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Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution?
  • A good compromise. When 20000 people have a great time watching a scheduled event that seems fair. Peeps can make preparations to participate or avoid.

  • Made some things for RPG peeps
  • Yes the name a bit of a joke, an homage to #douglasadams I now have increased urgency to include a link back to Thanks for taking a look. #ttrpg

  • Made some things for RPG peeps

    Made some things to support #ttrpg outliers. A kilodie roller for assisting attack tables in EXP, and 4d2 roller for assisting #rpg decisions.

    Going from #python to JSHTMLCSS pronounced jushtumulksis is tough, but manipulating the DOM is very cool. I wouldn't want to be hating anything else.

    First Post the Past
  • Thanks for the tips I was just contemplating what the markdown was for lists. I like lists. I also just discovered source and preview which are very helpful. I tried to answer your request today (but six months later) all the deets are here at Thanks for asking.

  • Low-prep "plug and play" DMing
  • You have demonstrated great insight into the challenges of being a referee in an RPG. You will find your way. Here are a few tips that I can convey as I have made nearly every referee mistake possible. ;)

    To help remember things engage your players in the story. Have them do recaps of the show so far, the session night and even a what happened last time. It is shocking how much we forget as referees even though we have created the scenario and taken notes. Collective memory for a collective experience. There will be errors. There will be retcons (which we used to call post factualization). That is the nature of improvised collective experiences.

    Preparation is good. However the game is there for the whole table and "letting your darlings" go is even more important in collective experiences as it is in writing. Consider the elements that don't get used as future ideas. It is more important to balance referee and player needs. I am sure there are multiple threads here about "rail roading" vs "sand boxing" if the table is happy (this includes the referee) then you are doing stuff right. It is also okay to have a debrief once in a while after session. Players can let the referee know what is working for them and vice versa.

    I have been improvising comedy for a long time and being able to do things out of the blue takes practise. It also takes specific practice in narrative and listening. Making things work out of the box like a board won't ever happen in an RPG. Even a board game requires everyone to learn the rules and story. Learn to prep with checklists. Sometimes even flowcharts are needed. Notes should be one or two word reminders never sentences.

    Troika looks insanely wonderful. A game after my cybernetic heart. There is a free online resource about improv comedy at <disclaimer> this is my site but it is CC 4.0 and comletely free of charge, or tracking, or remuneration

  • expgame – a sciency fiction role playing game

    I created this community about half a year ago to learn how to create a community. I was fully expecting the usual complete absence of humanity that most other socials entail. Needless to say I was pleasantly shocked to have a real person ask a question. I will try and pin this to the top. Maybe humans will be interested maybe not. :)

    EXP is a sciency fiction tabletop role-playing game. EXP is not a video game, a movie or an app. You play EXP with dice and other people. Enjoy.

    EXP is a heavily play tested, rigorously edited, RPG on its 7th version. It has a history that stretches from a 1970s home brew to yesterday’s git push. EXP is under active development. The game is Free and open source (CC 4.0 share with attribution), and available on the web or GitHub. EXP was inspired by the RPGs Metamorphosis Alpha and Gamma World.

    The game itself is mythos light sciency fiction with loads of tech, mutations, and lots of rules. Settle combat with a tactical war game like system or a story based theatrical one. The tactical system uses a kilodie mechanic, to allow for highly granular combat tuning. The theatrical system uses a 4D2 mechanic, to create descriptive narrative outcomes. The ruleset is resilient and rules can be shed without collapsing playability. There are support tools for generating personas and rolling dice.

    Everything described above is available here

    What is this?
  • Hello Mr Human. EXP is a very old sciency fiction RPG. It lives free of charge on the intertubes at The rule sets are on the subdomain

    The premise is that all technology can happen at once and has the subtitle The game of Technological chaos. There is very little mythos, as it comes from an before modules. It is being actively developed and locally play tested by the solo dev.

  • First Post the Past

    This is an aspirational post. Hopefully this instance will become a place to post about:

    -rule set -generic mythos -tables

    as this is my first post using this editor the list is an unhappy thing

    Also weed
  • I like my cold turkey with cranberries and dressing. No plan to quit.

  • Compromise candidate
  • It is concerning when a IRL political figure uses a term that was a joke in a marrionette movie (Team America World Police).


  • Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • This is a very fun thread!

  • Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • giant phone being held by a giant hand with the name Hugh on the screen futuristic cars and planes all over the place.

    Mobilehugh is the user name.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • As if this is even needed. Getting lost in Ikea is part of their layout. He probably got arrested because it accidentally showed people the exit.

  • I just got a pop up ad from Windows, for PC gaming and buy their Xbox controller.
  • me too while playing Minecraft. now using Ubuntu 23.04, MC with GPU, VS Codium and FF. no problems.

  • Looking for Movies that Showcase Positive Masculinity
  • Field of Dreams, Enemy Mine, History of Future Folk

  • [DALLE] Fungi-Woman Shopping
  • aillustration of a mushroom shaped like a human cutting vegetables at a table Her chef at home.

  • What's your preferred DE?
  • Ubuntu 23.04 and GNOME.

  • Google Flat-Out Refuses to Bargain With Workers, Prompting YouTube Music Strike
  • proton is very adequate to replace Gmail.

  • Internet developments have gone from exciting to dreadful.
  • Make open source choices when possible. Open source is the internet version of shopping local.

  • What's a skill that's taken for granted where you live, but is often missing in people moving there from abroad?
  • If the country is big enough (aka Canada) these differences can be between provinces. People from Ontario can't ride bulls, but every kid in Alberta can. Newfoundlanders can fish but Manitobans are afraid of water. In British Columbia you are taught how to roll marijuana cigarette in high school but in Nova Scotia scotch is the bag lunch drink of choice.

  • mobilehugh Hugh

    Hugh does stuff in Python and Asciidoc and Antoradocs.

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