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‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says the Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
  • I hear a bunch of N thing needs to happen, but the question is will that N solution help. The question to ask is, has someone run a study on N solution, and if so what's the next best solution. Gather data like where are the things of interest happening e.g. region of city. Make shore that N solution does not try to fix a symptom and disregard a source problem. Is N thing is symptom there can be many sources which have different solutions.

  • Kursed
  • `import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.5

    Window { id: window width: 200 //Screen.width *10 height: 200 //Screen.height *10 visible: true

    color: "transparent"
    // color: "#000000"
    flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint

    /* Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100 color: "blue" transform: Rotation { origin.x: 50; origin.y: 50; angle: 45} }


    property var i: 0

    Image {
        id: ima
        anchors.fill: parent
        source: "file://replaceme with the full path of of a transparent png"
        rotation: 45
        // transform: Rotation { origin.x: 100; origin.y: 100;  angle: 45 }
      Timer {
    interval: 1; running: true; repeat: true
    onTriggered: {
            // window.setX(i)
            // console.log(i);


    } `

    put this into a qml project compile it and run it a hundred times to get the same effect

  • 2
    dumb idea

    I had an idea what if we were to just like get a bunch of donations together pay for a bunch of shirts and full face masks with Firefox branding on it and Firefox colors Etc and also hand out pamphlets that would include the Mozilla ideas and then also like pay five bucks if you would do this at a Google event and interrupt presentations with witty comebacks on how Firefox is better and Google bad

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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