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Dunes vs Star Wars
  • I was like Star Wars ripped off Dune! Oh wait…

  • The four houses dads belong to.
  • Proof of this? YouTubers have opened up both sets. They aren’t the same.

  • The four houses dads belong to.
  • Owned by same company does not mean same tool. I own a bunch of m12 fuel and some Ryobi too. My Milwaukee stuff kicks the pants off of Ryobi but it is also a lot more expensive.

  • AI-screened eye pics diagnose childhood autism with 100% accuracy
  • It’s apparently good at 100% at classifying autism in groups that have already been flagged for high chance of ASD. It is not good at just any old picture.

  • TikTok requires users to “forever waive” rights to sue over past harms
  • That’s not a common thing in American contracts. Severability clauses take care of that.

  • 3 months later, finally finished
  • OOOOOH. I love that map. Great job!

  • Is this my fault? What you do think?
  • Being ahead of P1 is the only reason I went for it. P1 had to have seen me right?

  • YouTube is deliberately crippling Firefox on ARM systems
  • That’s gonna be a lawsuit…

  • What Film Are You Surprised Didn't Get A Sequel?
  • Exactly! Or was the goal of the aliens to convert all of the earth’s bio mass into more prawns but there was a screw up and no queen caste was present?

  • What Film Are You Surprised Didn't Get A Sequel?
  • Hell yea! I loved the worldbuilding of that movie. Give me more!

  • What's going on with Hunter Biden?
  • One small nitpick: it’s completely legal for a DA decide to charge/not charge for most (all?) crimes. Look up “prosecutorial discretion”.

  • Senator Warren calls out Apple for shutting down Beeper's 'iMessage to Android' solution
  • Yes. Most of my family / peers have iPhones. So iMessage is the standard for them. We use signal for the rest.

  • 23andMe frantically changed its terms of service to prevent hacked customers from suing
  • You’re referring to the contract concept of “consideration” which sometimes is the same as compensation but can also do doing/ not doing an action. Sometimes consideration isn’t required either, particularly if the original contract had adequate consideration and says future amendments don’t have to have it. (Depends a lot on which state). That may or may not matter here. It really depends on the specific terms at dispute and you can’t just assume it fixes this issue.

  • 23andMe frantically changed its terms of service to prevent hacked customers from suing
  • Like all good lawyer answers: maybe. I don’t know enough about the specific amended terms or their data breach. Courts sometimes enforce adhesion contacts and sometimes don’t. But retroactive in and of itself isn’t illegal; for example, if you could edit NOT retroactively settle a dispute, you’d have no settlement agreements.

  • 23andMe frantically changed its terms of service to prevent hacked customers from suing
  • Lawyer here: this isn’t necessarily correct and in America it’s state dependent. There are absolutely parts of the law you can waive, including negligence of a party which is likely your bungee jumping scenario with the rope snapping.

  • Hot lap challenges
  • I think I have that but not a bunch of DLC for it. Never got it truly working with my wheels and pedals but I'm willing to try again.

  • Had a fun F4 race at Spa on iRacing (lots of lead changes)
  • Thanks for the compliment! Sorry it took me so long to reply. My Lemmy got messed up.

  • Hot lap challenges

    Is anyone still interested in doing a hot lap challenge?

    Had a fun F4 race at Spa on iRacing (lots of lead changes)

    But, I got killed in Pouhon over and over... I got to figure out how to be faster through there. I must be too slow out of no name too.

    [Question] How do I get my subscribed communities to be sorted by alphabetical order?

    It appears that some are sorted alphabetically, and some are sorted by date subscribed. That's annoying when trying to find a specific community. Any pointers? Thanks!

    Edit: Specifically in the browser UI

    Edit 2: Apparently they are alphabetically sorted, but all the capitalized communities are first like this:

    "Apple, Banana, Zebra, apples, boing, zoo" I am trying to get to "Apple, apples, Banana, boing etc."

    OC: 32:9 5120x1440 Ducks in pond in Estes Park CO, June 2023 CC-BY-ND-NC

    Pic taken by me on a Canon R6, EF 100-400 LMkII, edited in lightroom classic.

    Pic is licensed CC-BY-ND-NC.

    OC (Mine) 32:9 panorama of Rocky Mountain National Forest in Estes Park, CO - June 2023

    Pic is CC-BY-ND-NC. Hope you like it!

    Taken by me with a Canon R6, and RF 24-105 F4L, and stitched in lightroom classic. :)

    Recommend your top 10 favorite races (but no Spoilers)

    So, I'm a returning F1 fan; I watched a bunch when Schumacher was on his streak. And then didn't get back into it until 2020 (pandemic boredom maybe?).

    What I haven't done is seen a lot of classic races; I've seen footage here and there. I watched the Senna documentary. But I haven't seen many of the "Best of" races. I was hoping some of the long-time fans would post their favorite 10 races to recommend that a fan watch for the first time. So no spoilers please.

    Republican Jesus lhx
    Thank you for these!

    I've had some great sensible chuckles from these memes; thanks for posting and keep them coming!

    Thanks all of you posters!

    I hadn't checked in on this /c/ in a while; it has a bunch of great stuff! Thanks for posting! I have a few panoramic shots I took that I need to crop into ultrawides; I'll post them up.

    Looking forward to seeing ultrawide wallpapers

    I recently got a 32:9 monitor (which I love). But definitely need some wallpapers.

    OculusQuest lhx
    Anyone have a Quest Pro?

    Thoughts about the Quest Pro versus Quest 3?

    lhx lhx
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