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Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works
  • I’d love to see the “training data” for this model, but I can already predict it will be 99.999% footage of minorities labelled ‘criminal’.

    And cops going “Aha! Even AI thinks minorities are committing all the crime”!

  • I'm enjoying Plasma 6
  • I first beheld the glory of the cube in 2009. It was transcendental. I almost felt my soul leaving my body and ascending to a higher plane of consciousness, where few have treaded and those that truly grasp its majesty, yet fewer still. I was swept up in the spiritual, yet fleeting, ephemeral, and mercurial experience that was like no other. We were no more than ants trying to understand Einstein’s Relativity, or dung beetles oblivious to the sonorous rapture of Mozart.

    I flipped the cube for a couple more times to show it to my unimpressed wife, and promptly never booted into Ubuntu since.

  • good luck little buddy, see you in 5 years
  • Honestly, vscode opens in a split second for me, faster than I can react and start typing. For all intents and purposes it is instantaneous. Granted my setup is extremely clean and I only have the barest extensions installed for my workflow. The performance is consistent in my Windows, macOS and Linux machines.

    I can’t imagine it running slow at all (perhaps someone with hundreds or thousands of extensions would). The last two editors I could recall that took the whole of eternity in the time space continuum to load were Eclipse and Atom. And those were slowass right out of the gate with zero extensions or plugins.

  • How Quora Died
  • Poster: 100 Quora replies: Hi, I'm , creator and founder of , here's <10 totally meaningless> reasons why you should subscribe to my product that does nothing for your question.

  • Special monitor suggests Trump falsified disclosures over $48 million loan in what could be tax evasion, report says
  • Tucked into a footnote in a letter written by former federal judge Barbara Jones, the court-appointed special monitor overseeing Donald Trump’s New York business fraud case is a bombshell that appears to indicate the former president may have engaged in massive tax evasion, according to a new report released by The Daily Beast.

    We really need to ban the word bombshell when it comes to drumpf. We have now a Hiroshima collection of "bombshells" and he's still wearing suits instead of orange jumpsuits.

  • Guide to Self-Hosting Lemmy with Individual Containers &amp; Existing NGINX Instance.

    Problem Statement

    The official docker-compose and Docker documentation for self-hosting Lemmy is not suitable for my use-case. It:

    • Spins up its own single-use containers for pictrs, postgres and nginx.
    • Makes a bunch of assumptions about the deployment network topology that doesn't always work in a more managed setting.

    I'm not a pro nor an expert in sysadmin, Docker or web technologies, so it took many hours of deciphering the (very) sparse documentation to figure out how to make Lemmy fit my deployment scenario. Here, I'd like to just share my own docker-compose, lemmy.hjson and my NGINX reverse proxy configuration, and hope it helps someone out there.

    How I Host My Services

    • Each service is single-instance, multiple-use. For example, my postgres container serves not just Lemmy, but other containers that require a DB service as well.
    • I have an existing reverse proxy with nginx, already provided by the awesome swag image.
    • Each container gets an assigned internal LAN hostname, assigned internal LAN IP, and specified MAC address for house-keeping and manageability purposes.
    • I have full control and authorship of all my services, and only services are exposed to the public internet through either CloudFlare or nginx. Hence, storing key values in my docker-compose is not a major security risk. If my LAN is breached, then I have bigger things to worry about besides a few passkeys being compromised. If you are operating in a multi-user LAN environment where security is paramount, then please use Docker Secrets instead of storing your secrets in plaintext.

    Some Parameters You'll Need

    My template values are assumed as such. For API keys and passwords, use your own generator or some UUID generation service. If you're using Linux and have the uuidgen package, just generate keys on your terminal with uuidgen -r | sed 's/-//g'; The second command just removes the - character from stdout. All provided values below are dummy values! Please generate your own whenever applicable.

    To generate MAC addresses, use any MAC address generator tool, or an online service.

    Needless to say, change the following parameters to suit your own deployment.

    General Networking

    • Your internal DNS IP:
    • Your LAN subnet mask:
    • Your Docker container subnet mask:
    • Your Docker host IP:
    • Your localhost domain name: .local
    • Your Docker bridge name (this must be an existing bridge): custom_docker_bridge

    Your SMTP settings

    Here, I am assuming you have a gmail account that you want to use as your mailbox to send admin emails. Follow this guide to generate an app password for Google to authenticate you.

    • smtp_server:
    • smtp_login:
    • smtp_password: abcdefghijklmnop
    • smtp_from_address: no-reply@yourdomainname.yourtld

    Your Lemmy Site Name &amp; Admin Account

    • admin_username: admin
    • admin_password: c97f337aaa374d8a9c47fce0e197fd29
    • site_name: lemmy.yourowndomainname.yourtld

    For pictrs

    • PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY: e7160a506a9241abb1e623d4180d6908
    • Container IP:
    • Container MAC: 30:b1:fb:dd:af:ee
    • Container Hostname: PICTRS.local
    • Persistent Volume: /some/host/directory/pictrs

    For postgres

    • POSTGRES_USER: postgres_admin
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: eefb3bce7ea54b8497307d0e0234b6c8
    • POSTGRES_DB: postgres_db
    • Container IP:
    • Container MAC: a9:95:c4:a3:e5:4f
    • Container Hostname: POSTGRES.local
    • Persistent Volume: /some/host/directory/postgres

    For lemmy

    • Container IP:
    • Container MAC: 77:26:eb:bf:c9:f7
    • Container Hostname: LEMMY.local
    • Persistent Volume (for your lemmy.hsjon): /some/host/directory/lemmy/lemmy.hjson
    • DB name: lemmy_db
    • DB user: lemmy_admin
    • DB password: ebd3526474cf4cc6af752971f268d0f3

