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Cats Rule
  • Also, small birds are “tori” in Japanese, likely after the sing-song sound they make (tri-tri-triii)

    Ducks are named after a quacking sound in English... And Indonesian&Malaysian; “bebek”!

    I could go on for a while but in general it's not very uncommon for animals to be named like a Pokémon!

  • The numbers dont lie, and they spell disaster for you.
  • Unironically the place I last worked at

    “Our 20-employee company made over € 8 million profit last year!”
    I ask for a raise because I'm underpaid for the work I deliver.
    “Ahh noooo see there is no more money for thag...”

    Needless to say I quit. Citing them this as one of the reasons.

  • Laws only matter if you're not rich.
  • My grandma is the opposite of this, he embraces learning new technology and wants to stay informed with new developments.
    So far my dad is like this as well.
    I strive to become like them, they're both pretty great people all-round!

  • attrulective
  • I do think the one on the left looks a bit ugly, or maybe “below average” is a better way to phrase it; but why would that be a problem?

    Like, your main character can look kinda meh and that OK she doesn't need to be good-looking.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Programmer by day, burnt out by night.

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