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No, Bonnie Henry, the pandemic was never a time of “kindness”
  • Do you recommend istening to doctors who never got a vaccine or listen to doctors who require yearly vaccines for life? Why?

  • No, Bonnie Henry, the pandemic was never a time of “kindness”
  • Why are you not comfortable with the idea that you were used for experimentation to test who survives, who dies, and what problems it causes in survivors?

  • No, Bonnie Henry, the pandemic was never a time of “kindness”
  • Do speak on behalf of everyone who regrets getting vaccines says nobody should ever get it? Are you good with someone who says they will never date anyone who did get a vaccine? How will you handling hearing a co-worker laughing about "Why were people so gullible to wear face diapers?" in mockery?

  • No, Bonnie Henry, the pandemic was never a time of “kindness”
  • How do you feel about you shaking hands with someone who never gotten a vaccine in their life? In 15 yeats from now, would you accept a job from people who never got a vaccine?

  • No, Bonnie Henry, the pandemic was never a time of “kindness”
  • What information do you have that's available for for public scrutiny that shows only your opinion is correct, that you have the right opinion, and all different opinions are bogus?

  • Conservative Mizraha
    Hamas Server Farm Under UNRWA Headquarters

    [ICEWM] a traditional desktop
  • That is very nice. I would like to do that same setup in OpenBSD.

  • mizraha Mizraha
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