    For lemmy-ui

    • Container IP:
    • Container MAC: bd:77:70:e6:ca:d8
    • Container Hostname: LEMMYUI.local
    • LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST (this is your public-facing domain name that points to your Lemmy UI): lemmy.yourowndomainname.yourtld
    • LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST (match with above): LEMMY.local:8536

    Templates for docker-compose

    For pictrs

    version: "3.7" services: pictrs: container_name: pictrs image: asonix/pictrs:0.4 environment: - PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY=e7160a506a9241abb1e623d4180d6908 ports: - 8080:8080 restart: unless-stopped hostname: PICTRS.local dns: mac_address: 30:b1:fb:dd:af:ee networks: custom_docker_bridge: ipv4_address: volumes: - /some/host/directory/pictrs:/mnt networks: custom_docker_bridge: external: true name: custom_docker_bridge

    For postgres

    This assumes you don't already have a postgres instance. version: "3.7" services: postgres: container_name: postgres image: postgres:latest # This is the default postgres db that is created when you spin up a new postgres container. This will not be used by Lemmy, but the credentials here are important in case you ever lose your password to `lemmy_admin`. environment: - POSTGRES_USER=postgres_admin - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=eefb3bce7ea54b8497307d0e0234b6c8 - POSTGRES_DB=postgres_db ports: - 5432:5432 restart: unless-stopped hostname: POSTGRES.local dns: mac_address: a9:95:c4:a3:e5:4f networks: custom_docker_bridge: ipv4_address: command: [ "postgres", "-c", "session_preload_libraries=auto_explain", "-c", "auto_explain.log_min_duration=5ms", "-c", "auto_explain.log_analyze=true", "-c", "track_activity_query_size=1048576", ] volumes: - /some/host/directory/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: custom_docker_bridge: external: true name: custom_docker_bridge

    For lemmy Backend

    version: "3.7" services: lemmy: container_name: lemmy image: dessalines/lemmy:latest hostname: LEMMY.local dns: mac_address: 77:26:eb:bf:c9:f7 ports: - 8536:8536 networks: custom_docker_bridge: ipv4_address: restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /some/host/directory/lemmy/lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson:Z networks: custom_docker_bridge: external: true name: custom_docker_bridge

    For lemmy-ui Frontend

    version: "3.7" services: lemmy-ui: container_name: lemmy-ui image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:latest environment: - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=LEMMY.local:8536 - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST=lemmy.yourowndomainname.yourtld - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=false - LEMMY_UI_DEBUG=true hostname: LEMMYUI.local dns: mac_address: bd:77:70:e6:ca:d8 networks: custom_docker_bridge: ipv4_address: restart: unless-stopped networks: custom_docker_bridge: external: true name: custom_docker_bridge

    Template for lemmy.hjson

    ``` { database: { uri: "postgres://lemmy_admin:ebd3526474cf4cc6af752971f268d0f3@POSTGRES.local:5432/lemmy_db" } pictrs: { url: "http://PICTRS.local:8080/" api_key: "e7160a506a9241abb1e623d4180d6908" } email: { smtp_server: "" smtp_login: "" # Password to login to the smtp server smtp_password: "abcdefghijklmnop" smtp_from_address: "no-reply@yourdomainname.yourtld" tls_type: "tls" }

    These will be used for the first-ever time the container is created. This is the admin account used to login to https://lemmy.yourowndomainname.yourtld and manage your Lemmy instance.

    setup: { # Username for the admin user admin_username: "admin" # Password for the admin user. It must be at least 10 characters. admin_password: "c97f337aaa374d8a9c47fce0e197fd29" # Name of the site (can be changed later) site_name: "lemmy.yourowndomainname.yourtld" # Email for the admin user (optional, can be omitted and set later through the website) admin_email: "admin@yourowndomainname.yourtld" } hostname: "lemmy.yourowndomainname.yourtld"

    Address where lemmy should listen for incoming requests

    bind: ""

    Port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests

    port: 8536

    Whether the site is available over TLS. Needs to be true for federation to work.

    tls_enabled: true } ```

    Template for nginx

    This assumes your NGINX's http directive is pre-configured and exists elsewhere. ``` server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl;

    server_name lemmy.*;

    # Assuming your ssl settings are elsewhere include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    set $lemmy_frontend_hostname lemmyui.local; set $lemmy_frontend_port 1234;

    set $lemmy_backend_hostname lemmy.local; set $lemmy_backend_port 8536;

    set $upstream_proto http;

    location ~ ^/(api|pictrs|feeds|nodeinfo)/ { set $prox_pass $upstream_proto://$lemmy_backend_hostname:$lemmy_backend_port; proxy_pass $prox_pass; }

    location / {

    # Default to lemmyui.local set $prox_pass $upstream_proto://$lemmy_frontend_hostname:$lemmy_frontend_port;

    # Specific routes to lemmy.local if ($http_accept ~ "^application/.*$") { set $prox_pass $upstream_proto://$lemmy_backend_hostname:$lemmy_backend_port; } if ($request_method = POST) { set $prox_pass $upstream_proto://$lemmy_backend_hostname:$lemmy_backend_port; } proxy_pass $prox_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } } ```


    That's it! If you're looking for more in-depth tutorials for how each of these work, it is unfortunately out of scope for this post. Hope this helps someone in their journey to self-host Lemmy. Cheers.

    Edit #1 - (2023-07-29) nginx.conf needed some additional parameters for proxy_http_version and proxy_set_header, otherwise Lemmy's root_span_builder will start to throw Incoming activity has invalid signature errors. I believe the important line is proxy_set_header Host $host;

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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