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Romance 💕
  • I'm getting a bit tired of seeing boobs nonsensically attached to concepts/objects. It's not like female coding characters is a sin per se, but I often find that the material would lose nothing in its absence. Like now—there's an entire panel dedicated to showing their love. So why bother?

    So yeah, I dislike it and also think it's unnecessarily.

    That said, if by "so we know it's not a gay romance" you mean that to be the artist's intent, I don't see why that must be the case. Without looking into them, it seems just as likely that they could've simply not thought about it at all. Maybe they're straight and just drew that. While it wouldn't be LGBT+ inclusive, it needn't necessarily be "so that people don't think it's gay."

    Hope I didn't wildly misread or overanalyze your comment. You're clearly not glad, but I can't tell if you're adding the last part for the sake of humor, or if you were bothered by what you believed to be a possible LGBT+ exclusionary depiction of romance.

  • Quora’s Chatbot Platform Poe Allows Users to Download Paywalled Articles on Demand
  • We would be happy to connect with your technical team to help them make sure your paywalled content isn’t served to people using Poe.

    What a joke, Quora needs to reevaluate whose responsibility that is.

    Basic reasoning time: was it an accident?

    • If not, then it was at least immoral.
    • If so, then it was incompetence.

    What a surprise, both possibilities seem to point towards the project being a pile of crap.

  • Level up your YouTube experience with these new Premium features
  • Unrelated, but I just found out there's a .youtube TLD. Not sure how to feel about this.

    Some features of premium actually sound really interesting, but I find myself struggling to reconcile my interest in both those features and the general idea of an internet that isn't built upon ads with my strong dislike of Google and a sincere wish to give them as little money as possible.

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.”
  • We need to get our politicians to do a lot more, a lot faster.

    So we're still doomed, then? I'm sorry, I'm sure lots of this is meant to be incredibly uplifting, but it reads an awful lot like "green is cheaper, trust the market! Numbers go up, up, up!" when you consider that:

    • Climate change is impacting countless people in horrible ways
    • Climate change is still getting worse

    The important thing to note here being that, even if a brighter future awaits beyond, the worst is yet to come. I'll get back to this in a moment.

    Yes, that the science to save the human race exists is nice. Really nice. There was a period in which I genuinely wondered if there was any chance humans wouldn't extinct themselves. But that was years ago. I've since learned that "saving the human species" is a terrible, disgusting metric. The future of what I consider humanity remains grim.

    Now, if the worst is yet to come, and we can't yet even accurately predict how much worse the worst really will be, take a moment to reflect on this: which part of humanity is better prepared to weather the incoming changes, and which part is more likely to be labeled "climate change refugees?"

    Humanity isn't only the richest. It's not merely the wealthiest and most developed nations. Humanity is also a lot of people who will suffer, people who I'm unconvinced will receive the aid and support they need and deserve.

    Because the root cause of these issues, the systems that govern our society, have led us here and are unlikely to go away anytime soon. Because these systems have shown incredible prowess at protecting select groups of people from certain issues, while failing at completely fixing them, despite not struggling due to a lack of resources and continuous technological advances. If the pattern holds...

    Then humans will survive. Many will live well.

    Humanity is still pretty screwed.


    "The tools are here, we'll be alright, just need political will!"

    Who's we? And if getting politicians to do what's right was that simple, we wouldn't be in this mess.

    P.S. I'm not advocating for doom here, I just wish more people understood that Americans buying cheap Chinese electric cars won't save the people living nearby the mine in Africa where the cobalt for those batteries was extracted.

  • What are your thoughts on this? "How did Mozilla Firefox go from being the best and most beloved browser to suddenly the worst company and browser according to Reddit"
  • "All content I dislike must've been upvoted by bots."

    No, real life is often just like that. It helps to remember that people tend to focus on the bad, and reddit culture isn't known for its tendency towards sensible takes.

    Try to keep the good stuff in mind, I quite enjoyed reading through the recent AMA in r/firefox, for example.

    Mozilla is a big entity. Regardless of your views, there'll always be both good and bad brewing in there. I think a disproportionately loud group of people need to learn to accept that, and reflect a bit more before commenting.

    And yes, getting some distance from internet bubbles can help. Reddit is not the only culprit.

