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We had a good run, thank you everyone
  • honestly, even i went off of lemmy for a bit, not because i dont like lemmy, but because every time i reloaded the page, it would sign me out, and i couldn't save any settings, it seems to be happening across most lemmy instances right now

  • What's the point of federation?
  • it's way better than just full on centralization, though

  • Biggest 196 Rule
  • there’s also the 195 which used to be called 196 but renamed in honor of this one

  • rule
  • :3

  • How do y'all pronounce Blåhaj?
  • there is no difference, a hard j (like in jacket) is the same thing as "dzh", just "dzh" is more spelled out instead of just being a name for it

  • Which instance do you prefer, and why?
  • i can see it, just suppose it took a while

  • Reddit CEO: Apollo-Related Subreddit Blackouts 'Will Pass,' No Significant Revenue Impact So Far
  • supposedly there's going to be a permanent protest on June 30th if they don't revert the API changes after this one, can't wait to see what spez thinks then

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • i use brave search as well, but i wish they hadn’t replaced the search section with a link to google or bing

  • Same Posts on All
  • from my understanding, active shows the posts gaining the most comments, but new comments gets the posts ordered by the last time a new comment was added, somewhat similar, but active is a lot slower

  • what sorting mode do you use?
  • im pretty sure it just ranks posts by how long ago the newest comment was, but it does have the side effect of blending them

  • what sorting mode do you use?
  • i do like how it's a nice blend between new posts and popular posts, i might switch to it

  • what sorting mode do you use?

    im stuck between "Hot" and "Top Day", hot sorting definitely updates more frequently but they both have their upsides

    SNOOcalypse - document, discuss, and promote the downfall of Reddit. mlsus
    it has happened

    it just passed midnight in EST, and some of the largest subreddits (e.g. r/funny) have just gone dark. goodbye, reddit!

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • doesn't matter if it uses ActivityPub, it's made by meta, so definitely no

  • For everyone new to Lemmy, how are you finding the experience?
  • same, i like mastodon but i definitely like lemmy a lot more

  • How this redditor eats/scoops out their ice cream
  • just like putting a bit of hot water in the scooper if it doesn't melt fast enough

  • How this redditor eats/scoops out their ice cream
  • i get putting a bit of hot water in it, but spitting in it to get it to melt faster?

  • Do your part, try not to lurk!
  • ive been looking around lemmy for a while just to get the feel of it, but i probably should actually start commenting and posting now

  • mlsus mlsus

    as with a lot of other people, i joined here because im tired of reddit, but i like lemmy more anyway, it’s just better in a lot of ways and less filled with bots and advertisements as other platforms

    Posts 2
    Comments 19