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CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser
  • Exactly. If this comes to pass, you're still free to run an "unattested" browser if you want, but web sites are going to require it "for security" to make sure you are using an "untampered" with browser (I.e. no blocking ads)

  • Battle of the slashes
  • Beat me to it. It works in CMD/PowerShell too. It's easier to just train your muscle memory to always use / regardless of platform

  • PSA: Mastodon is NOT Twitter and does not aim to be.
  • I just use it in the browser like a web app

  • My 10Gbps Home Networking Closet
  • Maybe you could find a device that runs OpenWRT with an integrated switch?

  • My 10Gbps Home Networking Closet
  • Nice setup. But is the 2 Post rack leaning? That would drive me nuts 😱

  • manbart manbart
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