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*Permanently Deleted*
  • RIP the bell ringer

  • Stack Overflow Just Announced Their Own AI OverflowAI
  • Good way to kill your own platform, the whole point is to ask questions to real people

  • 01001101 01100101 01101101 01100101
  • Technically morse code is just on/off on/off lol

  • The gamers have returned fire
  • Seasons were great at the beginning, then they slowly yet surely added in more ways the player had to pay to gain access to content. Those dungeons that came free with the seasons? Now you gotta pay for them. All that content you paid $40 for years ago? Gone, but now came back and reskinned so you have to pay for it again. The micro transaction hellscape that is destiny 2 has gone way too far.

    People blindly pay for this shit and I can’t believe they still do. Wool over their eyes and a company stealing right out of your pocket.

  • Death Valley approaches global heat record as US reels from extreme weather
  • All the news coverage on this and not a tiny bit of news about action upon climate change. Humans will die because of their own idiocy

  • The gamers have returned fire
  • Game is fucking trash now

  • Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen
  • Stop making the customers pay your workers. They’re not our responsibility

  • Floods, fires and deadly heat are the alarm bells of a planet on the brink
  • This world will burn to a crisp before the big corporations and government say they fucked up and believe scientists now.

  • Memes…memes everywhere
  • Definitely. I’ll probably unblock that stuff once there’s more variety to the All section

  • Memes…memes everywhere

    Did anyone else have to block the meme communities cuz that’s all they see? 😂

    Does anyone actually enjoy working out?
  • I used to hate lifting. Now I look at it like a meditation, and look forward to it (mostly) every day.

  • I feel sorry for men who have to wear pants
  • Getting my kilt ready as we speak…

  • do I stop from seeing the same 20 posts over again?

    I know there's supposed to be a "hide read posts" setting, and maybe I'm blind, but I don't see it.

    Might be a silly question, but why does my feed get bombarded like crazy with new posts?

    I have my "All" feed set to "Active" and I won't even be scrolling or reloading it, all of a sudden 500 posts start rolling in at the top of the feed!

    Meta Quest 3 Announcement - Fall 2023 Release

    Hopefully this means the Quest 2 goes on sale! :D
