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  • map should probably be => purple) instead of => blue = purple)

  • if you sit in a public place and have your phone on speaker phone (a phone call or music or whatever), i have little to no respect for you.
  • All of the dictionary definitions it replied with are just made up to sound correct and not what those dictionaries actually say:

    Merriam-Webster's definition is "not popular : viewed or received unfavorably by the public" Oxford's definition is "not liked or enjoyed by a person, a group or people in general" Cambridge's definition is "not liked by many people"

    This is why you don't ask a LLM for factual information. It comes up with whatever it thinks sounds right, it doesn't actually go look up factual information for you.

  • Apple's new iPhone 15 is an underwhelming 'slap in the face,' say disappointed fans
  • The iPhone's portrait mode uses actual depth information captured from the separate depth sensor. The new feature is that it will always capture the depth information for every picture you take so that at a later point you can use it to blur parts of the image at different depths. Google's version of portrait mode just uses image recognition to detect what's in the background. It does a good job, but not as good as if it had actual depth information.

  • external monitor adjust brightness
  • It's called the DDC protocol by the way. Like someone else mentioned, Twinkle Tray is a great option for windows, as is ClickMonitorDDC if you don't want to use windows store apps.

  • Which side are you? Javascript or Typescript
  • Just fyi, while they don't help with running TS in the browser, the Bun and Deno runtimes both natively run TS without any compilation.

  • My carryonable 3d printer
  • The Positron 3D manages the folding aspect really well. Definitely worth checking out how it works:

  • GitHub to require 2FA on accounts by October 6, 2023
  • Yes I'm sure, hence why I specifically mentioned that. Try the sign up procedure yourself. It REQUIRES 2fa and it has to be Authy's non-standard token or SMS. No option for regular TOTP.

  • GitHub to require 2FA on accounts by October 6, 2023
  • Sendgrid's only options for 2FA are Authy (their proprietary token generation, no option for TOTP) or SMS. Tried signing up the other day and was surprised to find no option to use standard TOTP.

  • Chromium Blog: Towards HTTPS by default
  • It does specifically say "defaulting to https:// if the site supports it", so I think specifying http will still work if the site doesn't actually support https.

  • Over half of US student loan borrowers racked up credit card debt during the payment pause—now experts worry about 'shock'
  • No, you jumping to stupid conclusions based on a clickbait headline might though.

    If you actually read the article, the data they're quoting says nothing about debt increasing, only that the number of people in that age range with credit cards increased in the few years around when the loan payment pause. You know why that might have happened? Maybe because around the same time covid was happening and everything moved online and needed a card instead of using cash?

  • Why do I always need to rationalize use of proper architecture?
  • Also to add that "well known principles and approaches" doesn't always equal good, readable, maintainable code; especially when it comes to a lot of OOP principles. Abstracting everything into a Factory/Decorator/whatever pattern you might think is the best approach after having only worked with OOP principles your whole career is almost always not what's actually the best way to structure things. In fact the code OP is complaining about may not even be that bad, it might just look so to someone who has no familiarity with any programming practices (like FP) that are outside their bubble.

  • What working as an adult would be like according to your third grade writing teacher.
  • That's a nice font, it reminds me of Comic Code which is what I use for coding and in the terminal.

  • New house, new server - step 1: update diagram
  • I personally use Pterodactyl for my Minecraft servers because it's versatile enough that it can host any game server, not just Minecraft. It's pretty much guaranteed that any game you'll want to host will already have an install script someone has made for it.

  • lily LittleLily
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