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Orange tip [OC]

Females do not, actually, have the orange tips on their wings, but the patterns on the underside are gorgeous.

Would you pull the lever?

Yellow-legged Mining Bee (Andrena flavipes). They're cute as heck so I'm gonna be stalking their foraging area.

[OC] Somebody's watching me
  • Thank you so much!

  • [OC] Somebody's watching me
  • Thank you! A proper camera (R7) with a 85mm lens :) I know some people manage great macro with their phones, but I couldn't have gotten close enough with a phone, the bees hurried back into their tunnels whenever I got near.

  • [OC] Somebody's watching me

    Grey backed mining bee (Andrena vaga) waiting for me to get away from her nest.

    Resting Grey Heron face
  • Herons look so incredibly cool. Until you see them from the front, of course. Gorgeous shot!

  • I saw mining bees today!

    I know they're not rare or anything, but it's the first time I get to observe some.

    Sorry for the shaky video, I keep forgetting to take a beanbag.

    Mad Scientists
  • You drive through the fields and spot a dishevelled young woman hunching over roadkill, reaching into the corpse with pliers as flies buzz around her. You accidentally make eye contact just as she - grinning - drops a writhing maggot into a translucent plastic bottle.

  • Got photobombed
  • I love it too! I wish I had noticed it when the picture was taken, because it's gorgeous.

  • Honeybee on a Purple Crocus
  • Bees are macro on hard mode, they never stop moving. You did a fantastic job. I always end up using burst mode and prayer. Have fun experimenting!

  • Honeybee on a Purple Crocus
  • She looks like she's wearing a pollen crown!

  • Mandatory cherry blossom
  • The bees are the best. They get SO dusty. Also: can I see, please?

  • Mandatory cherry blossom
  • 90% "that's amazing, I had no idea it looked so cool" and 10% "what is this ungodly abomination, let me unsee this" in my experience :)

  • Mandatory cherry blossom

    I got myself extension tubes and it just happened to be THE season.

  • Why settle when I could get a 800mm 5.6 for a mere 14k?

  • Birds
  • The only reason I didn't impulse buy a teleconverter to tack on my impulse bought 600mm is that it would just get me (more) underexposed pictures. But the urge is real, and we don't even have bald eagles around here.

  • Content is King? - How it sucked out the joy of personal websites
  • I saw some active webrings on neocities sites!

  • [OC] Teacup for a pixel club

    It's based on a template, I made it for the Afternoon Tea pixel club: which you should check out :)

    Puffball Chickadee
  • Thanks! He's so puffy, I figured he was cold.

  • Puffball Chickadee
  • Gorgeous photograph. How cold was it outside that day?

  • Green Heron - Northern Virginia
  • Such a beautiful bird

  • Arguments over power? [OC]
  • Amazing scene! That must have been great to watch. Less so to hear!

  • A survivor

    It seemed to be doing fine as far as "racing over plants and climbing from leaf to leaf" was concerned.

    Question on eggs and hatching

    Hi! Sorry, very new at the whole "bugs" thing, and I'm still learning. I spotted this the other day (not sure of the stink bug species, possibly Nezara viridula), promptly spent hours watching macro timelapses of stink bugs hatching, going from gooey babies to hard shelled nymphs...

    Now to the question which has been bugging me: is there such a thing as "too late to hatch"? Can they "harden" inside the egg and just die there (maybe in the blackened eggs)?



    I found another nest of the same species and took it home. So: have a top view of the hatched eggs and some first instar nymphs while I'm at it!



    Some kind of stink bug. No precise ID since the identification apps say the nymphs are a species that does not match the eggs at all.

    Edit: Nezara viridula

    Old lady in bag jail

    She goes into the Hell Bag for roughly 15 minutes a month, the time it takes to get her monthly Old Kitty Medicine (which comes as a jab).

    She earned the Hell Bag (aka bathing bag) after requiring sedation and injuring her Human during the first home visit from the vet. Totally unrelated, but her teeth are in remarkably good, pointy, stabby condition for a 14 year old cat.

    Ant about to have the worst day ever

    Wallonia, Belgium, today.

    I stumbled upon a plant covered with small bundles of aphids, and sure enough, upon closer inspection, it had a whole aphid farming operation going on, and ladybugs had found it.

    The ant tried blocking the way but fell off. Hopefully it's okay somewhere. The aphids, unfortunately, will not be.

    !Ant defending aphids against ladybug

    mostlypixels mostlypixels

    PHP dev, sometimes pixel artist. Also takes pictures of bugs and birds to see what they look like up close.

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