphics could certainly use an update, but the squad combat & banter still feels great. The game also does a great job of feeling like it fits into the universe, it came out about 3 months before Revenge of the Sith, and includes tons of references and hints to its plot that feel like something an actual in universe clone would see.

    I will warn you however, if you end up playing it, the game is very hard at points, and the AI can be pretty stupid at times.

  • rule
  • interesting, this post has a lot of downvotes for some reason, most of the time when I post Disco Elysium content it gets a positive response, can anyone tell me why the sudden dislike? What, is the guy in the video a nazi or something?

  • So, realistically, what's the chance we ever get a conclusion to Republic Commando's cliff hanger ending?

    I was hoping we would see something relating to it in the bad batch, as it has Scorch, but they seem to mostly be using him as a background character.

    Trump Respects Women, Most Men Say
  • Alright, I looked at the poll, its DEEPLY flawed, firstly there were only 875 (434 men, 429 women, which only adds up to 863, with no other gender options listed as responding, where are the remaining 12 people?) respondents, that is an absurdly low sample size for all voters across all states, secondly, the responders aren't indicative of the general population, 598 (~71%) of the people who responded to the mentioned question were white while only 241 (~28%) of the respondents were any other race, according to, the percentage of 'White alone, non-Hispanic' population as of 2020 is 57%.

    There are other issues I don't have time to go into, like that they mainly collected data from phone calls and that they aren't listing the distribution of respondents across states, but all in all I would not use this poll to draw any conclusions, and the article being titled like that is at the very least being disingenuous if not actively malicious in order to generate clicks/impressions

  • Rule

    Shamelessly payday 3 posting

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