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You can choose a super power, but the first person to reply can name a side effect.
  • The power to send messages to your past self

  • Kai Cenat: Police plan to charge Twitch streamer after PS5 giveaway mayhem
  • I coincidentally walked past on my way to an appointment at 4p and honestly the way the place was crawling with emergency cycles made me think there was a shooting or something. Haven't seen this kind of police presence in NYC since the BLM protests in 2020.

  • what does your android / iphone home screen look like
  • Here's mine!

    Smart launcher and crayon icons

  • What are some notable blunders in history that resulted in huge loss?
  • In terms of money and business, my fav is how Xerox didn't know how to market/capitalize on what was effectively the first personal computer before personal computers were even a concept, which is estimated to be a $1.4 trillion mistake.

  • what does your android / iphone home screen look like
  • What launcher and icon pack is this?

  • what does your android / iphone home screen look like
  • What launcher is this?

  • How many Lemmy users are non-technical background?
  • I'm in marketing haha, I joke that I'm my parent's IT person, but that's just about as technical as I get

  • Whatā€™s your favorite Poison type PokĆ©mon?
  • Crobat! I always add it to the party if it's possible.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I pinched a nerve in my back late last week and today was the first morning I woke up without any immediate pain, so that's progress at least

  • Are there Christian movies other than Prince of Egypt that are considered good?
  • Responding to everything here so that weā€™re not bouncing between 2 different threads.

    Appeal to emotion ā€“ ā€œHeck, you donā€™t even give enough of a shit to refer to the scripture by the Jewish name. If you really cared perhaps you should start by calling it the Torah, the name ā€˜old testamentā€™ is nonsensical when you remove the new testament.ā€ The language you used implies they donā€™t care about the argument and that the lack of care is what counteracts an argument instead of facts.

    Perpetuating the ā€œJudaism is unnecessary nowā€ narrative is part of what breeds antisemitism and makes for more hate crimes. Jews are literally seen as ā€œChrist-killersā€, and therefore literal murderers of God, in many Christian communities. This lead to normalized persecution of Jews over the course of the last 1500 years. The whole of Catholicism/Christianity is much larger than just the Mormon community, so it tends to have much more of an impact. Look up Jewish Decide for more info.

    While I agree that the ā€œOld Testamentā€ is meaningless in relation to Judaism, youā€™re trying to pick apart an argument on semantics which didnā€™t sit right with me. Why not demand that Exodus be called Shemot? That is the proper Judaic term after all. Exodus technically refers to the Old Testament.

    As for the Christmas reference ā€“ literally replace ā€˜the birth of Christā€™ with ā€˜the story of Passoverā€™. Sure itā€™s something that Christians learn about, but itā€™s not something seen as Holy as it is in Judaism. The vast majority of Christians do not really celebrate Passover, just as Jews donā€™t celebrate Christ or Christmas.

  • Are there Christian movies other than Prince of Egypt that are considered good?
  • I found awsamation's appeal to emotion specifically to be a bit aggressive, which is why I had decided to respond.

    Messianic Judaism and the concept of celebrating Pesach and Yom Kippur as Christians are examples of Jewish appropriation. In general, I see much less straight appropriation these days, and much more the concept that we should rejoice that Judaism doesn't have to exist anymore as Christianity is Judaism v2, which only serves to erase Jewish culture.

  • Are there Christian movies other than Prince of Egypt that are considered good?
  • Whether we're white or not depends on how convenient it is for someone else šŸ¤£

    I live in a very Jew-friendly area so thankfully nobody's attempting outright conversions, but there's always the consistent commentary of Christianity being the default that just hits be the wrong way.

  • Are there Christian movies other than Prince of Egypt that are considered good?
  • They end up mostly being Holocaust movies for obvious reasons, but my personal favs are The Pianist and Fiddler.

  • Are there Christian movies other than Prince of Egypt that are considered good?
  • What a strangely aggressive take. The old testament in Christianity is more equivalent to the Tanakh in Judaism, of which the Torah is a part. The film tells the story of one of the highest of high holidays in all of Judaism, so it does make sense to call it a Jewish movie first and foremost.

    After all calling a Christmas movie Jewish just because Jesus was a Jew would be silly.

  • Typo sends millions of US military emails to Russian ally Mali
  • What I don't understand is my company set things up to give everyone an alert every time they're sending something to a non company domain. Why aren't there any protections like this in place?

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 17)
  • If we're less than 3 players, she'll play as an NPC as well. A lot of the times when it's just us, we'll either do a super balls to the walls session 0 character creation, or we'll basically play test some of her campaign ideas as 2 players. Most of the time it ends up being much less structured, so more wiggle room to poke holes in plans, so it ends up being great practice for both of us.

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 17)
  • Had a great session on Saturday! My partner is a DM so we play mini oneshots together quite often. This time, we invited 2 friends who'd never ever played, so she cooked up a quick 2 hour game to basically teach them the absolute basics of how to play. It included some cool character building, a scary but secretly nonlethal encounter against a cockatrice (aka demon chicken), and a great resolution with a bit of a cliffhanger ending. Of course they did all the heavy lifting while my nat 1s meant I hurt myself more than the enemy...

    I think they actually really enjoyed it, and now we're talking about setting up a semi regular time in order to turn it into more of a campaign!

  • Remote work and the future of cities
  • I'm hybrid and I only go into the office once a week, though I live near the downtown area. We have (compared to the rest of the US) a fairly robust public transit system, a bustling tourism industry, and I think around 100 universities with the students that entails. Between students, tourists, and the extremely wealthy, I don't see our downtown slowing down anytime soon.

    I've noticed that storefronts are cycling through more frequently than they did in the past, but empty storefronts are very quick to get rented back out. Rents are definitely unaffordable, but I've noticed that for people who actually live here, many are willing to live a little further out and take public transit in to experience downtown outside of needing to be here for work.

    Disclosure that this last point definitely doesn't apply to me, but I'm also seeing a lot of people who actually go out of their way to go into the office now. With roommate situations and tiny apartments, I'm hearing more and more about people who are hybrid or fully remote, but actually enjoy a big working space with what might actually be more peace and quiet than they'd find at home.

  • Time for bed
  • I've never felt so called out in my life

  • What are your current goals? Where are your numbers currently?
  • Gotta take advantage of all the newbie gains!

  • mewpichu mewpichu
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