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NUC to run Proxmox
  • I think my smallest nuc, when I was running proxmox, had 24 gigs with four cores and I was able to get ~4 ubuntu servers running at the same time. Or like 1 Windows 2012 R2 and a couple ubuntu servers. YMMV definitely and worthwhile tuning/building an image that is stripped down

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • Sorry, was offline for a few days! Not really sure what I'm looking for, honestly? Mostly someone to kind of push me for doing more/exploring more? I'd like to focus in on AI security as well as container security and I know I can start that work on my own -- I just know it's easier/more likely for me to do things if I have someone filling in the blanks on things I don't know that I don't know. I'll start with those there (been following She Hacks Purple and InfoSec Sherpa for a bit) and see if any long hanging fruit shakes lose from the tree, thanks again!

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • write_that_down.jpeg

    This is amazing info, thank you! So I have a BS in comp sci and applied math but all my experience is from ~10 years in different roles in IT from helpdesk to now cloud engineering/devops. I've had been doing some CTF's and Juice Shop for a bit but fell off because things got busy (as they always do). Lately I've been looking at reversing DRM for old shareware games just to get more familiar with the concepts but it's been mostly looking rather than doing so far lol. What I really want to get better at are namely two things:

    • Container security and exploiting it
    • Getting better at understanding how things work at lower levels to be better at reverse engineering

    Really appreciate the insight and hope that everything goes well with your plans!

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • That makes sense, thanks! Have you ever hired a mentor before? I imagine it'd be a lot like hiring a coach but how would you know that they're not just being kind of a "yes man" or at the very least kind of reputable?

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • General question but how do y'all actually find a mentor? I feel like there's probably a local group nearby me or something that I could look into but are there places/people that are more likely to say "yes, I will mentor you" in y'all's experience?

  • OldWeb matt Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time.

    A website to randomly explore the IndieWeb. Simply click a button and you will be redirected to a random post from a personal blog.

    Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time.

    Way, way back when the internet was still being charted as if it was some mysterious country, one of my favorite things to do was just to spend a solid chunk of time on StumbleUpon -- bouncing from random website to random website. It was such a useful tool for just finding niche sites, some of which I still use to this day.

    This site will send you to a random IndieWeb site and even has RSS feeds to send a set amount of random blog entries to your feed. Glad that there's still sites like this out there in the ether!

    What 'app' are you using to view
  • Browser only (firefox) on my laptop

  • People Hire Phone Bots to Torture Telemarketers

    AI software and voice cloners simulate distracted saps willing to stay on the phone forever—or until callers finally give up

    Original link -- has paywall

    Which VPN Providers Really Take Privacy Seriously in 2023? * TorrentFreak
  • Yeah, I would still be using mullvad if they hadn't removed port forwarding -- it's too damn bad but I get why they needed it. Switched to Proton but I imagine they'll run into the same issue down the road and will need to find a more permanent solution.

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • Awesome! I really appreciate your help and will absolutely start going through this and what my resume looks like.

    Also, right?! How is it that in an industry that has a deficit of security personnel in it already is so damn hard to break into?!

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • I'm not sure if this is the right venue for this question so please let me know if that is the case -- happy to ask elsewhere!

    I've been in various IT roles for the past 10 years and seem to have gotten stuck in a support capacity. My career goal is to be more of a DevSecOps or Security Engineering role but I honestly can't get the time of day with an interviewer. I've got experience with programming, cloud infrastructure, web application security, and am currently going for my CKA but I don't have a ton of experience "on paper". Most of my experience is either me doing things myself to further my knowledge or taking on security things within my current role -- for ex. in one support role I did a web application penetration test to make sure there weren't any gaping holes before we deployed it.

    How can I make sure that I have the right experience down on paper for when I'm applying to roles? Has anyone here "broken out" of a support role into security? What was your experience with it? I also have a lot of interest in doing research work and I know this can dovetail with the two roles I listed above but maybe I need to focus on the core ideas of those roles more?

  • With the decline of twitter and reddit, it's time to take a look at RSS again if you haven't already.
  • I use Miniflux and I've actually had luck just putting the channel url like youtube[.]com/channel/CHANNEL_NAME_HERE and the rss feed populates from there!

  • DIY Filter for the upcoming fire season The Cuboid: A DIY air purifier that’s better than a box-fan

    Designs for a quieter, more energy efficient purifier, and data proving it really works.

    The Cuboid: A DIY air purifier that’s better than a box-fan

    I came across this blog post -- considering that fire season is coming up (or already started in some places) and the PNW's track record, figured some folks may find this useful.

    This is a pretty cheap air filter that is easy to construct with minimal tools and works better than putting filters onto a box fan.

    Reddit habit is hard to break.
  • Seriously! I ended up blocking reddit and its subdomains with my pihole so that I'd stop clicking on things from google searches.

  • matt matt

    Former lurker trying to post more, Internet link curator, and meme connoisseur. He/Him

    All typos are intentional

    Ask me about pigeons!

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