  • Mozilla has acquired ad metrics firm Anonym
  • "The elephant in the room – and the opportunity – is how to solve for the industry-created problem that people don’t like and don’t trust advertising," said Garcia. "Privacy-enhancing tech doesn’t make creepy and disruptive ads less creepy or disruptive in the eyes of the average user."

    Emphasis mine.

    Betting on your reputation that users will trust you to adequately handle an issue that really seems like it'd end up with a conflict of interest seems like a fancier manner of saying you're risking taking a dump on your reputation.

    No way through but forwards now, eh. Not feeling particularly optimistic, but I'm cheering for them all the same. Their concerns and observations about the direction the industry is headed in are valid.

  • Rabbit data breach: all r1 responses ever given can be downloaded rabbit data breach: all r1 responses ever given can be downloaded - rabbitude

    rabbit inc has known that we have had their elevenlabs (tts) api key for a month, but they have taken no action to rotate the api keys.

    Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • I'm withholding judgment until we get more details. I remember reading good things about Teixeira from people who worked with him, so putting aside this doozy of a case, hopefully his health and family will be alright.

    Nothing of worth to comment on the case, but something in the article caught me off guard:

    Firefox, [...] is the company's only profitable product.

    Is Pocket seriously not profitable? I keep seeing contradicting claims about it. Thinking I'll need to learn how to read financial reports to get an actual answer.

    Edit: the audited financial statements 2020–2023 show continuous growth in subscription and advertising revenue, which is where Pocket is bundled alongside VPN, Monitor, etc.

    That doesn't tell me anything about their individual operational expenses and whether any are profitable, though. Understandably, the organization might not have such a clear distinction between their expenses, or even if they do, they might not need to publish that... So how does one know if Pocket (in this instance) is profitable or not?

    If anyone out there who has made claims regarding the profitability of products such as Pocket can point me the way to finding this kind of information, I'd be immensely grateful.

  • jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • Didn't think I had to say it explicitly. As far as influencing Mozilla's course, I don't believe those to be very helpful methods. A fork may be helpful, but it highly depends on the developer(s). I argue against the second one all the time. Third is laughably counterproductive.

    Mozilla is capable of responding to (esp. proper) feedback. For example, regardless of what you think about the subject, the community sent a pretty clear message when they started accepting cryptocurrency donations, which I'm sure they're still keeping in mind to this day.

    Point being, engaging with them is one thing that helps and I can do just fine. No need for "endless doom screeching."

    Re: positive news. Yes, on paper it can. We'll see how it turns out in reality. I've explained why I'm not immediately into it, though your comment seems to ignore that part of mine. I do want it to work out though, if for no other reason than because what's done is done and ultimately, I just want Firefox to thrive.

  • jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • Oh, we're fully in agreement. I'm not arguing in favor of abandoning Firefox or Mozilla at all. I'm just saying frustration and anxiety are to be expected sometimes. Note that I'm not excusing rudeness or the like.

    Re: the burden of developing a modern browser, I wonder what librewolf evangelists think would happen to the project, if Firefox development by Mozilla were to fall due to any reason. To my view, the forks only exist because Firefox still does. After all, if managing an entire browser was possible with their resources, they wouldn't need to fork one.

  • jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • I try my best to keep calm and judge things fairly and rationally but, truth is, you get kinda tired of seeing so many iffy-maybe-alright news about Mozilla.

    Inline edit: not even a week later, Teixeira v. Moz. Why, Mozilla? Liking you shouldn't be this complicated.

    My fear is that by the time "something happens" to Firefox, it'll be something that was entirely avoidable if only we had acted sooner. I'm always wondering if I'm at the point I should be acting.

    • I'm still salty about their previous CEO, Mitchell Baker, I believe, getting bigger bonuses while Firefox market share fell (and layoffs happened, but we lack details to understand those properly).
    • I'm unconvinced that, in a world where the percentage of people using an adblocker is rising, they'll find a way to change people's minds and look at ads, even if they are perfectly, technomagically privacy preserving.
    • I'm unconvinced that owning Firefox, which puts uBlock as a front-and-center extension, and Anonym, an adtech company, will not create a conflict of interest—just like what happened to Google.

    For the record, this is my first time commenting on this and I'm also deeply bothered by "reactionary nerds" (everyone switch to librewolf!!), but I understand the sentiment. Hope that added some perspective.

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