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It does feel like that.
  • I actually don't come here too often in part because I'm not interested in the topics that are popular here.

  • Has exercise helped your mental health?
  • Kind of, but it's not a miracle cure or escape. I tried exercising while depressed and I tried exercising after I learned how to manage depression. It never cured my depression but it is part of managing it. It's part of a healthy life style, which is part of taking care of myself, which is part of not feeling like I hate myself and my life.

    I keep going to the gym because I enjoy it and it's an excellent way for me to vent emotions, no matter what my mood is.

  • Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion
  • Working from home made me realize how much I hate working in an office environment.

  • This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases
  • Not bad, not great. I buy my veggies from a grocery that specializes in that, it's much cheaper and less plastic. No yogurt? No solid/brick cheese? No nuts and dried fruit? No canned beans or dried beans? Peanut butter?

    What you really need is a $/portion table to see what's actually expensive here.

    I think the muffins tip you over the edge into junk food land. They are very empty and basically the same as the rolls, the kraft dinner, and whatever is in the red box. A fair bit of this stuff is basically sugar and bread.

  • Let’s Set a Maximum Wage for the Rich | The Tyee
  • 100% tax over 100 million or something?

  • Or they go to adtech
  • You use the word upset as in there is no rational reason to care about this and emotions are invalid or lesser.

    Anyway, cameras and paintings…

  • Are We Transitioning From Capitalism to Silicon Serfdom?
  • Boy that article was a whole lot of nothing.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • Missing a gym, physio, and doctors clinic.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That’s.. hmm. Definitely not worth a YouTube commentary video.

  • Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing?
  • Because the last gen of parents struggle to let their kids grow up

  • Canada’s housing crisis isn’t being caused by foreign investors. It’s being caused by investors, period | Ricochet
  • Foreign investment got us started down this path. A ton of people moved here when UK handed HK sovereignty to China in the 90s.

    Investment is probably a bigger problem now but that was established by the initial foreign investment booms.

  • Tipping culture npcs
  • The entitlement from servers is horrendous.

    10-15% and if you don’t like it you can have zero.

    Worth mentioning there is a big diff between USA and Canada. US is fucked and I have no comments about tipping there.

  • Ordering workers back to the office a 'power grab' by bosses, research suggests
  • Our ceo is a woman and she values being around people, so being the boss means we all have to share her worldview.

  • Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job
  • Because two planes hit two buildings (and the other one) and like 3-4 buildings imploded. It didn’t look real.

    Im guessing engineers didn’t plan for planes to strike the building which is why they crumbled.

    That was literally it. It was so odd a situation to our daily lives that parts of it didn’t seem real.

  • Cheap Protein Sources starter pack
  • Lot of sad protein in here. Crap list op, sorry

  • Do you all have any tips on activities to do yourself, instead of consuming content all the time?
  • I like building things and being alone and woodworking is my go to activity. It involves working with and learning about wood and tools to work with wood, project management for more complex projects, tons of spatial thinking, drawing, research, prototyping. I spend a large amount of time drawing.

  • What's an underrated/life changing product that's cheap?
  • Hot water bottle or equivalent warm thing

  • cold/flu season depression

    I caught covid a couple weeks ago and it's been draining physically as expected but also mentally. Starting week 3 now of not really being able to do anything except walk around the block. Bad habits creeping in. I feel like crap. Spending way too much time on youtube/social media.

    I remember in the past that when I started to recover from an illness I'd get a boost of motivation, but I hadn't noticed that I was actually feeling depressed.

    I think part of it was feeling weak and not being able to counter intrusive thoughts. All the stress of regular life sort of piled on in and I had no defence against it.

    Frugal mayo
    Basic, advanced, and optional ways to save money

    Here are my basics:

    • Hydroponics: lettuce, basil, strawberries, microgreens. Cost to implement well ~ $350CDN
    • Yoghurt: Cost to implement well ~ $50
    • Crochet + yarn: mainly for making dishcloths. $5
    • Mayo: I like mayo, obviously, but it doesn’t last very long. Has anyone made mayo that lasts as long as store bought?

    More advanced ideas?

    • locally sourced meat and eggs: is this cheaper? I’m in Vancouver BC and there are a lot of farms in the valley. Logistics seems challenging.
    • jarring: is it worth learning how to do this and investing in the equipment? volunteering at a farm: I’m sure this would net some food
    • solar power or bike generator: electricity is cheap here
    • minimalism: I’m realizing this is a lifestyle. It has taken me a while to reduce, and I’m still reducing. Are most of you like this?

    And things that can save money, but I don’t want to do:

    • Bread: I don’t like making bread. Bread machine vs. buying a mixer?
    • Beer: I’d like to but last time I tried it was messy and space consuming
    • switch to cotton socks and underwear. Quantity over quality.
    • no alcohol or drugs: What’s your experience?
    • meal prep: savings seem big if combined with jarring. But if I had food prepped I’ll eat it, cheaper to skip meals?

    Any other ideas welcome. I’m looking to save $$$ by spending $$

    Miyazaki’s How do you live?

    This is coming out next week and I just heard about it. No trailers, just a [poster]( I've never seen a Ghibli movie in theatres, and haven't been to the theatre in a while but this is tempting.

    mayo mayo
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