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How can you apply "think before you speak" if it isn't feasible to pause for 15 seconds between every sentence you say mid conversation????
  • Social skills, as the name implies, are meant to be trained, maintained, and expanded over a lifetime so don't discount yourself because you feel like you're too old or have tried and failed for too long. Have you considered seeking behavioral therapy? Perhaps you're not picking up on the myriad non-verbal social cues that could help you better inform your conversations. Behavioral therapy can help identify where you're lacking and give you the opportunity to practice skills and receive feedback from a professional.

    I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

  • How can you apply "think before you speak" if it isn't feasible to pause for 15 seconds between every sentence you say mid conversation????
  • You don't need to give explicit details of your coworkers' lives, but from your writing it really seemed to me that you were more interested in mechanically optimizing conversation. This isn't necessarily a bad perspective, but people already do that organically by understanding each other more and learning their history. The route of good conversation follows logically from there through empathy.

  • How can you apply "think before you speak" if it isn't feasible to pause for 15 seconds between every sentence you say mid conversation????
  • You're descriptions kind of make your coworkers like NPCs. If you want to have better conversations you should probably get to know them better as people. That can allow you to understand the why of their particulars and eventually guide your conversations more organically.

  • Proton's biased article on Deepseek
  • Apologies, I misread your comment and though you said protonvpn was untrustworthy. I'm not a VPN user so I'm not up to date with the rep of any of them, but I am a proton mail user so I was worried about the technical integrity of one of their products

  • 20 million players have joined Marvel Rivals
  • I've been liking Magneto as well, but I hate his sound design. There's nothing about it that tells you his powers have anything to do with magnetism or controlling metal. He sounds like he has generic fantasy psychic powers

  • How do you voice chat without bothering roommates?
  • If you want to reduce how audible you are outside your room you can add some sound dampening material to your walls and door and seal air cracks around your door. Those black spiked foam wall panels or heavy curtains are probably best for sound dampening, but something as simple and cheap as paper egg cartons on your walls will greatly reduce how much sound gets through.

  • Family speaks out after Pasqua First Nation man's braids cut off in Edmonton hospital
  • According to the article, he was only there because he was a falling risk and was waiting for a LTC spot. What reason would they have to not only cut his hair, but also throw away his personal belongings? It makes no sense

  • If the US dissolves for whatever reason and goes into a state of anarchy what would happen to the rest of the world?
  • We would need to ignore how destitute the rest of the world would need to be for a superpower to full-on collapse in its entirety. I'm also assuming you mean that there's zero semblance of order or organized society.

    The military would get recalled and leave American bases, strategic territory, and other occupied areas undefended and open to capture. Economies that rely heavily on trade with the US would need to find new trading partners to prevent potential economic collapse and it might not even save them if they can't get similar enough agreements or pricing. There are countries that also rely heavily on straight US aid, either monetarily or goods, that would collapse themselves or force them to align with whichever country would give them new aid. Global healthcare would dip without the drugs manufactured by the US. No American commodities like oil or food makes prices of those commodities go up everywhere else.

    People around the world would be afraid. Whatever you may think of the American government and US politics, the average US citizen/resident is quite removed from the goings on of the federal government. The states on their own have a lot of independence and some would likely survive a collapse in federal leadership, but if federal, state, and local government all collapsed together it would be something serious enough to warrant attention from other countries with similar structure to the US.

  • Star Citizen players after giving Chris Roberts a month’s pay for a 400-meter Liberator-class carrier by Shitfuck Industries [Day 5]
  • What exists right now is full of jank, but if you played it or even followed the patch to patch development you could see they're consistently building foundations for a game that is simultaneously:

    • FPS
    • MMO
    • Fully physicalized
    • Physics based
    • Open world
    • High fidelity
    • Fully persistent

    Considering how no game like what SC is supposed to be has come out in the time SC has been in development, it must not be that easy of a game to make.

    I got into SC in December of last year and have seen their progress and have been to play and participate in all of it while only spending 45 USD on the base package. Nothing else is needed to join since all ships eventually come out in game as buyable for in game money and I bought nearly every ship like that.

    CIG certainly sells ships to whales, but to them it's necessary for their commitment to no publishers or large investors.

  • Headsetcontrol: max safe polling rate?

    I just got myself an Arctis Nova 7X and have been trying to get chat mix to work using HeadsetControl and Nova7ChatmixLinux. The latter uses the former to poll the Nova 7X for the current chat mix balance. The creator set the polling rate at 1/sec which is a little long, but I fear it may be for hardware safety reasons. I got the Nova 7X because my Arctis 7 died with suspicious timing. I had installed a version of HeadsetControl with a gui that had polling rate adjustment and the 7's transmitter stopped receiving power shortly after I set the polling rate to 1/sec.

    Has anyone fiddled with these projects and the Nova 7s and have any insight into polling rates that may be unsafe?

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